Interior designer Interview Questions

1)What experience do you have in this(interior design) field?
2)Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
3)If you were given the opportunity to choose a new career, would you, or are you happy with the choice you have made for yourself? What would your new choice be?
4)What motivates you to do your best on the job?
5)What is interior design
6)Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor
7)What have you done to improve your knowledge for the fast year?
8)What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
9)What do co-workers say about you?
10)What irritates you about co-workers?
11)What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
12)What type of earnings can a person entering this field hope to make? An entry-level and a current maximum salary would be helpful.
13)Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
14)What do you like least about your career?
15)What benefits are associated with your career both emotional and perk related. (ie. Cars, health benefits, paid vacations, ect.)
16)What qualities do you look for in a boss?
17)Was it necessary for you to relocate to a town other than where you lived as a child on order to obtain this job? Did you relocate by choice or did you not have to relocate?
18)Does salary differ according to geographic areas? Why might this be?
19)What courses did you take that helped you in this field?

ETL Dataware housing Interview

What are the various methods of getting incremental records or delta records from the ource systems?
getting incremental records from source systems to target can be done
by using incremental aggregation transformation

How can we use mapping variables in Informatica? Where do we use them?
After creating a variable, we can use it in any expression in a mapping or a mapplet. Als they can be used in source qualifier filter, user defined joins or extract overrides and in expression editor of reusable transformations.
Their values can change automatically between sessions.

Do we need an ETL tool? When do we go for the tools in the market?
ETL Tools are meant to extract, transform and load the data into Data Warehouse for decision making. Before the evolution of ETL Tools, the above mentioned ETL process was done manually by using SQL code created by programmers. This task was tedious and cumbersome in many cases since it involved many resources, complex coding and more work hours. On top of it, maintaining the code placed a great challenge among the programmers.
These difficulties are eliminated by ETL Tools since they are very powerful and they offer many advantages in all stages of ETL process starting from extraction, data cleansing, data profiling, transformation, debuggging and loading into data warehouse when compared to the old method.

How do we extract SAP data Using Informatica? What is ABAP?
What are IDOCS?
Go to source analser ,click on source,now u will get option ‘Import from SAP’
click on this now give your SAP access user,client,password and filter criteria as table name(so it will take lessertime).Afetr connecting ,import the sap source.
Now one important thing after finishing the map save it and generate ABAP Code for the map.Then only workflow will be running fine.

What are active transformation / Passive transformations?
ACTIVE Transformations:Transformations those can affect the number of records between Input and Output.
Passive Transformations:Transformations those do not  affect the number of records between Input and Output.

What is Informatica Metadata and where is it stored?
Informatica Metadate is nothing but the source definition, target definition and the transformations that have been built. They are stored in the respository server and is managed by Repository manager of the informatica client tool.

How do we call shell scripts from informatica?
You can use a Command task to call the shell scripts, in the following ways:
1. Standalone Command task. You can use a Command task anywhere in the workflow or worklet to run shell commands.
2. Pre- and post-session shell command. You can call a Command task as the pre- or post-session shell command for a Session task. For more information about specifying pre-session and post-session shell commands

What is latest version of Power Center / Power Mart?
Latest Ver of Power Center is 7.1 and Informatica stopped marketing powermart product.So right now powermart is not available in market.

Can we override a native sql query within Informatica? Where do we do it? How do we do it?
we can override a sql query in the sql override property of a source qualifier

Can we use procedural logic inside Infromatica? If yes how , if now how can we use external procedural logic in informatica?
We can use External Procedure Transformation to use external procedures. Both COM and Informatica Procedures are supported using External procedure Transformation

Techniques of Error Handling – Ignore , Rejecting bad records to a flat file , loading the records and reviewing them (default values)
Rejection of records either at the database due to constraint key violation or the informatica server when writing data into target table.These rejected records we can find in the badfiles folder where a reject file will be created for a session.we can check why a record has been rejected.And this bad file contains first column a row indicator and second column a column indicator.
These row indicators or of four types
D-valid data,
O-overflowed data,
N-null data,
T- Truncated data,
And depending on these indicators we can changes to load data successfully to target.

ETL Datawarehousing Interview questions 2

What is a staging area? Do we need it? What is the purpose of a staging area?
Staging area is place where you hold temporary tables on data warehouse server. Staging tables are connected to work area or fact tables. We basically need staging area to hold the data , and perform data cleansing and merging , before loading the data into warehouse.

What are the modules in Power Mart?
  1. PowerMart Designer
    2. Server
    3. Server Manager
    4. Repository
    5. Repository Manager 
  2. What is a three tier data warehouse?
    The 3 tiers are:
    1. Data tier – bottom tier – consists of the database
    2. Application tier – middle tier – consists of the analytical server
    3. Presentation tier – tier that interacts with the end-user 

    What are the various transformation available?
    The various type of transformation in informatica
    source qualifier
    sequence generator
    update strategy
    How to determine what records to extract?
    When addressing a table some dimension key must reflect the need for a record to get extracted. Mostly it will be from time dimension (e.g. date >= 1st of current mth) or a transaction flag (e.g. Order Invoiced Stat). Foolproof would be adding an archive flag to record which gets reset when record changes.

Dataware housing ETL Interview question and answers

What are snapshots? What are materialized views & where do we use them? What is a materialized view log?
Materialized view is a view in wich data is also stored in some temp table.i.e if we will go with the View concept in DB in that we only store query and once we call View it extract data from DB.But In materialized View data is stored in some temp tables.

What are the various tools?
The various ETL tools are as follows.
Business Objects Data Integrator
OLAp tools are as follows.
Business Objects 

Can Informatica load heterogeneous targets from heterogeneous sources?
yes! it loads from heterogeneous sources..

What is the difference between Power Center & Power Mart?
Power Center : we can connect to single and multiple Repositories, generally used in big Enterprices.
Power Mart : we can connect to only a single Repository.

What is a mapping, session, worklet, workflow, mapplet?
Mapping – represents the flow and transformation of data from source to taraget.
Mapplet – a group of transformations that can be called within a mapping.
Session – a task associated with a mapping to define the connections and other configurations for that mapping.
Workflow – controls the execution of tasks such as commands, emails and sessions.
Worklet – a workflow that can be called within a workflow.

What are parameter files ? Where do we use them?
Parameter file is any text file where u can define a value for the parameter defined in the informatica session, this parameter file can be referenced in the session properties,When the informatica sessions runs the values for the parameter is fetched from the specified file. For eg : $$ABC is defined in the infomatica mapping and the value for this variable is defined in the file called abc.txt as
ABC=’hello world”
In the session properties u can give in the parameter file name field abc.txt
What are the different Lookup methods used in Informatica?
connected lookup will receive input from the pipeline and sends output to the pipeline and can return any number of does not contain retun port .
Unconnected lookup can return only one column. it containn return port. 

Can we lookup a table from source qualifier transformation. ie. unconnected lookup
You cannot lookup from a source qualifier directly. However, you can override the SQL in the source qualifier to join with the lookup table to perform the lookup.

What is ODS (operation data source)
ODS is the Operational Data Source which is also called transactional data ODS is the source of a warehouse. Data from ODs is staged, transformed and then moved to datawarehouse.

What is the difference between etl tool and olap tools
ETL tool is ment for extraction data from the legecy systems and load into specified data base with some process of cleansing data.
ex: Informatica,data stage ….etc
OLAP is ment for Reporting OLAP data avaliable in Mulitidimectional model. so that u can write smple query to extract data fro the data base.ex: Businee objects,Cognos….etc

What is Full load & Incremental or Refresh load?
By Full Load or One-time load we mean that all the data in the Source table(s) should be processed. This contains historical data usually. Once the historical data is loaded we keep on doing incremental loads to process the data that came after one-time load.

What is partitioning? What are the types of partitioning?
Partitioning is a part of physical data warehouse design that is carried out to improve performance and simplify stored-data management. Partitioning is done to break up a large table into smaller, independently-manageable components because it:
1. reduces work involved with addition of new data.
2. reduces work involved with purging of old data.
Two types of partitioning are:
1. Horizontal partitioning.
2. Vertical partitioning (reduces efficiency in the context of a data warehouse).

ETL tool Interview questions

What is the metadata extension?
Informatica allows end users and partners to extend the metadata stored in the repository by associating information with individual objects in the repository. For example, when you create a mapping, you can store your contact information with the mapping. You associate information with repository metadata using metadata extensions.
Informatica Client applications can contain the following types of metadata extensions:
  • Vendor-defined. Third-party application vendors create vendor-defined metadata extensions. You can view and change the values of vendor-defined metadata extensions, but you cannot create, delete, or redefine them.
  • User-defined. You create user-defined metadata extensions using PowerCenter/PowerMart. You can create, edit, delete, and view user-defined metadata extensions. You can also change the values of user-defined extensions.
 What are the various test procedures used to check whether the data is loaded in the backend, performance of the mapping, and quality of the data loaded in INFORMATICA.
The best procedure to take a help of debugger where we monitor each and every process of mappings and how data is loading based on conditions breaks.

Explain the process of extracting data from source systems,storing in ODS and how data modelling is done.
There are various ways of Extracting Data from Source Systems.For example , You can use a DATA step, an Import Process .It depends with your input data styles. What kind of File/database it is residing in. Storing ur data in an ODS can be done thru an ODS stmt/export stmt/FILE stmt, again which depends on the file & data format ,You want your output to be in.

Where do we use connected and un connected loops
If return port only one then we can go for unconnected. More than one return port is not possible with Unconnected. If more than one return port then go for Connected.

Where do we use connected and un connected lookups
If return port only one then we can go for unconnected. More than one return port is not possible with Unconnected.  If more than one return port then go for Connected. 

Where do we use semi and non additive facts
Additve: A masure can participate arithmatic calulatons using all or any demensions.
Ex: Sales profit
Semi additive: A masure can participate arithmatic calulatons using some demensions.
Ex: Sales amount
Non Additve:A masure can’t  participate arithmatic calulatons using demensions.
Ex: temparature

What is Entity relation?? How is works with Datawarehousing ETL modeling
:Entity is nothing but an Object, it has characteristics.We call entity in terms of Logical view.The entity is called as a table in terms of Physical view.
The Entity relationship is nothing but maintaining a primary key,foreign key relation between the tables for keeping the data and satisfying the Normal form.
There are 4 types of Entity Relationships.
1.One-One, 2.One-Many, 3.Many-One 4.Many-Many
In the Datawarehouse modeling Entity Relationship is nothing but,a Relationship between dimension and facts tables(ie:Primary,foreign key relations between these tables).
The fact table getting data from dimensions tables because it containing primary keys of dimension tables as a foreign keys for getting summarized data for each record.

ETL Dataware housing Interview questions

Explain why and where do we exactly use the lookup tranformations.
You can use the Lookup transformation to perform many tasks, including:
 Get a related value. For example, your source includes employee ID, but you want to
include the employee name in your target table to make your summary data easier to read.
  Perform a calculation. Many normalized tables include values used in a calculation, such as gross sales per invoice or sales tax, but not the calculated value (such as net sales).
 Update slowly changing dimension tables. You can use a Lookup transformation to
determine whether rows already exist in the target.

How do you tell aggregator stage that input data is already sorted
By enablign sorted input property in Aggregator Properties

What are push and pull etl strategies?Push and Pull strategies determine how data comes from source system to ETL server.
Push : In this case the Source system pushes data i.e.(sends data) to the ETL server.
Pull : In this case the ETL server pulls data i.e.(gets data) from the source system.

What is the Difference between a ODS and Staging Area
ODS :-Operational Data Store which contains data .
ods comes after the staging area
In  our e.g lets consider that we have day level Granularity in the OLTP & Year level Granularity in the Data warehouse.
If  the business(manager) asks for  week level Granularity then we have to go to the oltp and summarize  the day level to the week level which would be pain taking.So wat we do is that we maintain  week level Granularity in the ods for the data,for  abt  30 to 90 days.
Note : Ods information would contain cleansed data only. ie after staging area
Staging Area :-
It comes after the etl has finished.Staging Area consists of
1.Meta Data .
2.The  work area where we apply our complex business rules.
3.Hold the data and do calculations.
In other words we can say that its a temp work area.
How you capture changes in data if the source system does not have option of storing date/time field in source table from where you need to extract the data?
The DW database can be Oracle or Teradata. The requirement here is to pull data from source system and ETL need to device a mechanism to identify the changes or new records. The source system can be a legacy system like AS400 application or Mainframe application. List out all such methods of data capture. The ETL can be Informatica, data stage or custom etl code.
If LKP on target table is taken, can we update the rows without update strategy transformation?
yes, by using dynamic lookup

In what scenario ETL coding is preferred than Database level SQL,PL/SQL coding?
Data scrubbing process is difficult. That is, file contains date column like 20070823 but data warehouse requires date as 08/23/2007 in that case it is difficult.

Netapp shortcut keys,Hot keys

Just a few commands which we use frequently while on console.

CTRL+W = It deletes the word before cursor
CTRL+R = Rewrites the entire line you have entered
CTRL+U = Deletes the whole line
CTRL+A = Go to start of the line
CTRL+E = Go to end of the line
CTRL+K = Delete all the following texts
A few more commands are there but I feel arrow keys work better then you press these sequences like
CTRL+F = Right arrow

CTRL+B = Left arrow
CTRL+P = Up arrow
CTRL+N = Down arrow
CTRL+I = Tab key

Netapp Commands

SnapManager for VI 1.0 (Virtual Infrastructure)
In Vmware environments:
1. snapshots may not be granular enough.

2. vmware is best in NFS than ISCSI.
3. Traditional backups disadvantages.. (i) dont match your VI (ii) No cpu power left on the server.
4. Recommended.. only 4 snapshot copies a day.
5. how SMVI works.. (i) Backup initiated. (ii) Vm snapshot copy created. (iii) Snapmanager for VI triggers instant NetApp snapshot. (iv) vm snapshot removed.
6. only VMFS/NFS support. No RDM support.
7. Protocols - ISCSI, FCP, NFS.
8. snapmirror is integrated.
9. Backup scheduling and retention policies
10. SMVI only support netapp storage.
11. Efficiently meet the backup and DR needs of your ESX environment. (i) Leverages netapp snapshot tech (ii) provides a way to restore VM and data stores

Snap Manager

SnapManager provides rapid online backup and near instantaneous restoration of Exchange databases by using online Snapshot™ technology that is part of the Data ONTAP® software and integrating the Microsoft Exchange backup and restore APIs and VSS. SnapManager can also leverage the SnapMirror capabilities of storage systems to provide on-site or off-site SnapManager backup set mirroring for disaster recovery.

Data management:

SnapManager supports the following data management capabilities:
· Migrating Exchange databases and transaction logs to LUNs on storage systems
· Backing up Exchange databases and transaction logs from LUNs on storage systems
· Verifying the backed-up Exchange databases and transaction logs
· Managing the SnapManager backup sets
· Restoring Exchange databases and transaction logs from previously created SnapManager backup sets
· You can use SnapManager to create offline archives of Snapshot copies containing Exchange backup sets for long term or remote backup storage.
Three different archive methods are supported:
1. Manually initiated archival using NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) or the storage system's dump command

2. Manually initiated archival using a Windows backup utility
3. Automatic archival using the Run Command After Operation feature with your backup operation

The SnapVault software can be used to archive backup sets.

What Snap Manager does NOT do:

SnapManager 4.0 for Microsoft Exchange does not support the following uses:

* SnapManager does not support the capability to restore individual mailboxes or public folders.
* SnapManager does not support SnapDrive versions prior to 4.2.1.
* SnapManager does not create or restore backups of Microsoft Exchange databases that are stored on storage devices that are provided by companies other than NetApp.
* SnapManager does not support Microsoft Windows 2000.
* SnapManager does not restore Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 databases to an alternate location.
* SnapManager does not backup and restore Microsoft Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000 databases.
* SnapManager is not supported for use on Windows Server 2003 IA-64 edition.

VIFS on NetApp
Vifs (Virtual interfaces) are used for multi-homing and load balancing. A Single mode vif is for failovers only and Multi-mode vif is for load balancing, but you can use a combination of multi-mode and single mode to be fully redundant and load balanced.

For more information on VIFS please check the NetApp now site.

To create a single mode vif
vif create single sample-vif0 e0a e0c
To configure an interface to use a vif
ifconfig sample-vif0 `hostname`-pub mediatype auto netmask wins partner cluster-vif0
Make sure you reference the vif name not the interface name
To view all interfaces including vifs
Ifconfig –a
To view a single interface or vif (note you must view the vif in order to see ip address)
Ifconfig sample e0a
Ifconfig sample-vif0
To view all vifs status
vif status
To view single vif
vif status sample-vif0
To view statistics
vif stat sample-vif0
If you need to remove an interface from a vif
vif delete sample-vif0 e0c (This will remove e0c from sample-vif0)
To favor one interface in a VIF (this always be the one that's used if up, if it ever goes down and then comes back up it will fail back to it)
vif favor e0a
To see more commands type the following at a command prompt.
Vif ?

Veritas cluster services Interview questions

1. How do check the status of VERITAS Cluster Server aka VCS ?
Ans: hastatus –sum3

2. Which is the main config file for VCS and where it is located?
Ans: is the main configuration file for VCS and it is located in /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config.

3. Which command you will use to check the syntax of the
Ans: hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config

4. How will you check the status of individual resources of VCS cluster?
Ans: hares –state

5. What is the service group in VCS ?
Ans: Service group is made up of resources and their links which you normally requires to maintain the HA of application.

6. What is the use of halink command ?
Ans: halink is used to link the dependencies of the resources

7. What is the difference between switchover and failover ?
Ans: Switchover is an manual task where as failover is automatic. You can switchover service group from online cluster node to offline cluster node in case of power outage, hardware failure, schedule shutdown and reboot. But the failover will failover the service group to the other node when VCS heartbeat link down, damaged, broken because of some disaster or system hung.

8. What is the use of hagrp command ?
Ans: hagrp is used for doing administrative actions on service groups like online, offline, switch etc.

9. How to switchover the service group in VCS ?
Ans: hagrp –switch -to

10. How to online the service groups in VCS ?
Ans: hagrp –online -sy

VXVM Interview Question and answers

VXVM Interview Question and answers
1. Name the mandatory disk group in VxVM 3.5 ? How will you configure VxVM in 3.5 ?
ANS: rootdg is the mandatory disk group in VxVM 3.5, vxinstall is the command to configure VxVM, It will create the disk groups, initializes the disks and adds them to the group.

2. How will you create private and shared disk group using VxVM ?
ANS: For Private DG:
Command: vxdg init
For Shared DG:
Command: vxdg -s init < disk1 disk2 disk3 >

3. Which are the different layouts for volumes in VxVM ?
ANS: mirror, stripe, concat (default one), raid5, stripe-mirror, mirror-stripe.

4. What is the basic difference between private disk group and shared disk group ?
ANS: Private DG: The DG which is only visible for the host on which you have created it, if the host is a part of cluster, the private DG will not be visible to the other cluster nodes.
Shared DG: The DG which is sharable and visible to the other cluster nodes.

5. How will you add new disk to the existing disk group ?
ANS: Run vxdiskadm command, which will open menu driven program to do various disk operations, select add disks option or you can use another command vxdiskadd.

6. How will you grow/shrink the volume/file system ? What is the meaning of growby and growto options ? What is the meaning on shrinkto and shrinkby options ?
ANS: vxassist command is used to do all volume administration, following is the description and syntax.
Growby option: This is will grow your file system by adding new size to the existing file system.
Growto option: This will grow your file system as per the new size. This WILL NOT ADD new size to the existing one.
Shrinkby option: This will shrink your file system by reducing new size from existing file system.
Shrinkto option: This will shrink your file system as per the new size. This WILL NOT REDUCE the file system by reducing new size.
vxassist -g [growto, growby, shrinkto, shrinkby] length

7. How will you setup and unsetup disks explicitly using VxVM ?
ANS: You can use /etc/vx/bin/vxdiskunsetup to unsetup the disk, and /etc/vx/vxdisksetup to setup the disk.

8. How will you list the disks, which are in different disk groups ?
ANS: vxdisk list is the command will list the disks from the DG which is currently imported, you can check the same using vxprint command too. vxdisk -o alldgs list command list all the disks which are in different dg's.

9. What is the private region in VxVM ?
ANS: Private region stores the structured VxVM information, it also stores the disk ID and disk geometry. In short words it has metadata of the disk.

10. If, vxdisk list command gives you disks status as "error", what steps you will follow to make the respective disks online ?
ANS: If you faced this issue because of fabric disconnection then simply do vxdisk scandisks, otherwise unsetup the disk using using /etc/vx/bin/vxdiskunsetup and setup the disks again using /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup, this will definitely help! [ /etc/vx/bin/vxdiskunsetup will remove the private region from the disk and destroys data, backup the data before using this option]

Define RAID? Which one you feel is good choice?

Define RAID? Which one you feel is good choice?

RAID (Redundant array of Independent Disks) is a technology to achieve redundancy with faster I/O. There are Many Levels of RAID to meet different needs of the customer which are: R0, R1, R3, R4, R5, R10, R6.

Generally customer chooses R5 to achieve better redundancy and speed and it is cost effective.
R0 – Striped set without parity/[Non-Redundant Array].
Provides improved performance and additional storage but no fault tolerance. Any disk failure destroys the array, which becomes more likely with more disks in the array. A single disk failure destroys the entire array because when data is written to a RAID 0 drive, the data is broken into fragments. The number of fragments is dictated by the number of disks in the drive. The fragments are written to their respective disks simultaneously on the same sector. This allows smaller sections of the entire chunk of data to be read off the drive in parallel, giving this type of arrangement huge bandwidth. RAID 0 does not implement error checking so any error is unrecoverable. More disks in the array means higher bandwidth, but greater risk of data loss
R1 - Mirrored set without parity.

Provides fault tolerance from disk errors and failure of all but one of the drives. Increased read performance occurs when using a multi-threaded operating system that supports split seeks, very small performance reduction when writing. Array continues to operate so long as at least one drive is functioning. Using RAID 1 with a separate controller for each disk is sometimes called duplexing.

R3 - Striped set with dedicated parity/Bit interleaved parity.

This mechanism provides an improved performance and fault tolerance similar to RAID 5, but with a dedicated parity disk rather than rotated parity stripes. The single parity disk is a bottle-neck for writing since every write requires updating the parity data. One minor benefit is the dedicated parity disk allows the parity drive to fail and operation will continue without parity or performance penalty.

R4 - Block level parity.

Identical to RAID 3, but does block-level striping instead of byte-level striping. In this setup, files can be distributed between multiple disks. Each disk operates independently which allows I/O requests to be performed in parallel, though data transfer speeds can suffer due to the type of parity. The error detection is achieved through dedicated parity and is stored in a separate, single disk unit.

R5 - Striped set with distributed parity.
Distributed parity requires all drives but one to be present to operate; drive failure requires replacement, but the array is not destroyed by a single drive failure. Upon drive failure, any subsequent reads can be calculated from the distributed parity such that the drive failure is masked from the end user. The array will have data loss in the event of a second drive failure and is vulnerable until the data that was on the failed drive is rebuilt onto a replacement drive.

R6 - Striped set with dual distributed Parity.

Provides fault tolerance from two drive failures; array continues to operate with up to two failed drives. This makes larger RAID groups more practical, especially for high availability systems. This becomes increasingly important because large-capacity drives lengthen the time needed to recover from the failure of a single drive. Single parity RAID levels are vulnerable to data loss until the failed drive is rebuilt: the larger the drive, the longer the rebuild will take. Dual parity gives time to rebuild the array without the data being at risk if one drive, but no more, fails before the rebuild is complete.

Containers in Android

Containers in Android Android like other language have containers, these containers hold components together to form the design of your application. Having knowledge in java and in other xml based design, you sometimes what to jump into knowing what the containers and components are.

For the people who don't have knowledge in flex,xul,wpf or even html, in every layout you have components or view(in android) and these components have a parent that holds them, these parent components are called container or layouts or view group(android), now parents have different layouts and this is what this post is about. In the following post after this article, i shall give you some example of the basic view.

But for now i want to link to other sites that might help you to understand it, these sites might explain it better then i do so on our future post i'll try to limit the explanation and focus more on examples.
Official wiki:

Android Tutorials : Display contact name

Android Tutorials : Display contact name
There are a lot of tutorial on this but most of them either failed when you run the codes or they forgat to tell you something, while i don't guaranty anything coz it took me 3 hours to figure what's wrong with what i was doing, i would try to make it as simple as i can.
First of all when you need to read Contacts on android, you need the user's permission that you will read their contact list. To do this

* Open AndroidManifest.xml and add the following codes in between manifest tags
  uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"(close brackets)

/uses-permission(open and close brackets)

- On eclipse, open AndroidManifest.xml then go to Permissions Tab, Click Add, Click on "Uses Permission", on the right side, on the name field select android.permission.READ_CONTACTS

After adding the permission, let us go to the codes: On your codes,

import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.provider.Contacts.People;
import android.widget.ListAdapter;
import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter;
public class Main extends ListActivity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Cursor contactsCursor = this.managedQuery(People.CONTENT_URI,
null, null, null, null);
String[] columnsToMap = new String[] {People.NAME};
int[] mapTo = new int[] {};
ListAdapter mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
contactsCursor, columnsToMap, mapTo);

A brief explanation to the core codes:

Cursor contactsCursor = this.managedQuery(People.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);

-- This would query our Contacts, you can treat this somehow like SQL statement, we query the People.CONTENT_URI model, you can find out what the null represents in here

-- Tell it to start managing this cursor
String[] columnsToMap = new String[] {People.NAME};
-- As stated, you can treat this as sql, what we just did here is that we put the field People.NAME to an Array of String, you may have many fields as possible in this array. Here you can see we use People.NAME instead of a string field name, well this is the same except the class People has a static variable named NAME which translate to the string field name. The whole list of possible fields are in here
int[] mapTo = new int[] {};
-- This part is confusing but to explain it, we would map the People.NAME field to a textbox, now where did we specify the textbox?
ListAdapter mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, contactsCursor, columnsToMap, mapTo);

-- SimpleCursorAdaptor would bind/map our Cursor with our layout, you can refer here on what the parameters represent. The 2nd parameter here is layout, android by default has a lot of layout given to you by default, one of the layout that it has is the simple_list_item_1 layout, the 2nd comment on this thread would help you understand why we need the textbox mentioned on the top. The 3rd parameter is our cursor, the fourth is the fields/columns we need from our cursor to be mapped to our fifth parameters.

Hope i didn't confuse you and hope it helps :)

Android Tutorials : icon next to Radio button

Android Tutorials : icon next to Radio button

Following code shows how to display icon next to radio button
close bracts to below code
RadioButton android:id="@+id/RadioButton01"

Here you can see 4 locations where you can put the icons, mainly top, right, bottom and left. The names are android:drawableTop, android:drawableRight, android:drawableBottom and android:drawableLeft.

What does it mean by rendering of page in JSF?

What does it mean by rendering of page in JSF?
Every JSF page as described has various components made with the help of JSF library. JSF may contain h:form, h:inputText, h:commandButton, etc. Each of these are rendered (translated) to HTML output. This process is called encoding. The encoding procedure also assigns each component with a unique ID assigned by framework. The ID generated is random.

Logical Reasoning Number series Questions

1. Look at this series: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ... What number should come next?
A. 11 
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
2. Look at this series: 58, 52, 46, 40, 34, ... What number should come next?
A. 26
C. 30
 D. 32
3. Look at this series: 40, 40, 47, 47, 54, ... What number should come next?
A. 40
B. 44
D. 61
4. Look at this series: 544, 509, 474, 439, ... What number should come next?
B. 414
C. 420
D. 445
5. Look at this series: 201, 202, 204, 207, ... What number should come next?
A. 205
B. 208
C. 210
D. 211
6. Look at this series: 8, 22, 8, 28, 8, ... What number should come next?
A. 9
B. 29
C. 32
7. Look at this series: 80, 10, 70, 15, 60, ... What number should come next?
B. 25
C. 30
 D. 50
8. Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, ... What number should come next?
A. 20
C. 23
D. 26
9. Look at this series: 22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, ... What number should come next?
A. 22
B. 24
D. 26
10. Look at this series: 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, ... What number should come next?
A. 7
B. 10
C. 14

What is an orthogonal base class?

What is an orthogonal base class? 
If two base classes have no overlapping methods or data they are said to be independent of, or orthogonal to each other. Orthogonal in the sense means that two classes operate in different dimensions and do not interfere with each other in any way. The same derived class may inherit such classes with no difficulty

Name some pure object oriented languages?

Name some pure object oriented languages?
Smalltalk, Java, Eiffel, Sather.

What is a node class?

What is a node class?
A node class is a class that,
* relies on the base class for services and implementation,
* provides a wider interface to the users than its base class,
* relies primarily on virtual functions in its public interface
* depends on all its direct and indirect base class
* can be understood only in the context of the base class
* can be used as base for further derivation
* can be used to create objects.
A node class is a class that has added new services or functionality beyond the services inherited from its base class.

What is a container class? What are the types of container classes?

A container class is a class that is used to hold objects in memory or external storage. A container class acts as a generic holder. A container class has a predefined behavior and a well-known interface. A container class is a supporting class whose purpose is to hide the topology used for maintaining the list of objects in memory. When a container class contains a group of mixed objects, the container is called a heterogeneous container; when the container is holding a group of objects that are all the same, the container is called a homogeneous container.

Syndicate Bank PO(probationary officer )paper

 Syndicate bank po question paper
1. ‘Captain’ is related to a ‘Team’ in the same way as ‘Director’ is related to
(1) Supervisor  (2) Employee
(3) Organisation  (4) Union
(5) Customer
2. Find the odd one out of the following options
(1) Aunt  (2) Child
(3) Father  (4) Niece
(5) Relation
3. Pointing to a photograph of Mahesh, Ram said. “The father of his sister is the husband of my wife’s mother”. How is Ram related to Mahesh?
(1) Brother (2) Brother-in-law
(3) Father-in-law  (4) Data not sufficient
(5) None of these
4. If ‘fork’ is called ‘plate’, ‘plate’ is called ‘knife’, ‘knife’ is called ‘jug’, ‘jug’ is called ‘glass’, ‘glass’ is called ‘cup’ and ‘cup’ is called ‘fork’, by what do we cut fruit?
(1) spoon (2) jug
(3) glass (4) saucer
(5) none of these
5. If ‘a’ is substituted by 26,’B’ by 25 and so on up to ‘Z’ which is substituted by 1, what will be the sum of the numbers substituted for the word ‘XRAY’?
(1) 33 (2) 40
(3) 37 (4) 73
(5) None of these
6. In a certain code COIMBATORE is written as DPJNCBUPSF. How is INDORE written in that code?
(5) None of these
7. Geeta is elder to Seeta but not to Deepa. Gayatri is younger than Deepa. No one is elder to Fatima. Who is youngest of them all?
(1) Seeta (2) Geeta
(3) Gayatri (4) Data not sufficient
(5) None of these
8. Raman is sitting to the immediate left of Harry but not next to Kamal. Mahesh is sitting to the right of Kamal. If the four friends are sitting in a circle who is sitting to the immediate right of Harry?
(1) Mahesh (2) Kamal
(3) Raman (4) Harry
(5) Cannot be determined
9. How many three letter meaningful English words can be formed from the word NOTE beginning with ‘T’ and without repeating any letter?
(1) Three (2) One
(3) Two (4) None
(5) None of these
Directions (11-15): Answer question 11 to 15 based on the following sequence:  A $ B # 9 G 3D K « M ? C Q 2 X 7 P 5 U 8 I 4 Y ə J
11. How many elements in the above arrangement are both immediately preceded and immediately followed by a number?
(1) One (2) Two
(3) Three (4) Five
(5) None of these
12. Which of the following will be the fifteenth element from the left end if all the numbers are arranged in descending order from left to right, keeping the position of the other elements in arrangement un-changed?
(1) 5 (2) 4
(3) 7 (4) 8
(5) None of these
13. How many letters in the above arrangement are immediately followed by a symbol?
(1) Two (2) Five
(3) Four (4) Three
(5) None of these
14. Which of the following will be eighth to the left of the twelfth from the left end of the arrangement?
(1) # (2) 7
(3) U (4) 9
(5) None of these
15. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their position in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(1) G$M (2) K9Q
(3) ?D7 (4) 2MU
(5) PCI
16. In a certain code language’ In ba pe’ means ‘he has won’,’le ki ba’ means ‘she has lost’ and ‘in se pe’ means ‘he always won’. Which word in that language means ‘he’?
(1) in (2) pe
(3) se (4) Data not sufficient
(5) None of these
17. X is Y’s brother. S is T’s mother and X’s aunt. How is T related to X?
(1) Sister (2) Cousin
(3) Aunt (4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
18. If the letters of the word OBSERVANT are interchanged, such that the first becomes ninth, second becomes eighth, and so on, and the position of the fifth letter remains unchanged then what will be the new arrangement of letters?
(5) None of these
19. If 1 is coded as Ś, 5 is coded as %, 6 is coded as «, 3 is coded as +, 7 is coded as # and 4 is coded as ? What will be the correct form of the number 435671?
(1) ? + % « # Ś (2) ? + % Ś # «
(3) ? + « % # Ś (4) Ś # « % + ?
(5) None of these
20. Which of the following have the same relationship as BREAD:DBARE?
(5) None of these
Directions (21-25): Read the following information and attempt the given questions: Six executive Aman, Bindu, Deepa, Jitu, Kamal and Priyanka have to advertise four products i.e. soap, watches, computers and chocolates on 3 different channels, i.e. Go, Come and Fun either alone or in pairs. An executive can visit only one channel and advertise only one product. No more than two executives can advertise on a channel.
(i) Bindu and Jitu both visit the same channel but advertise different products.
(ii) Aman who visits ‘Go’ advertises neither soap nor computers.
(iii) Kamal does not advertise chocolates.
(iv) No girl advertises soap.
(v) The two executives who advertise chocolates visit Spice

21. Who advertises watches?
(1) Deepa (2) Kamal
(3) Aman (4) Priyanka
(5) None of these
22. Which of the following Channel-product pairs in definitely incorrect?
(1) Go-watch (2) Come-computer
(3) Go-soap (4) Come-soap
(5) Come-watch
23. Which channel does Kamal visit?
(1) Go (2) Fun
(3) Come (4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
24. If Bipasha advertises computers which of the following must be true?
(1) Jitu advertises soap (2) Jitu advertises watches
(3) Kamal advertises computers (4) Kamal works for Fun
(5) None of these
25. What will Jitu advertise?
(1) Chocolates (2) Watches
(3) Computers or watches (4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
26. Swaroop and Simple want to attend a seminar together between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. Simple cannot leave till after her lunch break which begins at 1.30 p.m. Swaroop is free after her meeting which ends at noon. For how many hours can the two of them attend the seminar?
(1) 3 ½ hours (2) 2 ½ hours
(3) 4 ½ hours (4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
27. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ANSWER each of which has as many letters between them in the word as there are in the English language?
(1) One (2) Two
(3) Four (4) Three
(5) None of these
28. Find the odd one out
(1) 2 (2) 7 (3) 11 (4) 13 (5) 9
29. If all the letters in the word MERCIFUL are rearranged in alphabetical order and substituted by the alphabet preceding them in the English alphabet what will be the new arrangement of letters?
(5) None of these
30. Out of 38 families in a housing society 5 subscribe to Hindi news-papers alone, 12 subscribe to both Hindi and Marathi newspapers. Find the number of Maranthi news-paper subscribers.
(1) 9 (2) 21
(3) 17 (4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
Directions (31-35): Below are given letters and their numeric codes. Below that are given some conditions to be followed while codifying the given letter groups in each question. Study them and find out the correct numeric coded form of the given letter group in each question. If none of the coded forms is correct, your answer will be (5) i.e. ‘None of these’.
Letters M Q I N E Y U G R
Numeric Codes 2 5 3 7 1 8 4 6 9
(i) If the first and last letters are vowels both are to be coded as Ś.
(ii) If the second letter is a vowel and the third letter is a consonant a single code is to be used and both are to be coded jointly as %.
(iii) If the first letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel both are to be coded as?
(1) 1%28 (2) ?732?
(3) 17328 (4) ?7328
(5) None of these
(1) ?173? (2) 6%39
(3) 6%79 (4) 61739
(5) None of these
(1) 5%93 (2) ?413?
(3) ?4139 (4) ?419?
(5) None of these
(1) 1%72 (2) 0%42
(3) 1374? (4) 1%43
(5) None of these
(1) Ś769 Ś (2) 4769 Ś
(3) 47691 (4) Ś7691
(5) None of these
Directions (36-40): In each question below are two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follows.
Give answer (2)
if only conclusion II follows.
Give answer (3)
if either conclusion I or II follows.
Give answer (4)
if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Give answer (5)
if both conclusions I or II follow.
36. Statements: Some pencils are lead. All lead are ink
I. Some ink are pencils.
II. All ink are lead.
37. Statements: Some ovens are refrigerator. Some refrigerators are ACs.
I. Some ACs are ovens.
II. No. AC is oven.
38. Statements: All planes are birds. All birds are clouds.
I. Some planes are clouds.
II. Some clouds are birds.
39. Statements: Some sweets are salt. No salt in spice.
I.. Some sweets are spice.
II. No spice is salt.
40. Statements: Some papers are plastics. All papers are clothes.
I. Some plastics are clothes.
II. Some plastics are papers.
Directions (41-45): Each of the following questions below consists a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide if the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both statements and:
Give answer (1) if the data in statements I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II is not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (2)
if the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (3)
if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (4)
if the data in both the statements I and II are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (5)
if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
41. How is ‘cricket’ written in a code language?
I. ‘Dinesh play cricket’ is written as ‘do si ha’.
II. ‘play cricket now’ is written as ‘ha si ma’.
42. Who is the oldest among L, M, N, O,P?
I. P is older than M and N but not O.
II. L is older than O.
43. When is Rahul’s birthday?
I. Rahul and Shivani are twins.
II. Rahul was born on the last day of February in a leap year.
44. What is the strength of the class?
I. Shekhar stood 28 ranks below the top ranker and Mahesh who stood 5 ranks below him stood last.
II. Jayesh was 9 ranks below Ramesh who stood 27th from the top.
45. How far does Shruti live from the school?
I. Shruti has to cycle 3 kms. To her friend Mina’s house which is 4 kms. From thee school.
II. Gitanjali lives exactly opposite the school and walks 2 kms. to reach Shruti’s house.
Directions (46-50): The following questions are based on the five three digit numbers given below: 972 526 487 359 251
46. If the positions of the firs and second digits are interchanged which of the following will be third if they are arranged in ascending order?
(1) 359 (2) 972
(3) 526 (4) 487
(5) 251
47. If 2 is added to the sum of the digits of each of the above numbers how many will be multiples of 5?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) None of these
48. If 1 is subtracted from the last digit of each of the above numbers the sum of the digits of how many of them are prime numbers?
(1) None (2) Two
(3) One (4) Three
(5) All five
49. If the digits in each of the above numbers are written in reverse order which will be the second highest number?
(1) 251 (2) 359
(3) 487 (4) 526
(5) 972
50. If the positions of the digits of each of the numbers are interchanged such that the first becomes second, second becomes third and third becomes firs, which, of the following will be the highest?
(1) 972 (2) 526
(3) 487 (4) 251
(5) 359

Answer Key for Mental Aptitude Reasoning

1. (3) 2. (5) 3. (2) 4. (2) 5. (2)
6. (3) 7. (4) 8. (2) 9. (1) 10. (1)
11. (4) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (5)
16. (4) 17. (2) 18. (5) 19. (1) 20. (5)
21. (3) 22. (4) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (3)
26. (1) 27. (2) 28. (5) 29. (2) 30. (5)
31. (3) 32. (2) 33. (4) 34. (5) 35. (1)
36. (1) 37. (3) 38. (5) 39. (2) 40. (5)
41. (4) 42. (5) 43. (2) 44. (1) 45. (3)
46. (1) 47. (4) 48. (3) 49. (3) 50. (5)

What is IOC (or Dependency Injection)?

What is IOC (or Dependency Injection)?
The basic concept of the Inversion of Control pattern (also known as dependency injection) is that you do not create your objects but describe how they should be created. You don't directly connect your components and services together in code but describe which services are needed by which components in a configuration file. A container (in the case of the Spring framework, the IOC container) is then responsible for hooking it all up.

i.e., Applying IoC, objects are given their dependencies at creation time by some external entity that coordinates each object in the system. That is, dependencies are injected into objects. So, IoC means an inversion of responsibility with regard to how an object obtains references to collaborating objects.

What is thrashing?

It is a phenomenon in virtual memory schemes when the processor spends most of its time swapping pages, rather than executing instructions. This is due to an inordinate number of page faults.

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?

What is a binary semaphore? What is its use?
A binary semaphore is one, which takes only 0 and 1 as values. They are used to implement mutual exclusion and synchronize concurrent processes.

Explain the concept of Reentrancy

Explain the concept of Reentrancy
It is a useful, memory-saving technique for multiprogrammed timesharing systems. A Reentrant Procedure is one in which multiple users can share a single copy of a program during the same period. Reentrancy has 2 key aspects: The program code cannot modify itself, and the local data for each user process must be stored separately. Thus, the permanent part is the code, and the temporary part is the pointer back to the calling program and local variables used by that program. Each execution instance is called activation. It executes the code in the permanent part, but has its own copy of local variables/parameters. The temporary part associated with each activation is the activation record. Generally, the activation record is kept on the stack.
Note: A reentrant procedure can be interrupted and called by an interrupting program, and still execute correctly on returning to the procedure.

Tibco Interview Questions and answers

1.What are the modes of TIBCO BW Installations ?
  • GUI mode
  • Console mode
  • Silent mode
2.If you have installed a particular version of TIBCO software e.g. TIBCO BW X.Y.Z, What are X, Y and Z number stands for?
Integration can be at different application layers:
  • X:Patch
  • Y:Major
  • Z:Minor
3.What is the role of TRA?
TRA stands for TIBCO Runtime Agent.
The TRA has two main functions:
  • Supplies an agent that is running in the background on each machine.
    1. The agent is responsible for starting and stopping processes that run on a machine according to the deployment information.
    2. The agent monitors the machine. That information is then visible via TIBCO Administrator.
  • Supplies the run-time environment, that is, all shared libraries including third-party libraries.
4.What are the resources that gets included in the EAR file, created by the TIBCO Designer?
An EAR file can contain local project resources, LibraryBuilder resources, and files as specified in AliasLibrary resources. In addition, the TIBCO Designer classpath may include references to other files that are included in the EAR file.  

5.What are the revision control system options in TIBCO designer? 
  • File sharing
  • VSS
  • Perforce
  • XML Canon
  • ClearCase
  • iPlanet
  • CVS
  • PVCS
6.What are the different modes of service invocation?
Services can be invoked in several ways.
  • A one-way operation is executed once and does not wait for a response.
  • A request-response operation is executed once and waits for one response. In a request-response service, communication flows in both directions. The complete interaction consists of two point-to-point messages—a request and a response. The interaction is only considered complete after the response has arrived.
  • Publication (notification) means an operation sends information on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.
  • Subscription means incoming information is processed on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.
7.What is vcrepo.dat?
TIBCO Designer creates a file named vcrepo.dat in the project root directory when you first save the project. This file is used to store properties such as display name, TIBCO Rendezvous encoding, and description. This file can be used for identification in place of the project root directory and can be used as the repository locator string (repoUrl).
8.What are the TIBCO BW activities that can participate in transactions?
Not all TIBCO BusinessWorks activities can participate in a transaction. Only the following types of activities have transactional capabilities:
  • JDBC activities
  • JMS activities
  • ActiveEnterprise Adapter activities that use JMS transports
  • EJB activities
  • TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Connector activities
9.What are the different types of Transactions TIBCO provides?
TIBCO BusinessWorks offers a variety of types of transactions that can be used in different situations. You can use the type of transaction that suits the needs of your integration project. When you create a transaction group, you must specify the type of transaction. TIBCO BusinessWorks supports the following types of transactions:
  • JDBC
  • Java Transaction API (JTA) UserTransaction
  • XA Transaction
10.What activities are supported in JTA Transaction?
The Java Transaction API (JTA) UserTransaction type allows:
  • JDBC
  • JMS
  • ActiveEnterprise Adapter (using JMS transports)
  • EJB activities
to participate in transactions.

Dataware housing Interview question and answers

What is Data warehousing?
A data warehouse can be considered as a storage area where interest specific or relevant data is stored irrespective of the source. What actually is required to create a data warehouse can be considered as Dataware housing Data warehousing merges data from multiple sources into an easy and complete form.
What are fact tables and dimension tables?
As mentioned, data in a warehouse comes from the transactions. Fact table in a data warehouse consists of facts and/or measures. The nature of data in a fact table is usually numerical.
On the other hand, dimension table in a data warehouse contains fields used to describe the data in fact tables. A dimension table can provide additional and descriptive information (dimension) of the field of a fact table.
e.g. If I want to know the number of resources used for a task, my fact table will store the actual measure (of resources) while my Dimension table will store the task and resource details.
Hence, the relation between a fact and dimension table is one to many.
What is ETL process in data warehousing?
ETL stands for Extraction, transformation and loading. That means extracting data from different sources such as flat files, databases or XML data, transforming this data depending on the application’s need and loads this data into data warehouse.
Explain the difference between data mining and data warehousing?
Data mining is a method for comparing large amounts of data for the purpose of finding patterns.Data mining is normally used for models and forecasting. Data mining is the process of correlations, patterns by shifting through large data repositories using pattern recognition techniques.
Data warehousing is the central repository for the data of several business systems in an enterprise. Data from various resources extracted and organized in the data warehouse selectively for analysis and accessibility.
What is an OLTP system and OLAP system?
OLTP stands for OnLine Transaction Processing.Application that supports and manges transactions which involve high volumes of data are supported by OLTP system. OLTP is based on client-server architecture and supports transactions across networks.
OLAP stands for OnLine Analytical Processing. Business data analysis and complex calculations on low volumes of data are performed by OLAP. An insight of data coming from various resources can be gained by a user with the support of OLAP.
What are cubes?
Multi dimensional data is logically represented by Cubes in data warehousing. The dimension and the data are represented by the edge and the body of the cube respectively. OLAP environments view the data in the form of hierarchical cube. A cube typically includes the aggregations that are needed for business intelligence queries.

DB2 Interview Questions

What are the disadvantages of PAGE level lock?
High resource utilization if large updates are to be done
What is lock escalation?
Promoting a PAGE lock-size to table or tablespace lock-size when a transaction has acquired more locks than specified in NUMLKTS. Locks should be taken on objects in single tablespace for escalation to occur.
 What are the various locks available?
Can I use LOCK TABLE on a view?
No. To lock a view, take lock on the underlying tables.
What is ALTER ?
How do you simulate the EXPLAIN of an embedded SQL statement in SPUFI/QMF? Give an example with a host variable in WHERE clause.)
Use a question mark in place of a host variable ( or an unknown value ). e.g.
 What are the isolation levels possible ?
CS: Cursor Stability
RR: Repeatable Read
 What is the difference between CS and RR isolation levels?
CS: Releases the lock on a page after use
RR: Retains all locks acquired till end of transaction
 Where do you specify them ?
ISOLATION LEVEL is a parameter for the bind process.
 When do you specify the isolation level? How?
During the BIND process. ISOLATION ( CS/RR )…
I use CS and update a page. Will the lock be released after I am done with that page?
What are the various locking levels available?
 How does DB2 determine what lock-size to use?
1. Based on the lock-size given while creating the tablespace
2. Programmer can direct the DB2 what lock-size to use
3. If lock-size ANY is specified, DB2 usually chooses a lock-size of PAGE

DB2 Interview Questions and answers

DB2 Interview Questions and answers
What is a DBRM, PLAN ?
DBRM: DataBase Request Module, has the SQL statements extracted from the host language program by the pre-compiler.
PLAN: A result of the BIND process. It has the executable code for the SQL statements in the DBRM.
Determine the point at which DB2 acquires or releases locks against table and tablespaces, including intent locks.
What else is there in the PLAN apart from the access path?
PLAN has the executable code for the SQL statements in the host program
What happens to the PLAN if index used by it is dropped?
Plan is marked as invalid. The next time the plan is accessed, it is rebound.
What are PACKAGES ?
They contain executable code for SQL statements for one DBRM.
What are the advantages of using a PACKAGE?
1. Avoid having to bind a large number of DBRM members into a plan
2. Avoid cost of a large bind
3. Avoid the entire transaction being unavailable during bind and automatic rebind of a plan
4. Minimize fallback complexities if changes result in an error.
What is a collection?
a user defined name that is the anchor for packages. It has not physical existence. Main usage is to group packages.
In SPUFI suppose you want to select max. of 1000 rows , but the select returns only 200 rows.
What are the 2 sqlcodes that are returned?
100 ( for successful completion of the query ), 0 (for successful COMMIT if AUTOCOMMIT is set to Yes).

BPO Call Center Interview Tips

BPO Call Center Interview Tips
The word “interview” itself makes a person tense and nervous who needs to appear in the interview. It is normal human behaviour to become confused or get tensed but such things can be overcome with practice, learning from seniors and elders, through own experience. These days Internet is a rich source of information.
In this, you will find questions also along with answers which are frequently asked and questions pertaining to your requirement. Have a walk through in this site. It will improve you performance remarkably and infuse a high level of confidence in you. It will make you more frank and it will develope diplomatic qualities in you too. Overall, it will give an impetus to you personality development.
The following are some frequently asked questions and answers in an interview. They are just suggestions feel free to adjust them to your personality and qualifications.
You should have a prepared response to the frequently asked question Tell me about yourself. Your ability to recite your background in a brief 120-second format is vital to the interview process. The two-minute bio offers a quick peek into your background, strengths, and career direction.

While every personal bio is unique, the traditional format looks something like this:
1. Begin with a brief remark about your background, such as your schooling, hometown, or other items of interest.
2. State your most recent employer, job title, and years with the company.
3. Offer one or two sentences about your job responsibilities.
4. Mention one or two special accomplishments in your most recent positions, including skill strengths.
5. Refer to prior positions to indicate career progression.
6. Indicate career goals.
Rehearse your 2-minute bio until it flows naturally according to the guidelines above.
WHY SHOULD WE HIRE YOU? The employer wants to hear your interpretation of the important aspects of the job. If you spend your interview for a retail sales position extolling your virtues as a computer expert you aren't likely to convince the interviewer that you have the skills needed to sell merchandise.
This is an opportunity question: an opportunity to tell how well your skills match the company's needs. If the search is for a super salesperson, tell how well you have honed your skills in persuasion, communication, and perseverance. Give an example of a time that you made a successful sale, or that you convinced someone to do something, or when tenacity paid off.
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK FOR OUR COMPANY? This is where your research of the company comes in. In today's world of instant information, we can no longer get away with going into an interview without first having researched the company. The company in turn wants to know if you have done your homework.
This question allows you to show off the research you have done on the organization. Tell the interviewer you like the company's size, location, aggressive market stance, competitive thinking and creative business policies. It is perfectly acceptable to admit that you looked up the company on the Internet or in the reference section of the library. This shows that you know how to find answers to questions and arm yourself with information.
WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS? Occasionally an interviewer unearths some important information regarding a potential employee's longevity by asking this question. If you plan to go to graduate school, take a vacation tour, or move to a distant state, do not mention these plans to the interviewer under any circumstances. You will be considered a hiring risk no matter how strong your skills.
Remember that the main concern throughout the interview is to fill the open position with someone who will be successful in it. Say something like, First, I'd like to gain a solid foundation in the position you are considering me for, so that I am effective and successful in it. I'm sure that as I continue to grow, there will be opportunities within the company to offer me upward professional growth and new challenges.
WHAT ARE YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESSES? It is unlikely that most interviewers are straining their ears to hear your list of weaknesses. They simply want to see how you handle the question.
Some job candidates can get away with an answer like, While I certainly have weaknesses, I don't believe I have any that are significant to the position. As you've described the position to me, I think it would allow me to call upon my strengths.
If you don't feel you could pull that off, name a weakness that is first, not closely related to the position for which you are interviewing, and second, a technical skill that you can easily learn rather than a shortcoming in your personality, which is very difficult to change. Then tell the interviewer how you are working to improve your weak spot.
TELL ME ABOUT A PROBLEM YOU'VE FACED AND HOW YOU HANDLED IT They want to assess your analytical skills as well as your ability to relate a delicate situation with tact and diplomacy.
To prevent yourself from stumbling and fumbling for a good response, prepare one before you set foot in the interview. Your answer should involve a clear presentation of the problem, the steps you took to correct the problem, and the results of your actions. Remember to keep it to less than two minutes.
WHAT ARE YOUR GREATEST STRENGTHS? The interviewer is hoping to hear that your strengths match the needs of the job. He or she also wants to know how you present yourself and will watch warily for overconfidence, boastfulness, dishonesty, and lack of assertiveness.
This is an opportunity to highlight your strong points, so make the most of it. Speak of one or two strengths and then offer examples of how you have used these strengths.
WHAT INTERESTS YOU MOST ABOUT THIS JOB? The interviewer is looking for your areas of enthusiasm “ where you will put the most energy into the job. Make sure your strong areas match the needs of the company's needs.
Answer this question with a question. Ask the interviewer to clarify the position for you before you answer, so that I can be sure not miss any key aspects of the job. Then match your interest areas with the key components of the job.

Shell Script Interview Questions

Shell Script Interview Questions
Question: How do you find out what’s your shell? - echo $SHELL
Question: What’s the command to find out today’s date? - date
Question: What’s the command to find out users on the system? - who
Question: How do you find out the current directory you’re in? - pwd
Question: How do you remove a file? - rm
Question: How do you remove a - rm -rf
Question: How do you find out your own username? - whoami
Question: How do you send a mail message to somebody? - mail -s ‘Your subject’ -c ‘
Question: How do you count words, lines and characters in a file? - wc
Question: How do you search for a string inside a given file? - grep string filename
Question: How do you search for a string inside a directory? - grep string *
Question: How do you search for a string in a directory with the subdirectories recursed? - grep -r string *
Question: What are PIDs? - They are process IDs given to processes. A PID can vary from 0 to 65535.
Question: How do you list currently running process? - ps
Question: How do you stop a process? - kill pid
Question: How do you find out about all running processes? - ps -ag
Question: How do you stop all the processes, except the shell window? - kill 0
Question: How do you fire a process in the background? - ./process-name &
Question: How do you refer to the arguments passed to a shell script? - $1, $2 and so on. $0 is your script name.
Question: What’s the conditional statement in shell scripting? - if {condition} then … fi
Question: How do you do number comparison in shell scripts? - -eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt, -ge
Question: How do you test for file properties in shell scripts? - -s filename tells you if the file is not empty, -f filename tells you whether the argument is a file, and not a directory, -d filename tests if the argument is a directory, and not a file, -w filename tests for writeability, -r filename tests for readability, -x filename tests for executability
Question: How do you do Boolean logic operators in shell scripting? - ! tests for logical not, -a tests for logical and, and -o tests for logical or.
Question: How do you find out the number of arguments passed to the shell script? - $#
Question: What’s a way to do multilevel if-else’s in shell scripting? - if {condition} then {statement} elif {condition} {statement} fi
Question: How do you write a for loop in shell? - for {variable name} in {list} do {statement} done
Question: How do you write a while loop in shell? - while {condition} do {statement} done
Question: How does a case statement look in shell scripts? - case {variable} in {possible-value-1}) {statement};; {possible-value-2}) {statement};; esac
Question: How do you read keyboard input in shell scripts? - read {variable-name}
Question: How do you define a function in a shell script? - function-name() { #some code here return }
Question: How does getopts command work? - The parameters to your script can be passed as -n 15 -x 20. Inside the script, you can iterate through the getopts array as while getopts n:x option, and the variable $option contains the value of the entered option.

7 layers of the OSI Reference Model?

7 layers of the OSI Reference Model?
-Application layer
-Presentation layer
-Session layer
-Transport layer
-Network layer
-Data Link layer
-Physical layer

What is the software Life-Cycle?

What is the software Life-Cycle?
The Steps in software Life-Cycle
1) Analysis and specification of the task
2) Design of the algorithms and data structures
3) Implementation (coding)
4) Testing
5) Maintenance and evolution of the system
6) Obsolescence

Write a fucntion that will reverse a string?

Write a fucntion that will reverse a string?

char *strrev(char *s)
int i = 0, len = strlen(s);
char *str;
if ((str = (char *)malloc(len+1)) == NULL)
/*cannot allocate memory */
err_num = 2;
return (str);
str[i] = NULL;
return (str);

This is one way please specify more wayssssssss...In comments