BPO Interview Questions
7)Tell about your Family?
8)Tell about your work profile in previous company?
18)Speak on any topic you like? be prepared with some topics before you go for interview
Wikipedia Microsoft Interview questions Collection
Wikipedia Microsoft Interview questions Collection
Surprised to see below are interview questions of Microsoft collected by Wikipedia
*Design a cellphone for a blind person.
* Design a music system for a car. What are the features? Draw a picture.
* Design a GPS navigation unit for a hiker
* Design a communication device for Canadian park rangers.
* Design a remote control for an automatic window-blind system.
* Design TV Remote Control with Two Buttons.
* Design a coffee maker that will be used by astronauts.
* Design an alarm clock.
* Design an alarm clock for a blind person.
* Design a search function
* Design a website for a library
* What method would you use to look up a word in a dictionary?
* What are examples of poorly designed software?
* Design an instant messaging system.
* I am your grandmother. Describe what MATLAB is to me.
* How would you explain what a database is to a 5-year-old?
* How would you explain computer networking to a kindergarten kid?
* What is your favorite software, and how would you improve it?
* Write code for an electronic messaging board. What happens when a user logs on?
* Develop an algorithm for selecting objects in Visio.
* Tell me about a time when you made a decision and later found out that it was incorrect. What did you do to resolve the issue?
* Suppose you are one week away from the product shipping date and discover a bug in your software. What do you do?
* You have a linked list and don't know how long it is; how do you find the middle of it?
* How would you test a keyboard?
* How would you test a pen?
* Write code for finding a duplicate in an array.
* Write code that returns the length of a string without using any built-in functions.
* Reverse a Singly Linked List with and without using Recursion.
* Determine if a Binary Search Tree is well formed.
* Reverse every word in a String (abc def becomes cba fed).
* What method would you use to look up a word in a dictionary?
* Write a function that returns the angle between the hour and the minute hands of a clock, given input of the time.
* Write a function that takes a string consisting of numeral characters and returns all possible alpha character strings of same length as input that correspond to the keypad of a typical telephone.
* Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It’s very hard to find a shirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?
* How would you test an elevator?
* How would you test a vending machine?
* How would you test a program that takes in two points and outputs the distance between the two points?
* Test the Windows scroll bar.
* Switch every pair of words in a string ("ab cd ef gh" becomes "cd ab gh ef")
* Write the function for strstr function (finding a substring inside a string)
* Reverse the order of words in a string ("ab cd ef gh" becomes "gh ef cd ab")
* Write the function for string comparison. How would you test it?
* Write a function to zero all duplicate values in an integer array. How would you test it?
* Write a function that compares two strings and returns a third string containing only the letters that appear in both.
Surprised to see below are interview questions of Microsoft collected by Wikipedia
*Design a cellphone for a blind person.
* Design a music system for a car. What are the features? Draw a picture.
* Design a GPS navigation unit for a hiker
* Design a communication device for Canadian park rangers.
* Design a remote control for an automatic window-blind system.
* Design TV Remote Control with Two Buttons.
* Design a coffee maker that will be used by astronauts.
* Design an alarm clock.
* Design an alarm clock for a blind person.
* Design a search function
* Design a website for a library
* What method would you use to look up a word in a dictionary?
* What are examples of poorly designed software?
* Design an instant messaging system.
* I am your grandmother. Describe what MATLAB is to me.
* How would you explain what a database is to a 5-year-old?
* How would you explain computer networking to a kindergarten kid?
* What is your favorite software, and how would you improve it?
* Write code for an electronic messaging board. What happens when a user logs on?
* Develop an algorithm for selecting objects in Visio.
* Tell me about a time when you made a decision and later found out that it was incorrect. What did you do to resolve the issue?
* Suppose you are one week away from the product shipping date and discover a bug in your software. What do you do?
* You have a linked list and don't know how long it is; how do you find the middle of it?
* How would you test a keyboard?
* How would you test a pen?
* Write code for finding a duplicate in an array.
* Write code that returns the length of a string without using any built-in functions.
* Reverse a Singly Linked List with and without using Recursion.
* Determine if a Binary Search Tree is well formed.
* Reverse every word in a String (abc def becomes cba fed).
* What method would you use to look up a word in a dictionary?
* Write a function that returns the angle between the hour and the minute hands of a clock, given input of the time.
* Write a function that takes a string consisting of numeral characters and returns all possible alpha character strings of same length as input that correspond to the keypad of a typical telephone.
* Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It’s very hard to find a shirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?
* How would you test an elevator?
* How would you test a vending machine?
* How would you test a program that takes in two points and outputs the distance between the two points?
* Test the Windows scroll bar.
* Switch every pair of words in a string ("ab cd ef gh" becomes "cd ab gh ef")
* Write the function for strstr function (finding a substring inside a string)
* Reverse the order of words in a string ("ab cd ef gh" becomes "gh ef cd ab")
* Write the function for string comparison. How would you test it?
* Write a function to zero all duplicate values in an integer array. How would you test it?
* Write a function that compares two strings and returns a third string containing only the letters that appear in both.
IBM QTP Automation Interview Questions
IBM QTP Automation Interview Questions
1. Can I use recovery scenario without using recovery scenario wizard?
2. What is the actual difference in Text/Text Area checkpoint. (Explain in detail with proper example)
3. Code for reading the data of a particular cell from an external excel file using COM.
4. Can I use datatable of Action1 in the Action2.
5. Can I import a excel sheet in Action1 datatable? How?
6. How to use regular expression in DP. (I don't have any Object Repository in my test)
7. What are pros and cons of DP?
1. Can I use recovery scenario without using recovery scenario wizard?
2. What is the actual difference in Text/Text Area checkpoint. (Explain in detail with proper example)
3. Code for reading the data of a particular cell from an external excel file using COM.
4. Can I use datatable of Action1 in the Action2.
5. Can I import a excel sheet in Action1 datatable? How?
6. How to use regular expression in DP. (I don't have any Object Repository in my test)
7. What are pros and cons of DP?
Intrenship Interview Questions and Tips
Intrenship Interview Questions and Tips
When a person works on a temporary position for the purpose of on-the-job training rather than full time employment, then it is termed as internship. They usually happen to be school, college or university students wanting to hone their skills before embarking on a new career. Internship is of great importance to students. It helps student gain some first hand experience which may come handy during interview sessions, get acclimatized with the work atmosphere, and gain a network of contacts.
Employers on the other hand stand to gain as well. It helps employers have cheap or free labor and at the same time creates a pool of skilled work force which can come back to the company as full time employees after their education is over.
Students can avail internship position in all types of organization. Be it government departments, business houses, or non-profit groups all of them are willing to recruit interns.
Internships, in developed countries are popular among students from under developed countries as they stand to gain international exposure. Such an exposure adds weight to their resume.
Interview for an internship can be quite tough. This is because organizations will always want the best of brains to work for them, so that they can induct after their studies is over. So for your internship interview questions you need the kind of preparation as that of a full time job.
Firstly it is very important to know about the company and the nature of internship you will be undertaking. In fact you begin your interview with question based on these two aspects. Once you have researched well and know your objectives you can answer questions quite satisfactorily.
Internship interview questions usually begin with a simple question and answer session. This primarily includes questions about yourself, and your objectives. After an informal introduction you may be asked to do a presentation before a panel of interviewers. Such presentations include aptitude tests and group activities. While preparing for the interview you should be prepared for this. Some particularly questions common to all internship interviews are:
1)Why do you want to work for this company?
2)Tell us what you know about our company?
3)Why do you think you’re fit for this job?
4)In what way can you add value to the role?”
5)Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
While answering your Internship interview questions you need to have the right kind of body language. This is because interviewers come to know about your personality through your body language. So it is essential for you to have eye contact to convey confidence and trust. You also need to keep your chin up and smile with open lips. When you shake hands it needs to be firm and friendly. Avoid crossing your arms, slouching, looking down, rubbing eyes or nose and thumping tables to prove your point. These are considered negative body language traits.
When you have prepared all these questions well, your internship interview may go satisfactory Prepare well the above tips questions are only for practice
When a person works on a temporary position for the purpose of on-the-job training rather than full time employment, then it is termed as internship. They usually happen to be school, college or university students wanting to hone their skills before embarking on a new career. Internship is of great importance to students. It helps student gain some first hand experience which may come handy during interview sessions, get acclimatized with the work atmosphere, and gain a network of contacts.
Employers on the other hand stand to gain as well. It helps employers have cheap or free labor and at the same time creates a pool of skilled work force which can come back to the company as full time employees after their education is over.
Students can avail internship position in all types of organization. Be it government departments, business houses, or non-profit groups all of them are willing to recruit interns.
Internships, in developed countries are popular among students from under developed countries as they stand to gain international exposure. Such an exposure adds weight to their resume.
Interview for an internship can be quite tough. This is because organizations will always want the best of brains to work for them, so that they can induct after their studies is over. So for your internship interview questions you need the kind of preparation as that of a full time job.
Firstly it is very important to know about the company and the nature of internship you will be undertaking. In fact you begin your interview with question based on these two aspects. Once you have researched well and know your objectives you can answer questions quite satisfactorily.
Internship interview questions usually begin with a simple question and answer session. This primarily includes questions about yourself, and your objectives. After an informal introduction you may be asked to do a presentation before a panel of interviewers. Such presentations include aptitude tests and group activities. While preparing for the interview you should be prepared for this. Some particularly questions common to all internship interviews are:
1)Why do you want to work for this company?
2)Tell us what you know about our company?
3)Why do you think you’re fit for this job?
4)In what way can you add value to the role?”
5)Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
While answering your Internship interview questions you need to have the right kind of body language. This is because interviewers come to know about your personality through your body language. So it is essential for you to have eye contact to convey confidence and trust. You also need to keep your chin up and smile with open lips. When you shake hands it needs to be firm and friendly. Avoid crossing your arms, slouching, looking down, rubbing eyes or nose and thumping tables to prove your point. These are considered negative body language traits.
When you have prepared all these questions well, your internship interview may go satisfactory Prepare well the above tips questions are only for practice
Siebel Interview Questions
Siebel Interview Questions
1)What is the use of catch in escript?
2) How do you create extension table to an interface table in Siebel?
3) Why is it not recommended to modify existing base tables?
4) What is the relationship between a view and a b/o?
4) How does your b/c and view related?
5) What do you mean by virtual business comp. in Siebel?
6) What is the new layer in Siebel 7.x version?
7) How is tools architecture constructed in in Siebel?
8) How is the opportunity related to an account?
9) What is position type field in position applet?
1)What is the use of catch in escript?
2) How do you create extension table to an interface table in Siebel?
3) Why is it not recommended to modify existing base tables?
4) What is the relationship between a view and a b/o?
4) How does your b/c and view related?
5) What do you mean by virtual business comp. in Siebel?
6) What is the new layer in Siebel 7.x version?
7) How is tools architecture constructed in in Siebel?
8) How is the opportunity related to an account?
9) What is position type field in position applet?
Solaris Interview Question and Answers
Solaris Interview Question and Answers
1. List the files in current directory sorted by size ?
2. List the hidden files in current directory ?
3. Delete blank lines in a file ?
4. Search for a sample string in particular files ?
5. Display the last newly appending lines of a file during appendingdata to the same file by some processes ?
6. Display the Disk Usage of file sizes under each directory in currentDirectory ?
7. Change to a directory, which is having very long name ?
8. Display the all files recursively with path under current directory ?
9. Set the Display automatically for the current new user ?
10. Display the processes, which are running under yourusername ?
11. List some Hot Keys for bash shell ?
12. Display the files in the directory by file size ?
13. How to save man pages to a file ?
14. How to know the date & time for . when script is executed ?
15. How do you find out drive statistics ?
16. Display disk usage in Kilobytes ?
17. Display top ten largest files/directories ?
18. How much space is used for users in kilobytes ?
19. How to create null file ?
1. List the files in current directory sorted by size ?
2. List the hidden files in current directory ?
3. Delete blank lines in a file ?
4. Search for a sample string in particular files ?
5. Display the last newly appending lines of a file during appendingdata to the same file by some processes ?
6. Display the Disk Usage of file sizes under each directory in currentDirectory ?
7. Change to a directory, which is having very long name ?
8. Display the all files recursively with path under current directory ?
9. Set the Display automatically for the current new user ?
10. Display the processes, which are running under yourusername ?
11. List some Hot Keys for bash shell ?
12. Display the files in the directory by file size ?
13. How to save man pages to a file ?
14. How to know the date & time for . when script is executed ?
15. How do you find out drive statistics ?
16. Display disk usage in Kilobytes ?
17. Display top ten largest files/directories ?
18. How much space is used for users in kilobytes ?
19. How to create null file ?
Fresher Job Interview Tips
Fresher Job Interview Tips
Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews.
Why, you ask? Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances to make a great first impression. So study these 10 strategies to enhance your interview IQ
Practice Good Nonverbal Communication
It’s about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and connecting with a good, firm handshake. That first impression can be a great beginning — or quick ending — to your interview.
Dress for the Job or Company
Today’s casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as “they” do when you interview. It is important to look professional and well-groomed. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview.
From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major opportunity. Good communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard what was said. Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace.
Don’t Talk Too Much
Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. When you have not prepared ahead of time, you may tend to ramble, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position’s requirements and relating only that information.
Don’t Be Too Familiar
The interview is a professional meeting to talk business. This is not about making a new friend. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer’s demeanor. It is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions, but do not overstep your place as a candidate looking for a job.
Use Appropriate Language
It’s a given that you should use professional language during the interview. Be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation — these topics could send you out the door very quickly.
Don’t Be Cocky
Attitude plays a key role in your interview success. There is a fine balance between confidence, professionalism and modesty. Even if you’re putting on a performance to demonstrate your ability, overconfidence is as bad, if not worse, as being too reserved.
Take Care to Answer the Questions
When an interviewer asks for an example of a time when you did something, he is seeking a sample of your past behavior. If you fail to relate a specific example, you not only don’t answer the question, but you also miss an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your skills.
Ask Questions
When asked if they have any questions, most candidates answer, “No.” Wrong answer. It is extremely important to ask questions to demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from listening to what is asked during the interview and asking for additional information.
Don’t Appear Desperate
When you interview with the “please, please hire me” approach, you appear desperate and less confident. Maintain the three C’s during the interview: cool, calm and confident. You know you can do the job; make sure the interviewer believes you can, too.
Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews.
Why, you ask? Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances to make a great first impression. So study these 10 strategies to enhance your interview IQ
Practice Good Nonverbal Communication
It’s about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and connecting with a good, firm handshake. That first impression can be a great beginning — or quick ending — to your interview.
Dress for the Job or Company
Today’s casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as “they” do when you interview. It is important to look professional and well-groomed. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview.
From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major opportunity. Good communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard what was said. Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace.
Don’t Talk Too Much
Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. When you have not prepared ahead of time, you may tend to ramble, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position’s requirements and relating only that information.
Don’t Be Too Familiar
The interview is a professional meeting to talk business. This is not about making a new friend. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer’s demeanor. It is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions, but do not overstep your place as a candidate looking for a job.
Use Appropriate Language
It’s a given that you should use professional language during the interview. Be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation — these topics could send you out the door very quickly.
Don’t Be Cocky
Attitude plays a key role in your interview success. There is a fine balance between confidence, professionalism and modesty. Even if you’re putting on a performance to demonstrate your ability, overconfidence is as bad, if not worse, as being too reserved.
Take Care to Answer the Questions
When an interviewer asks for an example of a time when you did something, he is seeking a sample of your past behavior. If you fail to relate a specific example, you not only don’t answer the question, but you also miss an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your skills.
Ask Questions
When asked if they have any questions, most candidates answer, “No.” Wrong answer. It is extremely important to ask questions to demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from listening to what is asked during the interview and asking for additional information.
Don’t Appear Desperate
When you interview with the “please, please hire me” approach, you appear desperate and less confident. Maintain the three C’s during the interview: cool, calm and confident. You know you can do the job; make sure the interviewer believes you can, too.
Questions not to ask at Interview
Questions not to ask at Interview
1. What does your company do?
2. How much does the role pay?
3. What are the hours of this position?
4. How many sick days do I get?
5. How much time do I get off?
6. If I’m hired, when can I begin applying for other roles within the company?
7. Do you do background checks?
1. What does your company do?
2. How much does the role pay?
3. What are the hours of this position?
4. How many sick days do I get?
5. How much time do I get off?
6. If I’m hired, when can I begin applying for other roles within the company?
7. Do you do background checks?
SAP BDC Interview Questions
SAP BDC Interview Questions
1. BDC is stands for?
Batch Data Communication Session.
2. What is the TCODE to create new recording?
3. Explain the steps to create a BDC session?
The first step in a BDC session is to identify the screens of the transaction that the program will process. Next step is to write a program to build the BDC table that will be used to submit the data to SAP.
The final step is to submit the BDC table to the system in the batch mode or as a single transaction by the CALL TRANSACTION command.
4. How do you find the information on the current screen?
The information on the current screen can be found by SYSTEM à STATUS command from any menu.
5. How do you save data in BDC tables?
The data in BDC tables is saved by using the field name ‘BDC_OKCODE’ and field value
of ‘/11’.
6. What is the last entry in all BDC tables?
In all BDC tables the last entry is to save the data by using the field name BDC_OKCODE and a field value of ‘/11’.
7. What is a multiple line field?
A multiple line field is a special kind of field which allows the user to enter multiple lines of data into it.
8. How do you populate data into a multiple line field?
To populate data into a multiple line field, an index is added to the field name to indicate which line is to be populated by the BDC session (Line index).
9. List BDC table structure.
BDC table structure
Program CHAR (8) Program name of transaction.
DynPro CHAR (4) Screen number of transaction.
DynBegin CHAR (1) Indicator for new screen.
Fnam CHAR (35) Name of database field from screen.
Fval CHAR (80) Value to submit to field.
10. Does the CALL TRANSACTION method allow multiple transactions to be processed by SAP? No. The CALL TRANSACTION method allows only a single transaction to be processed by SAP.
11. Does the BDC-INSERT function allow multiple transactions to be processed by SAP?
12. What is the syntax for ‘CALL TRANSACTION’?
CALL TRANSACTION trans [using bdctab MODE mode].
Three possible entries are there for MODE.
A – Show all screens.
E – Show only screens with errors.
N – Show no screens.
1. BDC is stands for?
Batch Data Communication Session.
2. What is the TCODE to create new recording?
3. Explain the steps to create a BDC session?
The first step in a BDC session is to identify the screens of the transaction that the program will process. Next step is to write a program to build the BDC table that will be used to submit the data to SAP.
The final step is to submit the BDC table to the system in the batch mode or as a single transaction by the CALL TRANSACTION command.
4. How do you find the information on the current screen?
The information on the current screen can be found by SYSTEM à STATUS command from any menu.
5. How do you save data in BDC tables?
The data in BDC tables is saved by using the field name ‘BDC_OKCODE’ and field value
of ‘/11’.
6. What is the last entry in all BDC tables?
In all BDC tables the last entry is to save the data by using the field name BDC_OKCODE and a field value of ‘/11’.
7. What is a multiple line field?
A multiple line field is a special kind of field which allows the user to enter multiple lines of data into it.
8. How do you populate data into a multiple line field?
To populate data into a multiple line field, an index is added to the field name to indicate which line is to be populated by the BDC session (Line index).
9. List BDC table structure.
BDC table structure
Program CHAR (8) Program name of transaction.
DynPro CHAR (4) Screen number of transaction.
DynBegin CHAR (1) Indicator for new screen.
Fnam CHAR (35) Name of database field from screen.
Fval CHAR (80) Value to submit to field.
10. Does the CALL TRANSACTION method allow multiple transactions to be processed by SAP? No. The CALL TRANSACTION method allows only a single transaction to be processed by SAP.
11. Does the BDC-INSERT function allow multiple transactions to be processed by SAP?
12. What is the syntax for ‘CALL TRANSACTION’?
CALL TRANSACTION trans [using bdctab MODE mode].
Three possible entries are there for MODE.
A – Show all screens.
E – Show only screens with errors.
N – Show no screens.
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XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a W3C-recommended general-purpose markup language for creating special-purpose markup languages. It is capable of describing many different kinds of data. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the sharing of data across different systems, particularly systems connected via the Internet. XML allows more control over data and is instumental in the use of RDF, RSS, XHTML and SVG. VTC Author, Mark Long guides you through the first steps of utilizing XML for your data and your websites. Whether you are building an RSS feed for a podcast or building a Java based program, this tutorial will give you the foundation to move ahead. To begin learning today, simply click on one of the Introduction to XML lessons.
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Peter Veruki has been Director of Career Planning and Placement at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University for ten years. In addition to serving on the College Placement Council Board of Governors for six years, Mr. Veruki was chairman of the CPC’s professional Training and Development Committee, where he helped design and conduct interview training programs.
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Peter Veruki
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Peter Veruki has been Director of Career Planning and Placement at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University for ten years. In addition to serving on the College Placement Council Board of Governors for six years, Mr. Veruki was chairman of the CPC’s professional Training and Development Committee, where he helped design and conduct interview training programs.
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State Bank of India Interview Questions
State Bank of India Interview Questions for clerk
1)What is ATM ?
2)What are the functions of RBI?
3)Who will issue one rupee notes?
4)Who will issue currency notes?
5)what r the different types of shares?
6)what do u mean by CRR?
7)what is bank rate?
8)what do u mean by NPA????
9)What is micro finance ?
10)what is present share value of sbi?
11)What dou mean by Repo Rate ???
12)What is cost accounting ?
13)What are Accounting Concept?
14)What is Cost Accounting
15)what will u do if u have received a fake note from customer?
16)what is the difference between cheque and draft
17)what do you mean by Bank reconcilation statement
18)why should i select you?
19)what is relation between banks and stock market?
1)What is ATM ?
2)What are the functions of RBI?
3)Who will issue one rupee notes?
4)Who will issue currency notes?
5)what r the different types of shares?
6)what do u mean by CRR?
7)what is bank rate?
8)what do u mean by NPA????
9)What is micro finance ?
10)what is present share value of sbi?
11)What dou mean by Repo Rate ???
12)What is cost accounting ?
13)What are Accounting Concept?
14)What is Cost Accounting
15)what will u do if u have received a fake note from customer?
16)what is the difference between cheque and draft
17)what do you mean by Bank reconcilation statement
18)why should i select you?
19)what is relation between banks and stock market?
HelloSoft Interview Questions
HelloSoft Interview Questions for Fresher
1.What is diners phylosophers algorithm.
2.What is atomicity.Explain
3.Give an example of source- level debugger in unix/linx.
4.What is Pre-emptive multitasking.
Datastructure Questions
1.Where will the parameters be stored when a function is called in a program.
2.What is recursion?What are its disadvantages.
3.Which one is the best and efficient sort?
Network related Questions
1.ASN.1 belongs to which layer.
2.Give an example of popular Transport Layer Protocol
3.What is the netmask of Class B IP address?
4.Explain CSMA/CD.
5.Given a size from 0-7 what would be the least window size.
1.What is diners phylosophers algorithm.
2.What is atomicity.Explain
3.Give an example of source- level debugger in unix/linx.
4.What is Pre-emptive multitasking.
Datastructure Questions
1.Where will the parameters be stored when a function is called in a program.
2.What is recursion?What are its disadvantages.
3.Which one is the best and efficient sort?
Network related Questions
1.ASN.1 belongs to which layer.
2.Give an example of popular Transport Layer Protocol
3.What is the netmask of Class B IP address?
4.Explain CSMA/CD.
5.Given a size from 0-7 what would be the least window size.
PeopleSoft Interview Questions
PeopleSoft Interview Questions
1.The main attributes of a Component Interface (CI) are?
Keys, Properties & Collections, Methods and Name
2.Which one of the following are standard properties when a Component Interface (CI) is created?
3.With reference to the Component Interface Tester which of the following is NOT TRUE?
GetExisting option is equivalent to opening a record in Update/Display Mode only
4.Which of the following are TRUE when a Component Interface (CI) is created on component that has Add action enabled?
Get keys, Create keys and Find keys gets created automatically. The Create method is created along with the other Standard methods for the CI
5.Which of the following can be mapped as Find Keys for a Component Interface?
A OR b
6.Which of the following is NOT TRUE in Component Interface (CI) Architecture?
A component interface can be mapped to multiple PeopleSoft components
7. The following are various steps that describes the peoplecode logic while implementing a Component Interface?
1. Establish a user session
2. Get the Component Interface
3. Populate the Create Keys
4. Create an Instance of the CI
5. Populate the required fields
6. Save the CI
8.Will Tuxedo continue to be used in a PeopleSoft/WebSphere or PeopleSoft/WebLogic environment?
Yes. WebSphere or WebLogic are used as the HTTP server and servlet engine. They are not used as middleware with the PeopleSoft Application Server. Tuxedo is always used with PIA, regardless of the HTTP server or Java servlet engine.
9.Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1x database run on the same mahine?
Yes, databases can co-exist on the same physical machine. In most cases, the databases themselves can exist within the same RDBMS, however, it is important to verify that the database version required by PeopleTools 8.4 is the same as for the current PeopleTools 8.1x implementation.
10.Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1xapplication server run on the same machine?
Yes, both PeopleTools 8.4 and PeopleTools 8.1x application servers can run on a single machine. It is important to ensure that there are no port clashes between the installations.
11.How does the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal work with 8.1x and 8.4 applications?
There are several scenarios that may exist when customers use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal with a mixture of 8.1x and 8.4 applications. Specific information on the use of the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal in a blended environment will be available in a forthcoming white paper, which will be available on Customer Connection. In general, the recommendation is to use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 8.4with 8.1x and 8.4 applications, rather than an older version.
12. For the servlet layer on the web server, what version of the Java Servlet API are the PIA Java Servlets coded to with PeopleTools 8.4?
The PIA Java servlets in PeopleTools 8.4 are coded to JavaSoft's Java Servlet API 2.0 and are fully compatible with Servlet API 2.2. It should be noted that the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture is supported only on the BEA WebLogic and WebSphere servlet engines.
13.IBM How should Web Application Servers be used with PeopleTools 8.1x and PeopleTools 8.4?
The PeopleSoft Internet Architecture uses a web application server and an HTTP server. PeopleTools 8.12 and above include both BEA WebLogic and Apache with Jserv. With PeopleTools 8.4, both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere are bundled. Apache with Jserv is no longer a supported web application server combination. Customers can choose which web application server to run during installation time. In a mixed PeopleTools 8.1x and 8.4 environment, each PeopleTools installation should have their own chain of web application server and application server, PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential Page 5and these can be on the same machine. For example, a PeopleTools 8.1xinstallation using Apache and Jserv could reside on the same machine as a PeopleTools 8.4 installation using IBM WebSphere. Care should be taken to ensure that unique port numbers are assigned to each server chain.
14.Why did PeopleSoft bundle IBM WebSphere Advanced Single Server Edition rather than Advanced Edition?
The Advanced Single Server Edition (AEs) of WebSphere provides the same core J2EE and Web Services programming model as the Advanced Edition (AE) with simplified administration. In the AE version WebSphere uses DB2 or other standard database to keep the configuration and runtime information to support very large farm of WebSphere servers. However, it is one more database to install, administer and maintain. The AEs version does not use the database and uses file based configuration in a way that is similar to BEA WebLogic. PeopleSoft and IBM WebSphere architects determined that AEs version would satisfy the deployment requirements of PeopleSoft customers and would make it easy for owning and administering PeopleSoft Applications based on WebSphere.
15. Will the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, now that it embeds BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere, work with my other corporate web servers and tools?
One of the core values of the PeopleTools development group is investment protection. The time, money and resources that you may have already invested in licensing another web server, training developers and administrators, building and deploying other web applications will not be compromised by this decision. How is this accomplished
16.Is BEA WebLogic the same thing as the web server that was previously on the Tuxedo CD?
No. The web server that was delivered on the Tuxedo CD has absolutely nothing to do with WebLogic. WebLogic is a web application server that is designed for large-scale production websites. The HTTP server on the Tuxedo CD was only there to provide a mechanism for launching the graphical Tuxedo administration console if the Tuxedo administrator didn't already have a web server in place. It was never intended for large-scale, production website use � only for a system administrator or two.
17.Are disconnected mobile applications supported in PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. The PeopleSoft Mobile Agent architecture, which is used to support disconnected mobile applications, is only available in PeopleTools 8.4. The PeopleSoft Mobile Agent is dependent upon certain core technologies that were specifically developed for PeopleTools 8.4.
18.Is WebSphere certified on PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. IBM WebSphere is certified on PeopleTools 8.4 only. Customer wishing to use IBM WebSphere with PeopleTools 8.1x may take advantage of an IBM WebSphere for early adopters program, created and managed by IBM. Further information about this program can be found in the whitepaper The IBM WebSphere 8.1x Early Adopter Program. Are there additional license requirements for IBM WebSphere
19.Are there advantages or disadvantages to using BEA WebLogic over IBM WebSphere or vice versa?
No. Both products are certified with PIA as of version 8.4 and work equally well. By offering both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere, we give our customers more choices and flexibility to run PeopleSoft in their preferred environment.
20.Is web server load balancing supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
Customers can set up clusters of BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere servers to do web server load balancing. In such scenarios, if an instance is down, requests are automatically routed to another instance. For more information on high availability and clustering with WebLogic, WebSphere and other web servers.
21.Both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere have the ability to plug into many different web servers. Does PeopleSoft support the web servers that they plug into?
BEA and IBM provide plug-ins for many of the leading web servers. This allows the customer to use their own HTTP web server and WebLogic�s or WebSphere�s Java servlet engine. PeopleSoft uses this plug-in capability to support IIS. We have no reason to believe that there will be any issues with other web servers that WebLogic or WebSphere are able to work with through their plug-in architecture, but PeopleSoft GSC will not support these other web servers with PeopleTools 8.4
22.Does Application Messaging work between 8.1xand 8.4 applications?
Application Messaging is used by PeopleSoft applications to communicate with one another. This is true not just for 8.1x and 8.4 applications, but also between an 8.1x and an 8.4 application. For example, the HRMS 8.3 applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.15, can communicate with Financials 8.4applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.4, using Application Messaging. If specific issues materialize relating to the Application Messages published by certain applications, these new messages will be made available to customers.
23.Why is PeopleSoft no longer supporting Apache Jserv?
Apache JServ was a servlet engine that was supported in PeopleTools 8.1x. This support has been removed from PeopleTools 8.4 for several reasons: v JServ is no longer an active product and is in maintenance mode and there are no longer any new official releases. v Our customers have exhibited a desire to use commercial products for mission-critical enterprise web application servers rather than open source solutions. Therefore, moving to support Tomcat is not seen as a reasonable solution. v Apache can still be used as an HTTP server with BEA WebLogic .
24.What HTTP servers and Java servlet engine combinations are supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
All popular http servers (reverse proxies) are supported. Please refer to the platforms database on Customer Connection for specific information on current certified platforms.
25.WorkItem is available in?
WorkList Record
26.Where are workflow work items found ?
27.In which platform does Crystal and Psnvision works?
28.You want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password. What would you access?
User Profile
29.Question based on changing prompt table, what happens when changing from NO EDIT TO EDIT option?
user can type only prompt table values and the default values gets populated from the database.
30.Customization done in Dev DB, Which tool i will use to move it to Prod DB?
Use App Designer -> Copy DB
1.The main attributes of a Component Interface (CI) are?
Keys, Properties & Collections, Methods and Name
2.Which one of the following are standard properties when a Component Interface (CI) is created?
3.With reference to the Component Interface Tester which of the following is NOT TRUE?
GetExisting option is equivalent to opening a record in Update/Display Mode only
4.Which of the following are TRUE when a Component Interface (CI) is created on component that has Add action enabled?
Get keys, Create keys and Find keys gets created automatically. The Create method is created along with the other Standard methods for the CI
5.Which of the following can be mapped as Find Keys for a Component Interface?
A OR b
6.Which of the following is NOT TRUE in Component Interface (CI) Architecture?
A component interface can be mapped to multiple PeopleSoft components
7. The following are various steps that describes the peoplecode logic while implementing a Component Interface?
1. Establish a user session
2. Get the Component Interface
3. Populate the Create Keys
4. Create an Instance of the CI
5. Populate the required fields
6. Save the CI
8.Will Tuxedo continue to be used in a PeopleSoft/WebSphere or PeopleSoft/WebLogic environment?
Yes. WebSphere or WebLogic are used as the HTTP server and servlet engine. They are not used as middleware with the PeopleSoft Application Server. Tuxedo is always used with PIA, regardless of the HTTP server or Java servlet engine.
9.Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1x database run on the same mahine?
Yes, databases can co-exist on the same physical machine. In most cases, the databases themselves can exist within the same RDBMS, however, it is important to verify that the database version required by PeopleTools 8.4 is the same as for the current PeopleTools 8.1x implementation.
10.Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1xapplication server run on the same machine?
Yes, both PeopleTools 8.4 and PeopleTools 8.1x application servers can run on a single machine. It is important to ensure that there are no port clashes between the installations.
11.How does the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal work with 8.1x and 8.4 applications?
There are several scenarios that may exist when customers use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal with a mixture of 8.1x and 8.4 applications. Specific information on the use of the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal in a blended environment will be available in a forthcoming white paper, which will be available on Customer Connection. In general, the recommendation is to use the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 8.4with 8.1x and 8.4 applications, rather than an older version.
12. For the servlet layer on the web server, what version of the Java Servlet API are the PIA Java Servlets coded to with PeopleTools 8.4?
The PIA Java servlets in PeopleTools 8.4 are coded to JavaSoft's Java Servlet API 2.0 and are fully compatible with Servlet API 2.2. It should be noted that the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture is supported only on the BEA WebLogic and WebSphere servlet engines.
13.IBM How should Web Application Servers be used with PeopleTools 8.1x and PeopleTools 8.4?
The PeopleSoft Internet Architecture uses a web application server and an HTTP server. PeopleTools 8.12 and above include both BEA WebLogic and Apache with Jserv. With PeopleTools 8.4, both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere are bundled. Apache with Jserv is no longer a supported web application server combination. Customers can choose which web application server to run during installation time. In a mixed PeopleTools 8.1x and 8.4 environment, each PeopleTools installation should have their own chain of web application server and application server, PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential Page 5and these can be on the same machine. For example, a PeopleTools 8.1xinstallation using Apache and Jserv could reside on the same machine as a PeopleTools 8.4 installation using IBM WebSphere. Care should be taken to ensure that unique port numbers are assigned to each server chain.
14.Why did PeopleSoft bundle IBM WebSphere Advanced Single Server Edition rather than Advanced Edition?
The Advanced Single Server Edition (AEs) of WebSphere provides the same core J2EE and Web Services programming model as the Advanced Edition (AE) with simplified administration. In the AE version WebSphere uses DB2 or other standard database to keep the configuration and runtime information to support very large farm of WebSphere servers. However, it is one more database to install, administer and maintain. The AEs version does not use the database and uses file based configuration in a way that is similar to BEA WebLogic. PeopleSoft and IBM WebSphere architects determined that AEs version would satisfy the deployment requirements of PeopleSoft customers and would make it easy for owning and administering PeopleSoft Applications based on WebSphere.
15. Will the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, now that it embeds BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere, work with my other corporate web servers and tools?
One of the core values of the PeopleTools development group is investment protection. The time, money and resources that you may have already invested in licensing another web server, training developers and administrators, building and deploying other web applications will not be compromised by this decision. How is this accomplished
16.Is BEA WebLogic the same thing as the web server that was previously on the Tuxedo CD?
No. The web server that was delivered on the Tuxedo CD has absolutely nothing to do with WebLogic. WebLogic is a web application server that is designed for large-scale production websites. The HTTP server on the Tuxedo CD was only there to provide a mechanism for launching the graphical Tuxedo administration console if the Tuxedo administrator didn't already have a web server in place. It was never intended for large-scale, production website use � only for a system administrator or two.
17.Are disconnected mobile applications supported in PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. The PeopleSoft Mobile Agent architecture, which is used to support disconnected mobile applications, is only available in PeopleTools 8.4. The PeopleSoft Mobile Agent is dependent upon certain core technologies that were specifically developed for PeopleTools 8.4.
18.Is WebSphere certified on PeopleTools 8.1x?
No. IBM WebSphere is certified on PeopleTools 8.4 only. Customer wishing to use IBM WebSphere with PeopleTools 8.1x may take advantage of an IBM WebSphere for early adopters program, created and managed by IBM. Further information about this program can be found in the whitepaper The IBM WebSphere 8.1x Early Adopter Program. Are there additional license requirements for IBM WebSphere
19.Are there advantages or disadvantages to using BEA WebLogic over IBM WebSphere or vice versa?
No. Both products are certified with PIA as of version 8.4 and work equally well. By offering both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere, we give our customers more choices and flexibility to run PeopleSoft in their preferred environment.
20.Is web server load balancing supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
Customers can set up clusters of BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere servers to do web server load balancing. In such scenarios, if an instance is down, requests are automatically routed to another instance. For more information on high availability and clustering with WebLogic, WebSphere and other web servers.
21.Both BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere have the ability to plug into many different web servers. Does PeopleSoft support the web servers that they plug into?
BEA and IBM provide plug-ins for many of the leading web servers. This allows the customer to use their own HTTP web server and WebLogic�s or WebSphere�s Java servlet engine. PeopleSoft uses this plug-in capability to support IIS. We have no reason to believe that there will be any issues with other web servers that WebLogic or WebSphere are able to work with through their plug-in architecture, but PeopleSoft GSC will not support these other web servers with PeopleTools 8.4
22.Does Application Messaging work between 8.1xand 8.4 applications?
Application Messaging is used by PeopleSoft applications to communicate with one another. This is true not just for 8.1x and 8.4 applications, but also between an 8.1x and an 8.4 application. For example, the HRMS 8.3 applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.15, can communicate with Financials 8.4applications, which are based on PeopleTools 8.4, using Application Messaging. If specific issues materialize relating to the Application Messages published by certain applications, these new messages will be made available to customers.
23.Why is PeopleSoft no longer supporting Apache Jserv?
Apache JServ was a servlet engine that was supported in PeopleTools 8.1x. This support has been removed from PeopleTools 8.4 for several reasons: v JServ is no longer an active product and is in maintenance mode and there are no longer any new official releases. v Our customers have exhibited a desire to use commercial products for mission-critical enterprise web application servers rather than open source solutions. Therefore, moving to support Tomcat is not seen as a reasonable solution. v Apache can still be used as an HTTP server with BEA WebLogic .
24.What HTTP servers and Java servlet engine combinations are supported with PeopleTools 8.4?
All popular http servers (reverse proxies) are supported. Please refer to the platforms database on Customer Connection for specific information on current certified platforms.
25.WorkItem is available in?
WorkList Record
26.Where are workflow work items found ?
27.In which platform does Crystal and Psnvision works?
28.You want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password. What would you access?
User Profile
29.Question based on changing prompt table, what happens when changing from NO EDIT TO EDIT option?
user can type only prompt table values and the default values gets populated from the database.
30.Customization done in Dev DB, Which tool i will use to move it to Prod DB?
Use App Designer -> Copy DB
Bluetooth and Network Interview questions
Bluetooth and Network Interview questions
1)Explain the following terms: ICMP, ARP, Multicast, Broadcast?
2)What is TCP connection establishment and tear down?
3)What method is used for Voice transfer? Brief about the method used.
4)Explain the term 'Airport' in Bluetooth.
5)How frequency hopping is used for security in Bluetooth?
6)Why is Bluetooth 2.0 better than previous versions?
7)What do you mean by the term Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)?
8)Disadvantages of Symmetric Cryptosystems.
9)Explain the concept of PKI, Public Key Infrastructure.
10)Explain the concepts of digital certificates.
11)Explain the concept of Voluntary and Compulsory Tunnels.
12)Explain Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol, PPTP
13)What is CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication protocol)?
1)Explain the following terms: ICMP, ARP, Multicast, Broadcast?
2)What is TCP connection establishment and tear down?
3)What method is used for Voice transfer? Brief about the method used.
4)Explain the term 'Airport' in Bluetooth.
5)How frequency hopping is used for security in Bluetooth?
6)Why is Bluetooth 2.0 better than previous versions?
7)What do you mean by the term Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)?
8)Disadvantages of Symmetric Cryptosystems.
9)Explain the concept of PKI, Public Key Infrastructure.
10)Explain the concepts of digital certificates.
11)Explain the concept of Voluntary and Compulsory Tunnels.
12)Explain Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol, PPTP
13)What is CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication protocol)?
Sierra atlantic C++ interview questions
Sierra atlantic C++ interview questions
What are the advantages of “throw.....catch” in C++?
Explain the difference between Stack and Queue
What is the difference between Mutex and Binary semaphore?
What is the importance of mutable keyword?
What do you mean by binding? Static vs. dynamic binding
Define access privileges in C++.
Explain the difference between Stack and Queue
What is Stack? Explain its uses.
Vector vs. deques
What is NULL pointer and void pointer and what is their use?
What are the advantages of “throw.....catch” in C++?
Explain the difference between Stack and Queue
What is the difference between Mutex and Binary semaphore?
What is the importance of mutable keyword?
What do you mean by binding? Static vs. dynamic binding
Define access privileges in C++.
Explain the difference between Stack and Queue
What is Stack? Explain its uses.
Vector vs. deques
What is NULL pointer and void pointer and what is their use?
Reverse words in a String C Program
Reverse words in a String C Program
Step 1 : Reverse every word in the string.
Eg:-if string "Reverse this word"
"esreveR siht drow"
Step 2:-Now reverse the whole string
You get the output of Reverse words in a String
Step 1 : Reverse every word in the string.
Eg:-if string "Reverse this word"
"esreveR siht drow"
Step 2:-Now reverse the whole string
You get the output of Reverse words in a String
OS operating system interview at TechMahindra
OS operating system interview at TechMahindra
Interview is for System Programmer
1. What is MUTEX ?
2. What isthe difference between a ‘thread’ and a ‘process’?
3. What is INODE?
4. Explain the working of Virtual Memory.
5. How does Windows NT supports Multitasking?
6. Explain the Unix Kernel.
7. What is Concurrency? Expain with example Deadlock and Starvation.
8. What are your solution strategies for “Dining Philosophers Problem” ?
9. Explain Memory Partitioning, Paging, Segmentation.
10. Explain Scheduling.
11. Operating System Security.
12. What is Semaphore?
13. Explain the following file systems : NTFS, Macintosh(HPFS), FAT .
14. What are the different process states?
15. What is Marshalling?
16. Define and explain COM?
17. What is Marshalling?
18. Difference - Loading and Linking ?
19.Which version of linux did you use?
C and C++ Questions
1.Why did you use C++ ?As when we are able to do every thing by C?
2.What is Polymorphism?
3.Difference between Structure and Class?
4.What are Template?
5.Write a reverse String program in C as well in C++?
6.Can you implement any of small OS Concept and show?
Interview is for System Programmer
1. What is MUTEX ?
2. What isthe difference between a ‘thread’ and a ‘process’?
3. What is INODE?
4. Explain the working of Virtual Memory.
5. How does Windows NT supports Multitasking?
6. Explain the Unix Kernel.
7. What is Concurrency? Expain with example Deadlock and Starvation.
8. What are your solution strategies for “Dining Philosophers Problem” ?
9. Explain Memory Partitioning, Paging, Segmentation.
10. Explain Scheduling.
11. Operating System Security.
12. What is Semaphore?
13. Explain the following file systems : NTFS, Macintosh(HPFS), FAT .
14. What are the different process states?
15. What is Marshalling?
16. Define and explain COM?
17. What is Marshalling?
18. Difference - Loading and Linking ?
19.Which version of linux did you use?
C and C++ Questions
1.Why did you use C++ ?As when we are able to do every thing by C?
2.What is Polymorphism?
3.Difference between Structure and Class?
4.What are Template?
5.Write a reverse String program in C as well in C++?
6.Can you implement any of small OS Concept and show?
Network Administrator Linux Interview Questions
Network Administrator Linux Interview Questions
1. Give an example of set of shell commands that will give you the number of files in a directory
2. How do you tell what process has a TCP port open in Linux
3. On a Red Hat Linux Variant how do you control whether a service starts when the system boots
4. How do you tell the amount of free disk space left on a volume
5. Give an example of a set of shell commands to tell how many times “bob” has logged on to the system this month
6. Give an example of a recursively copying a directory from one location to another.
7. How do you modify the IP and Net mask of a system running a Red Hat Variant of Linux
8. Give an example of a set of shell commands that will give you the number of “httpd” processes running on a Linux box.
9. On CentOS or Fedora based system using the package management application, how do you tell what package provided the file “libnss_ldap.so”
10. What is the difference between VTP client, server, and transparent
11. What is the maximum length of CAT6
12. How does one set up a layer two link to share VLANs
13. How does one implement redundant links at Layer 2
14. What is the difference between a hub, switch, and a router? What are the security advantages of switch vs. hub?
15. Show an example of using telnet to learn the headers of an http server.
16. In what OSI layer does PPP exist
17. What’s the difference between TCP and UDP
18. Given a DNS server that has just started (with an empty cache) and host contacting this DNS server (using it’s OS setting) to learn an address for google.com, list the steps the DNS server will take to learn it with IP addresses (each step will have multiple possible IP addresses – you need choose only one per step).
19. Why are layer 2 loops bad, and what protocol was designed to prevent them
20. Given a radius server at and a shared key of ‘abc123′ show the IOS commands necessary to authenticate switch users against the radius server, while still allowing the use of local username / password pairs
1. Give an example of set of shell commands that will give you the number of files in a directory
2. How do you tell what process has a TCP port open in Linux
3. On a Red Hat Linux Variant how do you control whether a service starts when the system boots
4. How do you tell the amount of free disk space left on a volume
5. Give an example of a set of shell commands to tell how many times “bob” has logged on to the system this month
6. Give an example of a recursively copying a directory from one location to another.
7. How do you modify the IP and Net mask of a system running a Red Hat Variant of Linux
8. Give an example of a set of shell commands that will give you the number of “httpd” processes running on a Linux box.
9. On CentOS or Fedora based system using the package management application, how do you tell what package provided the file “libnss_ldap.so”
10. What is the difference between VTP client, server, and transparent
11. What is the maximum length of CAT6
12. How does one set up a layer two link to share VLANs
13. How does one implement redundant links at Layer 2
14. What is the difference between a hub, switch, and a router? What are the security advantages of switch vs. hub?
15. Show an example of using telnet to learn the headers of an http server.
16. In what OSI layer does PPP exist
17. What’s the difference between TCP and UDP
18. Given a DNS server that has just started (with an empty cache) and host contacting this DNS server (using it’s OS setting) to learn an address for google.com, list the steps the DNS server will take to learn it with IP addresses (each step will have multiple possible IP addresses – you need choose only one per step).
19. Why are layer 2 loops bad, and what protocol was designed to prevent them
20. Given a radius server at and a shared key of ‘abc123′ show the IOS commands necessary to authenticate switch users against the radius server, while still allowing the use of local username / password pairs
Unix Admin interview Questions
Unix Admin interview Questions
1. How do you list the files in an UNIX directory while also showing hidden files?
2. How do you execute a UNIX command in the background?
3. What UNIX command will control the default file permissions when files are created?
4. Explain the read, write, and execute permissions on a UNIX directory.
5. What is the difference between a soft link and a hard link?
6. Give the command to display space usage on the UNIX file system.
7. Explain iostat, vmstat and netstat.
8. How would you change all occurrences of a value using VI?
9. Give two UNIX kernel parameters that effect an Oracle install
10. Briefly, how do you install Oracle software on UNIX.
1. How do you list the files in an UNIX directory while also showing hidden files?
2. How do you execute a UNIX command in the background?
3. What UNIX command will control the default file permissions when files are created?
4. Explain the read, write, and execute permissions on a UNIX directory.
5. What is the difference between a soft link and a hard link?
6. Give the command to display space usage on the UNIX file system.
7. Explain iostat, vmstat and netstat.
8. How would you change all occurrences of a value using VI?
9. Give two UNIX kernel parameters that effect an Oracle install
10. Briefly, how do you install Oracle software on UNIX.
Embedded Interview Questions-Moschip
Embedded Interview Questions-Moschip
1. Can structures be passed to the functions by value?
2. Why cannot arrays be passed by values to functions?
3. Advantages and disadvantages of using macro and inline functions?
4. What happens when recursion functions are declared inline?
5. Scope of static variables?
6. Difference between object oriented and object based languages?
7. Multiple inheritance - objects contain howmany multiply inherited ancestor?
8. What are the 4 different types of inheritance relationship?
9. How would you find out the no of instance of a class?
10. Is java a pure object oriented language? Why?
11. Order of constructor and destructor call in case of multiple inheritance?
12. Can u have inline virtual functions in a class?
13. When you inherit a class using private keyword which members of base class are visible to the derived class?
14. What is the output of printf("\nab\bcd\ref"); -> ef
15. #define cat(x,y) x##y concatenates x to y. But cat(cat(1,2),3) does not expand but gives preprocessor warning. Why?
16. Can you have constant volatile variable? Yes, you can have a volatile pointer?
17. ++*ip increments what? it increments what ip points to
18. Operations involving unsigned and signed — unsigned will be converted to signed
19. a+++b -> (a++)+b
20. malloc(sizeof(0)) will return — valid pointer
21. main() {fork();fork();fork();printf("hello world"); } — will print 8 times.
22. Array of pts to functions — void (*fptr[10])()
23. Which way of writing infinite loops is more efficient than others? there are 3ways.
24. # error — what it does?
25. How is function itoa() written?
26. Who to know wether systemuses big endian or little endian format and how to convert among them?
27. What is interrupt latency?
28. What is forward reference w.r.t. pointers in c?
29. How is generic list manipulation function written which accepts elements of any kind?
30. What is the difference between hard real-time and soft real-time OS?
31. What is interrupt latency? How can you recuce it?
32. What is the differnce between embedded systems and the system in which rtos is running?
33. How can you define a structure with bit field members?
34. What are the features different in pSOS and vxWorks?
35. How do you write a function which takes 2 arguments - a byte and a field in the byte and returns the value of the field in that byte?
36. What are the different storage classes in C?
37. What are the different qualifiers in C?
38. What are the different BSD and SVR4 communication mechanisms
1. Can structures be passed to the functions by value?
2. Why cannot arrays be passed by values to functions?
3. Advantages and disadvantages of using macro and inline functions?
4. What happens when recursion functions are declared inline?
5. Scope of static variables?
6. Difference between object oriented and object based languages?
7. Multiple inheritance - objects contain howmany multiply inherited ancestor?
8. What are the 4 different types of inheritance relationship?
9. How would you find out the no of instance of a class?
10. Is java a pure object oriented language? Why?
11. Order of constructor and destructor call in case of multiple inheritance?
12. Can u have inline virtual functions in a class?
13. When you inherit a class using private keyword which members of base class are visible to the derived class?
14. What is the output of printf("\nab\bcd\ref"); -> ef
15. #define cat(x,y) x##y concatenates x to y. But cat(cat(1,2),3) does not expand but gives preprocessor warning. Why?
16. Can you have constant volatile variable? Yes, you can have a volatile pointer?
17. ++*ip increments what? it increments what ip points to
18. Operations involving unsigned and signed — unsigned will be converted to signed
19. a+++b -> (a++)+b
20. malloc(sizeof(0)) will return — valid pointer
21. main() {fork();fork();fork();printf("hello world"); } — will print 8 times.
22. Array of pts to functions — void (*fptr[10])()
23. Which way of writing infinite loops is more efficient than others? there are 3ways.
24. # error — what it does?
25. How is function itoa() written?
26. Who to know wether systemuses big endian or little endian format and how to convert among them?
27. What is interrupt latency?
28. What is forward reference w.r.t. pointers in c?
29. How is generic list manipulation function written which accepts elements of any kind?
30. What is the difference between hard real-time and soft real-time OS?
31. What is interrupt latency? How can you recuce it?
32. What is the differnce between embedded systems and the system in which rtos is running?
33. How can you define a structure with bit field members?
34. What are the features different in pSOS and vxWorks?
35. How do you write a function which takes 2 arguments - a byte and a field in the byte and returns the value of the field in that byte?
36. What are the different storage classes in C?
37. What are the different qualifiers in C?
38. What are the different BSD and SVR4 communication mechanisms
SQL Interview questions
SQL Interview questions
Q.What is the use of the DROP option in the ALTER TABLE comm&?
It is used to drop constraints specified on the table.
Q. What is the value of ‘comm’ & ‘sal’ after executing the following query if the initial
value of ‘sal’ is 10000?
sal = 11000, comm = 1000 .
Q. Why does the following comm& give a compilation error?
Variable names should start with an alphabet. Here the table name starts with an '&' symbol.
Q. What is the advantage of specifying WITH GRANT OPTION in the GRANT comm& in sql?
The privilege receiver can further grant the privileges he/she has obtained from the owner to any other user.
Q. What is the use of DESC in SQL?
Answer:DESC has two purposes. It is used to describe a schema as well as to retrieve rows from table in descending order.
Explanation :
The query SELECT * FROM EMP ORDER BY ENAME DESC will display the output sorted on ENAME in descending order.
Q. What is the use of CASCADE CONSTRAINTS?
When this clause is used with the DROP comm&, a parent table can be dropped even when a child table exists.
Q.What is the use of the DROP option in the ALTER TABLE comm&?
It is used to drop constraints specified on the table.
Q. What is the value of ‘comm’ & ‘sal’ after executing the following query if the initial
value of ‘sal’ is 10000?
sal = 11000, comm = 1000 .
Q. Why does the following comm& give a compilation error?
Variable names should start with an alphabet. Here the table name starts with an '&' symbol.
Q. What is the advantage of specifying WITH GRANT OPTION in the GRANT comm& in sql?
The privilege receiver can further grant the privileges he/she has obtained from the owner to any other user.
Q. What is the use of DESC in SQL?
Answer:DESC has two purposes. It is used to describe a schema as well as to retrieve rows from table in descending order.
Explanation :
The query SELECT * FROM EMP ORDER BY ENAME DESC will display the output sorted on ENAME in descending order.
Q. What is the use of CASCADE CONSTRAINTS?
When this clause is used with the DROP comm&, a parent table can be dropped even when a child table exists.
What is the resident set and working set of a process
What is the resident set and working set of a process
Resident set is that portion of the process image that is actually in real-memory at a particular instant. Working set is that subset of resident set that is actually needed for execution. (Relate this to the variable-window size method for swapping techniques.
Resident set is that portion of the process image that is actually in real-memory at a particular instant. Working set is that subset of resident set that is actually needed for execution. (Relate this to the variable-window size method for swapping techniques.
What is the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)?
What is the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)?
In a cached system, the base addresses of the last few referenced pages is maintained in registers called the TLB that aids in faster lookup. TLB contains those page-table entries that have been most recently used. Normally, each virtual memory reference causes 2 physical memory accesses-- one to fetch appropriate page-table entry, & one to fetch the desired data. Using TLB in-between, this is reduced to just one physical memory access in cases of TLB-hit.
In a cached system, the base addresses of the last few referenced pages is maintained in registers called the TLB that aids in faster lookup. TLB contains those page-table entries that have been most recently used. Normally, each virtual memory reference causes 2 physical memory accesses-- one to fetch appropriate page-table entry, & one to fetch the desired data. Using TLB in-between, this is reduced to just one physical memory access in cases of TLB-hit.
What are the typical elements of a process image
What are the typical elements of a process image
User data: Modifiable part of user space. May include program data, user stack area, & programs that may be modified.
User program: The instructions to be executed.
System Stack: Each process has one or more LIFO stacks associated with it. Used to store parameters & calling addresses for procedure & system calls. Process control Block (PCB): Info needed by the OS to control processes.
User data: Modifiable part of user space. May include program data, user stack area, & programs that may be modified.
User program: The instructions to be executed.
System Stack: Each process has one or more LIFO stacks associated with it. Used to store parameters & calling addresses for procedure & system calls. Process control Block (PCB): Info needed by the OS to control processes.
What is turnaround time and response time?
What is turnaround time and response time?
Turnaround time is the interval between the submission of a job & its completion.
Response time is the interval between submission of a request, & the first response to that request.
Turnaround time is the interval between the submission of a job & its completion.
Response time is the interval between submission of a request, & the first response to that request.
What are short long and medium term scheduling
What are short long and medium term scheduling
Long term scheduler determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing. It controls the degree of multiprogramming. Once admitted, a job becomes a process.
Medium term scheduling is part of the swapping function. This relates to processes that are in a blocked or suspended state. They are swapped out of real-memory until they are ready to execute. The swapping-in decision is based on memory-management criteria.
Short term scheduler, also know as a dispatcher executes most frequently, & makes the finest-grained decision of which process should execute next. This scheduler is invoked whenever an event occurs. It may lead to interruption of one process by preemption.
Long term scheduler determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing. It controls the degree of multiprogramming. Once admitted, a job becomes a process.
Medium term scheduling is part of the swapping function. This relates to processes that are in a blocked or suspended state. They are swapped out of real-memory until they are ready to execute. The swapping-in decision is based on memory-management criteria.
Short term scheduler, also know as a dispatcher executes most frequently, & makes the finest-grained decision of which process should execute next. This scheduler is invoked whenever an event occurs. It may lead to interruption of one process by preemption.
Difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands
Difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands
TRUNCATE is a DDL command whereas DELETE is a DML command. Hence
DELETE operation can be rolled back, but TRUNCATE operation cannot be rolled back.
WHERE clause can be used with DELETE & not with TRUNCATE.
TRUNCATE is a DDL command whereas DELETE is a DML command. Hence
DELETE operation can be rolled back, but TRUNCATE operation cannot be rolled back.
WHERE clause can be used with DELETE & not with TRUNCATE.
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C programming specialist Alan Feuer covers major topics of C from different angles so the reader may gain a more complete understanding for the subject. He accomplishes this by including a variety of C program puzzles, challenging you to follow the puzzle through to determine the outcome. In many cases the programs are print statements, so the puzzle solution is the resulting printout. Once you have determined the puzzle solution, you may compare it with a detailed, step-by-step derivation offered in the book. The C Puzzle Book teaches intermediate C programming with an effective and unique method -- and it's fun! Working through formidable puzzles and checking your results fine tunes your skills for future programming challenges. This book is a great next step for any programmer who desires a deeper understanding of the C programming language.
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Author: Alan R. Feuer
The C Puzzle Book is an excellent choice for all programmers who want to expand on their basic knowledge of the C programming language. Completely compliant with ANSI C, this book has been designed to help readers gain a more thorough understanding of the C syntax and semantics through interesting puzzles that challenge the readers' proficiency with the basics.
C programming specialist Alan Feuer covers major topics of C from different angles so the reader may gain a more complete understanding for the subject. He accomplishes this by including a variety of C program puzzles, challenging you to follow the puzzle through to determine the outcome. In many cases the programs are print statements, so the puzzle solution is the resulting printout. Once you have determined the puzzle solution, you may compare it with a detailed, step-by-step derivation offered in the book. The C Puzzle Book teaches intermediate C programming with an effective and unique method -- and it's fun! Working through formidable puzzles and checking your results fine tunes your skills for future programming challenges. This book is a great next step for any programmer who desires a deeper understanding of the C programming language.
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The author presents examples to entice students (and teachers) to study mathematics-to make mathematics a popular subject, not one to dread or avoid.
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Description: Are you "proud" to admit that you never liked math? Were never good in math? Are you struggling to pique your students' interest in math? Are you bored by the routine, mechanical aspects of teaching to the test in mathematics? This book offers a plethora of ideas to enrich your instruction and helps you to explore the intrinsic beauty of math. Through dozens of examples from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and probability, Alfred S. Posamentier reveals the amazing symmetries, patterns, processes, paradoxes, and surprises that await students and teachers who look beyond the rote to discover wonders that have fascinated generations of great thinkers. Using the guided examples, help students explore the many marvels of math, including
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* Work with traditional JavaScript communication approaches like iframes
Explore all the quirks and details in the XMLHttpRequest object
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*Simplify JavaScript programming using open-source Ajax libraries like YUI
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C,C++ Interview Questions
C++ Interview Questions
1)What is virtual distrcuctor.
2)Are there any default concstructors in c++? what are they?
3)What is the difference between copy constructor and Overkloading =, why language is provided two of these..
4)What are inline functions
5)What is the difference between #define and inline + their advantages and disadvantages
6)What is the difference between inline and normal function. will the compiler take inline functions always inline ,if not on which basis it will decide to ignore inline.
7)Virtual Functions in C++
8)Friend Functions in C++
9)The sequence in which constructors of classes A, B and C are called when class A is inherited from class B which is inherited from class C.
10)differences between typedef and #define
11)differences between a reference and a pointer in C++.
12)how do you dynamically allocate a two dimensional array of size a by b.
13)Differences between Java and C++.
14)OO Concepts in C++
1)What is virtual distrcuctor.
2)Are there any default concstructors in c++? what are they?
3)What is the difference between copy constructor and Overkloading =, why language is provided two of these..
4)What are inline functions
5)What is the difference between #define and inline + their advantages and disadvantages
6)What is the difference between inline and normal function. will the compiler take inline functions always inline ,if not on which basis it will decide to ignore inline.
7)Virtual Functions in C++
8)Friend Functions in C++
9)The sequence in which constructors of classes A, B and C are called when class A is inherited from class B which is inherited from class C.
10)differences between typedef and #define
11)differences between a reference and a pointer in C++.
12)how do you dynamically allocate a two dimensional array of size a by b.
13)Differences between Java and C++.
14)OO Concepts in C++
OBIEE Interview Questions and Answers
OBIEE Interview Questions and Answers
Define pipeline. Did you use it in your projects?
o Yes, pipelines are the stages in a particular transaction. assessment, finance etc.
How do you create filter on repository?
o Where condition on content tab.
How do you work in a multi user environment? What are the steps?
o Create a shared directory on the network for Multi-user Development (MUD).
o Open the rpd to use in MUD. From Tools->Options, setup the MUD directory to point to the above directory.
o Define projects within the rpd to allow multiple users to develop within their subject area or Facts.
o Save and move the rpd to the shared directory setup in point 1.
o When users work in the MUD mode, they open the admin tool and start with
o MUD ->Checkout to checkout the project they need to work on (not use the File open as you would usually do).
o After completely the development, user checkin the changes back to the network and merge the changes.
Where are passwords for userid? Ldap,external table authentication stored respectively?
o passwords for userid are in siebel analytics server repository Ldap authentication in Ldap server external database in a table in external database
Can you bypass siebel analytics server security ?if so how?
o yes you can by-pass by setting authententication type in NQSCONFIG file in the security section as:authentication_type=bypass_nqs.instanceconfig.xml and nqsconfig.ini are the 2 places
Where can you add new groups and set permissions?
o you can add groups by going to manage>security>add new groups> You can give permissions to a group for query limitation and filter conditions.
what are the things you can do in the BMM layer?
o Aggrigation navigation,level base matrics,time series wizard,create new logical column,comlex join.
what is Ragged hierarchy? and how do u manage it
o Ragged Hierarchy is one of the different kinds of hierarchy.
o A hierarchy in which each level has a consistent meaning, but the branches have inconsistent depths because at least one member attribute in a branch level is unpopulated. A ragged hierarchy can represent a geographic hierarchy in which the meaning of each level such as city or country is used consistently, but the depth of the hierarchy varies.
o For example, a geographic hierarchy that has Continent, Country, Province/State, and City levels defined. One branch has North America as the Continent, United States as the Country, California as the Province or State, and San Francisco as the City. However, the hierarchy becomes ragged when one member does not have an entry at all of the levels. For example, another branch has Europe as the Continent, Greece as the Country, and Athens as the City, but has no entry for the Province or State level because this level is not applicable to Greece for the business model in this example. In this example, the Greece and United States branches descend to different depths, creating a ragged hierarchy.
What is the difference between Single Logical Table Source and Multiple Logical Table Sources?
o If a logical table in BMM layer has only one Table as the source table then it is Single LTS.
o If the logical table in BMM layer has more than one table as the sources to it then it is called Multiple LTS.
o Ex: Usually Fact table has Multiple LTS’, for which sources will be coming from different Physical tables.
Can you let me know how many aggregate tables you have in your project? On what basis have you created them?
o As per resume justification document
How do you bring/relate the aggregate tables into the Siebel analytics Logical layer?
o One way of bringing the Aggregate Tables into the BMM layer is by bringing them as Logical Table sources for the corresponding Fact table.
o This is done by dragging and dropping the aggregate table into the corresponding fact table. After doing that establish the column mappings and the set the aggregation levels.
How do you know which report is hitting which table, either the fact table or the aggregate table?
o After running the report, go to Administration tab and go to click on Manage Sessions. There you can find the queries that are run and in the View Log option in the Session Management you can find which report is hitting which table.
Suppose I have report which is running for about 3 minutes typically. What is the first step you take to improve the performance of the query?
o Find the sql query of the report in Admin->manage Session-> run the sql query on toad ->read the explain plan output ->modify the SQL based on the explain plan output
Suppose you have a report which has the option of running on aggregate table. How does the tool know to hit the Aggregate table and for that what the steps you follow to configure them?
o Explain the process of Aggregate navigation
Have you heard of Implicit Facts? If, so what are they?
o An implicit fact column is a column that will be added to a query when it contains columns from two or more dimension tables and no measures. You will not see the column in the results. It is used to specify a default join path between dimension tables when there are several possible alternatives.
o For example, there might be many star schemas in the database that have the Campaign dimension and the Customer dimension, such as the following stars:
Campaign History star. Stores customers targeted in campaign.
Campaign Response star. Stores customer responses to a campaign.
Order star. Stores customers who placed orders as a result of a campaign.
In this example, because Campaign and Customer information might appear in many segmentation catalogs, users selecting to count customers from the targeted campaigns catalog would be expecting to count customers that have been targeted in specific campaigns.
To make sure that the join relationship between Customers and Campaigns is through the campaign history fact table, a campaign history implicit fact needs to be specified in Campaign History segmentation catalog. The following guidelines should be followed in creating
segmentation catalogs:
Each segmentation catalog should be created so that all columns come from only one physical star.
Because the Marketing module user interface has special features that allow users to specify their aggregations, level-based measures typically should not be exposed to segmentation users in a segmentation catalog.
What is aggregate navigation? How do you configure the Aggregate tables in Siebel Analytics?
o Aggregate tables store precomputed results, which are measures that have been aggregated (typically summed) over a set of dimensional attributes. Using aggregate tables is a very popular technique for speeding up query response times in decision support systems.
o If you are writing SQL queries or using a tool that only understands what physical tables exist (and not their meaning), taking advantage of aggregate tables and putting them to good use becomes more difficult as the number of aggregate tables increases. The aggregate navigation capability of the Siebel Analytics Server, however, allows queries to use the information stored in aggregate tables automatically, without query authors or query tools having to specify aggregate tables in their queries. The Siebel Analytics Server allows you to concentrate on asking the right business question; the server decides which tables provide the fastest answers.
(Assume you are in BMM layer) We have 4 dimension tables, in that, 2 tables need to have hierarchy, then in such a case is it mandatory to create hierarchies for all the dimension tables?
o No, its not mandatory to define hierarchies to other Dimension tables.
Can you have multiple data sources in Siebel Analytics?
o Yes.
How do you deal with case statement and expressions in siebel analytics?
o use expression builder to create case when…then.. end statement
Do you know about Initialization Blocks? Can you give me an example where you used them?
o Init blocks are used for instantiating a session when a user logs in.
o To create dynamic variable you have to create IB to write sql statement.
what is query repository tool?
o It is utility of Seibel/OBIEE Admin tool
o allows you to examine the repository metadata tool
o for example: search for objects based on name,type.
o Examine relationship between metadata objects like which column in the presentation layer maps to which table in physical layer
what is JDK and why do we need it?
o Java Development Kit (JDK), A software package that contains the minimal set of tools needed to write, compile, debug, and run Java applets.
Oracle doesn’t recommend Opaque Views because of performance considerations, so why/when do we use them?
o an opaque view is a physical layer table that consists of select statement. an opaque view should be used only if there is no other solution.
Can you migrate the presentation layer to a different server.
o No we have to migrate the whole web & rpd files
How do you identify what are the dimension tables and how do you decide them during the Business/Data modeling?
o Dimension tables contain descriptions that data analysts use as they query the database. For example, the Store table contains store names and addresses; the Product table contains product packaging information; and the Period table contains month, quarter, and year values. Every table contains a primary key that consists of one or more columns; each row in a table is uniquely identified by its primary-key value or values
Why do we have multiple LTS in BMM layer?What is the purpose?
o to improve the performance and query response time.
what is the full form of rpd?
o there is no full form for rpd as such, it is just a repository file (Rapidfile Database)
how do i disable cache for only 2 particular tables?
o in the physical layer, right click on the table there we will have the option which says cacheable
How do you split a table in the rpd given the condition. ( the condition given was Broker and customer in the same table) Split Broker and customer.
o we need to make an alias table in the physical layer.
What type of protocol did you use in SAS?
Did you create any new logical column in BMM layer, how?
o Yes. We can create new logical column in BMM layer.
o Example: Right click on fact table -new lgical column-give name for new logical column like Total cost.
o Now in fact table source,we have one option column mapping, in that we can do all calculation for that new column.
Can you use physical join in BMM layer?
o yes we can use physical join in BMM layer.when there is SCD type 2 we need complex join in BMM layer.
Can you use outer join in BMM layer?
o yes we can.When we are doing complex join in BMM layer ,there is one option type,outer join is there.
What are other ways of improving summary query reports other than Aggregate Navigation and Cache Management
Join algorithm
Mat/view query rewrite
Web proper report design its optimal by making sure that it is not getting any addition column or rows
What is level-base matrics?
o Leval-base matrics means, having a measure pinned at a certain level of the dimension. For Example, if you have a measure called Dollars, you can create a Level Based Measure called Yearly Dollars which (you guessed it) is Dollars for a Year. This measure will always return the value for the year even if you drill down to a lower level like quarter, month… etc. To create a level based measure, create a new logical column based on the original measure (like Dollars in the example above). Drag and drop the new logical column to the appropriate level in the Dimension hierarchy (in the above example you will drag and drop it to Year in Time Dim
o A LBM is a metric that is defined for a specific level or intersection of levels.
o Monthly Total Sales or Quarterly Sales are the examples.
o You can compare monthly sales with quarterly sales. You can compare customer orders this quarter to orders this year
What is logging level?Where can you set logging levels?
o You can enable logging level for individual users; you cannot configure a logging level for a group.
o Set the logging level based on the amount of logging you want to do. In normal operations, logging is generally disabled (the logging level is set to 0). If you decide to enable logging, choose a logging
o level of 1 or 2. These two levels are designed for use by Siebel Analytics Server administrators.
o Set Logging Level
1. In the Administration Tool, select Manage > Security.
2. The Security Manager dialog box appears.
3. Double-click the user.s user ID.
4. The User dialog box appears.
5. Set the logging level by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the Logging Level field
What is variable in sieble?
o You can use variables in a repository to streamline administrative tasks and modify metadata content dynamically to adjust to a chainging data environment.The Administration Tool includes a Variable Manager for defining variables
What is system variable and non system variable?
o System variables
o System variables are session variables that the Siebel Analytics Server and Siebel Analytics Web use for specific purposes. System variables have reserved names, which cannot be used for other kinds of variables (such as static or dynamic repository variables, or for nonsystem session variables).
o When using these variables in the Web,preface their names with NQ_SESSION. For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable LOGLEVEL set the filter to the Variable NQ_SESSION.LOGLEVEL.
o Nonsystem variables.
o A common use for nonsystem session variables is setting user filters. For example, you could define a nonsystem variable called SalesRegion that would be initialized to the name of the user.s sales region. You could then set a security filter for all members of a group that would allow them to see only data pertinent to their region.
o When using these variables in the Web, preface their names with NQ_SESSION. For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable SalesRegion set the filter to the Variable NQ_SESSION.SalesRegion.
What are different types of variables? Explain each.
o There are two classes of variables:
1. Repository variables
2. Session variables.
Repository variables.
A repository variable has a single value at any point in time. There are two types of repository variables:
static : This value persists, and does not change until a Siebel Analytics Server administrator decides to change it.
dynamic:The values are refreshed by data returned from queries. When defining a dynamic repository variable, you will create an initialization block or use a preexisting one that contains a SQL query. You will also set up a schedule that the Siebel Analytics Server will follow to execute the query and periodically refresh the value of the variable.
Session Variables
Session variables are created and assigned a value when each user logs on. There are two types of session variables:
What are the cache management? Name all of them and their uses. For Event polling table do u need the table in your physical layer?
o Monitoring and managing the cashe is cache management.There are three ways to do that.
o Disable caching for the system.(INI NQ config file), Cashe persistence time for specified physical tables and Setting event polling table.
o Disable caching for the system.(INI NQ config file :
You can disable caching for the whole system by setting the ENABLE parameter to NO in the NQSConfig.INI file and restarting the Siebel Analytics Server. Disabling caching stops all new cache entries and stops any new queries from using the existing cache. Disabling caching allows you to enable it at a later time without losing any entries already stored in the cache.
o Cashe persistence time for specified physical tables :
You can specify a cachable attribute for each physical table; that is, if queries involving the specified table can be added to the cache to answer future queries. To enable caching for a particular physical table, select the table in the Physical layer of the Administration Tool and select the option Make table cachable in the General tab of the Physical Table properties dialog box. You can also use the Cache Persistence Time settings to specify how long the entries for this table should persist in the query cache. This is useful for OLTP data sources and other data sources that are updated frequently, potentially down to every few seconds.
o Setting event polling table :
Siebel Analytics Server event polling tables store information about updates in the underlying databases. An application (such as an application that loads data into a data mart) could be configured to add rows to an event polling table each time a database table is updated. The Analytics server polls this table at set intervals and invalidates any cache entries corresponding to the updated tables.
o For event polling table ,It is a standalone table and doesn’t require to be joined with other tables in the physical layer
What is Authentication? How many types of authentication.
o Authentication is the process by which a system verifies, through the use of a user ID and password, that a user has the necessary permissions and authorizations to log in and access data. The Siebel Analytics Server authenticates each connection request it receives.
Operaing system autentication
External table authentication
Database authentication
LDAP authentication
What is object level security?
o There are two types of object level security: Repository level and Web level
o Repository level : In presention layar we can set Repository level security by giving permission or deny permission to users/groups to see particular table or column.
o web level:thisprovides security for objects stored in the siebel anlytics web catlog,such as dashboards,dashboards pages,folder,and reportsyou can only view the objects for which you are authorized. For example,a mid level manager may not be granted access to a dashboard containing summary information for an entire department.
What is data level security?
o This controls the type an amount of data that you can see in a report.When multiple users run the same report the results that are returned to each depend on their access rights and roles in the organization.For example a sales vice president sees results for alll regions, while a sales representative for a particular region sees onlu datafor that region.
What is the difference between Data Level Security and Object Level Security?
o Data level security controls the type and amount of data that you can see in a reports.Objectlevel security provides security for objects stored in the siebel analytics web catlog, like dashboards,dashboards pages,folder,and reports.
How do you implement security using External Tables and LDAP?
o Instead of storing user IDs and passwords in a Siebel Analytics Server repository, you can maintain lists of users and their passwords in an external database table and use this table for authentication purposes. The external database table contains user IDs and passwords, and could contain other information, including group membership and display names used for Siebel Analytics Web users. The table could also contain the names of specific database catalogs or schemas to use for each user when querying data
o Instead of storing user IDs and passwords in a Siebel Analytics Server repository, you can have the Siebel Analytics Server pass the user ID and password entered by the user to an LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) server for authentication. The server uses clear text passwords in LDAP authentication. Make sure your LDAP servers are set up to allow this.
If you have 2 fact and you want to do report on one with quarter level and the other with month level how do you do that with just one time dimension?
o Using levelbase matrics.
Did you work on a stand alone Siebel system or was it integrated to other platforms?
o Deploying the Siebel analytics platform without other Siebel applications is called Siebel analytics Stand -Alone .If your deployment includes other siebel Analytics Application it called integrated analytics -You can say Stand-Alone siebel analytics
How to sort columns in rpd and web?
o Sorting on web column, sort in the rpd its sort order column
If you want to create new logical column where will you create (in repository or dashboard) why?
o I will create new logical column in repository.because if it is in repository,you can use for any report.If you create new logical column in dashboard then it is going to affect on those reports ,which are on that dashboard.you can not use that new logical column for other dashboard(or request)
What is complex join, and where it is used?
o we can join dimention table and fact table in BMM layer using complex join.when there is SCD type 2 we have to use complex join in Bmm layer.
If you have dimension table like customer, item, time and fact table like sale and if you want to find out how often a customer comes to store and buys a particular item, what will you do?
o write a query as SELECT customer_name, item_name, sale_date, sum(qty) FROM customer_dim a, item_dim b, time_dim c, sale_fact d WHERE d.cust_key = a.cust_key AND d.item_key = b.item_key AND d.time_key = c.time_key GROUP BY customer_name, item_name, sale_date
You worked on standalone or integrated system?
o Standalone.
If you want to limit the users by the certain region to access only certain data, what would you do?
o using data level security.
o Siebel Analytics Administrator: go to Manage -> Security in left hand pane u will find the user, groups, LDAP server, Hierarchy
What you can do is select the user and right click and go to properties, you will find two tabs named as users and logon, go to user tab and click at permission button in front of user name you have selected as soon as u click at permission you will get a new window with user group permission having three tabs named as general ,query limits and filter and you can specify your condition at filter tab, in which you can select presentation table ,presentation columns ,logical table and logical columns where you can apply the condition according to your requirement for the selected user or groups.
If there are 100 users accessing data, and you want to know the logging details of all the users, where can you find that?
o To set a user.s logging level
1. In the Administration Tool, select Manage > Security.
The Security Manager dialog box appears.
2. Double-click the user.s user ID. The User dialog box appears.
3. Set the logging level by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the Logging Level field
How do implement event polling table?
o Siebel Analytics Server event polling tables store information about updates in the underlying databases. An application (such as an application that loads data into a data mart) could be configured to add rows to an event polling table each time a database table is updated. The Analytics server polls this table at set intervals and invalidates any cache entries corresponding to the updated tables.
Can you migrate the presentation layer only to different server
o No we can’t do only presentation layer. And ask him for more information and use one of the above answers
o Create a ODBC connection in the different serve and access the layer.
o Copy the Rpd and migrate it to other server
Define pipeline. Did you use it in your projects?
o Yes, pipelines are the stages in a particular transaction. assessment, finance etc.
How do you create filter on repository?
o Where condition on content tab.
How do you work in a multi user environment? What are the steps?
o Create a shared directory on the network for Multi-user Development (MUD).
o Open the rpd to use in MUD. From Tools->Options, setup the MUD directory to point to the above directory.
o Define projects within the rpd to allow multiple users to develop within their subject area or Facts.
o Save and move the rpd to the shared directory setup in point 1.
o When users work in the MUD mode, they open the admin tool and start with
o MUD ->Checkout to checkout the project they need to work on (not use the File open as you would usually do).
o After completely the development, user checkin the changes back to the network and merge the changes.
Where are passwords for userid? Ldap,external table authentication stored respectively?
o passwords for userid are in siebel analytics server repository Ldap authentication in Ldap server external database in a table in external database
Can you bypass siebel analytics server security ?if so how?
o yes you can by-pass by setting authententication type in NQSCONFIG file in the security section as:authentication_type=bypass_nqs.instanceconfig.xml and nqsconfig.ini are the 2 places
Where can you add new groups and set permissions?
o you can add groups by going to manage>security>add new groups> You can give permissions to a group for query limitation and filter conditions.
what are the things you can do in the BMM layer?
o Aggrigation navigation,level base matrics,time series wizard,create new logical column,comlex join.
what is Ragged hierarchy? and how do u manage it
o Ragged Hierarchy is one of the different kinds of hierarchy.
o A hierarchy in which each level has a consistent meaning, but the branches have inconsistent depths because at least one member attribute in a branch level is unpopulated. A ragged hierarchy can represent a geographic hierarchy in which the meaning of each level such as city or country is used consistently, but the depth of the hierarchy varies.
o For example, a geographic hierarchy that has Continent, Country, Province/State, and City levels defined. One branch has North America as the Continent, United States as the Country, California as the Province or State, and San Francisco as the City. However, the hierarchy becomes ragged when one member does not have an entry at all of the levels. For example, another branch has Europe as the Continent, Greece as the Country, and Athens as the City, but has no entry for the Province or State level because this level is not applicable to Greece for the business model in this example. In this example, the Greece and United States branches descend to different depths, creating a ragged hierarchy.
What is the difference between Single Logical Table Source and Multiple Logical Table Sources?
o If a logical table in BMM layer has only one Table as the source table then it is Single LTS.
o If the logical table in BMM layer has more than one table as the sources to it then it is called Multiple LTS.
o Ex: Usually Fact table has Multiple LTS’, for which sources will be coming from different Physical tables.
Can you let me know how many aggregate tables you have in your project? On what basis have you created them?
o As per resume justification document
How do you bring/relate the aggregate tables into the Siebel analytics Logical layer?
o One way of bringing the Aggregate Tables into the BMM layer is by bringing them as Logical Table sources for the corresponding Fact table.
o This is done by dragging and dropping the aggregate table into the corresponding fact table. After doing that establish the column mappings and the set the aggregation levels.
How do you know which report is hitting which table, either the fact table or the aggregate table?
o After running the report, go to Administration tab and go to click on Manage Sessions. There you can find the queries that are run and in the View Log option in the Session Management you can find which report is hitting which table.
Suppose I have report which is running for about 3 minutes typically. What is the first step you take to improve the performance of the query?
o Find the sql query of the report in Admin->manage Session-> run the sql query on toad ->read the explain plan output ->modify the SQL based on the explain plan output
Suppose you have a report which has the option of running on aggregate table. How does the tool know to hit the Aggregate table and for that what the steps you follow to configure them?
o Explain the process of Aggregate navigation
Have you heard of Implicit Facts? If, so what are they?
o An implicit fact column is a column that will be added to a query when it contains columns from two or more dimension tables and no measures. You will not see the column in the results. It is used to specify a default join path between dimension tables when there are several possible alternatives.
o For example, there might be many star schemas in the database that have the Campaign dimension and the Customer dimension, such as the following stars:
Campaign History star. Stores customers targeted in campaign.
Campaign Response star. Stores customer responses to a campaign.
Order star. Stores customers who placed orders as a result of a campaign.
In this example, because Campaign and Customer information might appear in many segmentation catalogs, users selecting to count customers from the targeted campaigns catalog would be expecting to count customers that have been targeted in specific campaigns.
To make sure that the join relationship between Customers and Campaigns is through the campaign history fact table, a campaign history implicit fact needs to be specified in Campaign History segmentation catalog. The following guidelines should be followed in creating
segmentation catalogs:
Each segmentation catalog should be created so that all columns come from only one physical star.
Because the Marketing module user interface has special features that allow users to specify their aggregations, level-based measures typically should not be exposed to segmentation users in a segmentation catalog.
What is aggregate navigation? How do you configure the Aggregate tables in Siebel Analytics?
o Aggregate tables store precomputed results, which are measures that have been aggregated (typically summed) over a set of dimensional attributes. Using aggregate tables is a very popular technique for speeding up query response times in decision support systems.
o If you are writing SQL queries or using a tool that only understands what physical tables exist (and not their meaning), taking advantage of aggregate tables and putting them to good use becomes more difficult as the number of aggregate tables increases. The aggregate navigation capability of the Siebel Analytics Server, however, allows queries to use the information stored in aggregate tables automatically, without query authors or query tools having to specify aggregate tables in their queries. The Siebel Analytics Server allows you to concentrate on asking the right business question; the server decides which tables provide the fastest answers.
(Assume you are in BMM layer) We have 4 dimension tables, in that, 2 tables need to have hierarchy, then in such a case is it mandatory to create hierarchies for all the dimension tables?
o No, its not mandatory to define hierarchies to other Dimension tables.
Can you have multiple data sources in Siebel Analytics?
o Yes.
How do you deal with case statement and expressions in siebel analytics?
o use expression builder to create case when…then.. end statement
Do you know about Initialization Blocks? Can you give me an example where you used them?
o Init blocks are used for instantiating a session when a user logs in.
o To create dynamic variable you have to create IB to write sql statement.
what is query repository tool?
o It is utility of Seibel/OBIEE Admin tool
o allows you to examine the repository metadata tool
o for example: search for objects based on name,type.
o Examine relationship between metadata objects like which column in the presentation layer maps to which table in physical layer
what is JDK and why do we need it?
o Java Development Kit (JDK), A software package that contains the minimal set of tools needed to write, compile, debug, and run Java applets.
Oracle doesn’t recommend Opaque Views because of performance considerations, so why/when do we use them?
o an opaque view is a physical layer table that consists of select statement. an opaque view should be used only if there is no other solution.
Can you migrate the presentation layer to a different server.
o No we have to migrate the whole web & rpd files
How do you identify what are the dimension tables and how do you decide them during the Business/Data modeling?
o Dimension tables contain descriptions that data analysts use as they query the database. For example, the Store table contains store names and addresses; the Product table contains product packaging information; and the Period table contains month, quarter, and year values. Every table contains a primary key that consists of one or more columns; each row in a table is uniquely identified by its primary-key value or values
Why do we have multiple LTS in BMM layer?What is the purpose?
o to improve the performance and query response time.
what is the full form of rpd?
o there is no full form for rpd as such, it is just a repository file (Rapidfile Database)
how do i disable cache for only 2 particular tables?
o in the physical layer, right click on the table there we will have the option which says cacheable
How do you split a table in the rpd given the condition. ( the condition given was Broker and customer in the same table) Split Broker and customer.
o we need to make an alias table in the physical layer.
What type of protocol did you use in SAS?
Did you create any new logical column in BMM layer, how?
o Yes. We can create new logical column in BMM layer.
o Example: Right click on fact table -new lgical column-give name for new logical column like Total cost.
o Now in fact table source,we have one option column mapping, in that we can do all calculation for that new column.
Can you use physical join in BMM layer?
o yes we can use physical join in BMM layer.when there is SCD type 2 we need complex join in BMM layer.
Can you use outer join in BMM layer?
o yes we can.When we are doing complex join in BMM layer ,there is one option type,outer join is there.
What are other ways of improving summary query reports other than Aggregate Navigation and Cache Management
Join algorithm
Mat/view query rewrite
Web proper report design its optimal by making sure that it is not getting any addition column or rows
What is level-base matrics?
o Leval-base matrics means, having a measure pinned at a certain level of the dimension. For Example, if you have a measure called Dollars, you can create a Level Based Measure called Yearly Dollars which (you guessed it) is Dollars for a Year. This measure will always return the value for the year even if you drill down to a lower level like quarter, month… etc. To create a level based measure, create a new logical column based on the original measure (like Dollars in the example above). Drag and drop the new logical column to the appropriate level in the Dimension hierarchy (in the above example you will drag and drop it to Year in Time Dim
o A LBM is a metric that is defined for a specific level or intersection of levels.
o Monthly Total Sales or Quarterly Sales are the examples.
o You can compare monthly sales with quarterly sales. You can compare customer orders this quarter to orders this year
What is logging level?Where can you set logging levels?
o You can enable logging level for individual users; you cannot configure a logging level for a group.
o Set the logging level based on the amount of logging you want to do. In normal operations, logging is generally disabled (the logging level is set to 0). If you decide to enable logging, choose a logging
o level of 1 or 2. These two levels are designed for use by Siebel Analytics Server administrators.
o Set Logging Level
1. In the Administration Tool, select Manage > Security.
2. The Security Manager dialog box appears.
3. Double-click the user.s user ID.
4. The User dialog box appears.
5. Set the logging level by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the Logging Level field
What is variable in sieble?
o You can use variables in a repository to streamline administrative tasks and modify metadata content dynamically to adjust to a chainging data environment.The Administration Tool includes a Variable Manager for defining variables
What is system variable and non system variable?
o System variables
o System variables are session variables that the Siebel Analytics Server and Siebel Analytics Web use for specific purposes. System variables have reserved names, which cannot be used for other kinds of variables (such as static or dynamic repository variables, or for nonsystem session variables).
o When using these variables in the Web,preface their names with NQ_SESSION. For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable LOGLEVEL set the filter to the Variable NQ_SESSION.LOGLEVEL.
o Nonsystem variables.
o A common use for nonsystem session variables is setting user filters. For example, you could define a nonsystem variable called SalesRegion that would be initialized to the name of the user.s sales region. You could then set a security filter for all members of a group that would allow them to see only data pertinent to their region.
o When using these variables in the Web, preface their names with NQ_SESSION. For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable SalesRegion set the filter to the Variable NQ_SESSION.SalesRegion.
What are different types of variables? Explain each.
o There are two classes of variables:
1. Repository variables
2. Session variables.
Repository variables.
A repository variable has a single value at any point in time. There are two types of repository variables:
static : This value persists, and does not change until a Siebel Analytics Server administrator decides to change it.
dynamic:The values are refreshed by data returned from queries. When defining a dynamic repository variable, you will create an initialization block or use a preexisting one that contains a SQL query. You will also set up a schedule that the Siebel Analytics Server will follow to execute the query and periodically refresh the value of the variable.
Session Variables
Session variables are created and assigned a value when each user logs on. There are two types of session variables:
What are the cache management? Name all of them and their uses. For Event polling table do u need the table in your physical layer?
o Monitoring and managing the cashe is cache management.There are three ways to do that.
o Disable caching for the system.(INI NQ config file), Cashe persistence time for specified physical tables and Setting event polling table.
o Disable caching for the system.(INI NQ config file :
You can disable caching for the whole system by setting the ENABLE parameter to NO in the NQSConfig.INI file and restarting the Siebel Analytics Server. Disabling caching stops all new cache entries and stops any new queries from using the existing cache. Disabling caching allows you to enable it at a later time without losing any entries already stored in the cache.
o Cashe persistence time for specified physical tables :
You can specify a cachable attribute for each physical table; that is, if queries involving the specified table can be added to the cache to answer future queries. To enable caching for a particular physical table, select the table in the Physical layer of the Administration Tool and select the option Make table cachable in the General tab of the Physical Table properties dialog box. You can also use the Cache Persistence Time settings to specify how long the entries for this table should persist in the query cache. This is useful for OLTP data sources and other data sources that are updated frequently, potentially down to every few seconds.
o Setting event polling table :
Siebel Analytics Server event polling tables store information about updates in the underlying databases. An application (such as an application that loads data into a data mart) could be configured to add rows to an event polling table each time a database table is updated. The Analytics server polls this table at set intervals and invalidates any cache entries corresponding to the updated tables.
o For event polling table ,It is a standalone table and doesn’t require to be joined with other tables in the physical layer
What is Authentication? How many types of authentication.
o Authentication is the process by which a system verifies, through the use of a user ID and password, that a user has the necessary permissions and authorizations to log in and access data. The Siebel Analytics Server authenticates each connection request it receives.
Operaing system autentication
External table authentication
Database authentication
LDAP authentication
What is object level security?
o There are two types of object level security: Repository level and Web level
o Repository level : In presention layar we can set Repository level security by giving permission or deny permission to users/groups to see particular table or column.
o web level:thisprovides security for objects stored in the siebel anlytics web catlog,such as dashboards,dashboards pages,folder,and reportsyou can only view the objects for which you are authorized. For example,a mid level manager may not be granted access to a dashboard containing summary information for an entire department.
What is data level security?
o This controls the type an amount of data that you can see in a report.When multiple users run the same report the results that are returned to each depend on their access rights and roles in the organization.For example a sales vice president sees results for alll regions, while a sales representative for a particular region sees onlu datafor that region.
What is the difference between Data Level Security and Object Level Security?
o Data level security controls the type and amount of data that you can see in a reports.Objectlevel security provides security for objects stored in the siebel analytics web catlog, like dashboards,dashboards pages,folder,and reports.
How do you implement security using External Tables and LDAP?
o Instead of storing user IDs and passwords in a Siebel Analytics Server repository, you can maintain lists of users and their passwords in an external database table and use this table for authentication purposes. The external database table contains user IDs and passwords, and could contain other information, including group membership and display names used for Siebel Analytics Web users. The table could also contain the names of specific database catalogs or schemas to use for each user when querying data
o Instead of storing user IDs and passwords in a Siebel Analytics Server repository, you can have the Siebel Analytics Server pass the user ID and password entered by the user to an LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) server for authentication. The server uses clear text passwords in LDAP authentication. Make sure your LDAP servers are set up to allow this.
If you have 2 fact and you want to do report on one with quarter level and the other with month level how do you do that with just one time dimension?
o Using levelbase matrics.
Did you work on a stand alone Siebel system or was it integrated to other platforms?
o Deploying the Siebel analytics platform without other Siebel applications is called Siebel analytics Stand -Alone .If your deployment includes other siebel Analytics Application it called integrated analytics -You can say Stand-Alone siebel analytics
How to sort columns in rpd and web?
o Sorting on web column, sort in the rpd its sort order column
If you want to create new logical column where will you create (in repository or dashboard) why?
o I will create new logical column in repository.because if it is in repository,you can use for any report.If you create new logical column in dashboard then it is going to affect on those reports ,which are on that dashboard.you can not use that new logical column for other dashboard(or request)
What is complex join, and where it is used?
o we can join dimention table and fact table in BMM layer using complex join.when there is SCD type 2 we have to use complex join in Bmm layer.
If you have dimension table like customer, item, time and fact table like sale and if you want to find out how often a customer comes to store and buys a particular item, what will you do?
o write a query as SELECT customer_name, item_name, sale_date, sum(qty) FROM customer_dim a, item_dim b, time_dim c, sale_fact d WHERE d.cust_key = a.cust_key AND d.item_key = b.item_key AND d.time_key = c.time_key GROUP BY customer_name, item_name, sale_date
You worked on standalone or integrated system?
o Standalone.
If you want to limit the users by the certain region to access only certain data, what would you do?
o using data level security.
o Siebel Analytics Administrator: go to Manage -> Security in left hand pane u will find the user, groups, LDAP server, Hierarchy
What you can do is select the user and right click and go to properties, you will find two tabs named as users and logon, go to user tab and click at permission button in front of user name you have selected as soon as u click at permission you will get a new window with user group permission having three tabs named as general ,query limits and filter and you can specify your condition at filter tab, in which you can select presentation table ,presentation columns ,logical table and logical columns where you can apply the condition according to your requirement for the selected user or groups.
If there are 100 users accessing data, and you want to know the logging details of all the users, where can you find that?
o To set a user.s logging level
1. In the Administration Tool, select Manage > Security.
The Security Manager dialog box appears.
2. Double-click the user.s user ID. The User dialog box appears.
3. Set the logging level by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the Logging Level field
How do implement event polling table?
o Siebel Analytics Server event polling tables store information about updates in the underlying databases. An application (such as an application that loads data into a data mart) could be configured to add rows to an event polling table each time a database table is updated. The Analytics server polls this table at set intervals and invalidates any cache entries corresponding to the updated tables.
Can you migrate the presentation layer only to different server
o No we can’t do only presentation layer. And ask him for more information and use one of the above answers
o Create a ODBC connection in the different serve and access the layer.
o Copy the Rpd and migrate it to other server
Function Pointers and Callbacks in C++
Function Pointers and Callbacks in C++
Introduction to Function Pointers: Function Pointers provide some extremely interesting, efficient and elegant programming techniques. You can use them to replace switch/if-statements, to implement callbacks.
If you call a virtual function, your program has got to determine which one has got to be called. It does this using a V-Table containing all the possible functions. This costs some time each call and maybe you can save some time using function pointers instead of virtual functions.
Function Pointer: Function Pointers are pointers, i.e. variables, which point to the address of a function. You must keep in mind, that a running program gets a certain space in the main-memory. Both, the executable compiled program code and the used variables, are put inside this memory. Thus a function in the program code is, like e.g. a character field, nothing else than an address. It is only important how you, or better your compiler/processor, interpret the memory a pointer points to.
Example: Using Switch-Statement
When you want to call a function DoIt() at a certain point called label in your program, you just put the call of the function DoIt() at the point label in your source code. Then you compile your code and every time your program comes up to the point label, your function is called.
A switch-statement, where you call the functions just like you want it, in the different branches, another wayis to Use a function pointer.
The task is first solved using a switch-statement. Then it is shown, how the same can be done using a function pointer.
Example: Using Switch statement
// Task: Perform one of the four basic arithmetic operations specified
//the characters ’+’, ’-’, ’*’ or ’/’.
// The four arithmetic operations … one of these functions is selected
// at runtime with a swicth or a function pointer
float Plus (float a, float b) { return a+b; }
float Minus (float a, float b) { return a-b; }
float Multiply(float a, float b) { return a*b; }
float Divide (float a, float b) { return a/b; }
// Solution with a switch-statement –specifies which operation to execute
void Switch(float a, float b, char opCode)
float result;
// execute operation
case ’+’ : result = Plus (a, b); break;
case ’-’ : result = Minus (a, b); break;
case ’*’ : result = Multiply (a, b); break;
case ’/’ : result = Divide (a, b); break; }
cout << “Switch: 2+5=” << result << endl; // display result
// Solution with a function pointer –is a function pointer and points to
// a function which takes two floats and returns a float. The function pointer
// “specifies” which operation shall be executed.
void Switch_With_Function_Pointer(float a, float b, float (*pt2Func)(float, float))
float result = pt2Func(a, b); // call using function pointer
cout << “Switch replaced by function pointer: 2-5=”; // display result
cout << result << endl;
// Execute example code
void Replace_A_Switch()
cout << endl << “Executing function ’Replace_A_Switch’” << endl;
Switch(2, 5, /* ’+’ specifies function ’Plus’ to be executed */ ’+’);
Switch_With_Function_Pointer(2, 5, /* pointer to function ’Minus’ */ &Minus);
A function pointer always points to a function with a specific parameters and return-type. Thus all functions, you want to use with the same function pointer, must have the same parameters and return-type.
Syntax Of Function Pointers: Regarding their syntax, there are two different types of function pointers: On the one hand there are pointers to ordinary C functions or to static C++ member functions. On the other hand there are pointers to non-static C++ member functions. The basic difference is that all pointers to non-static member functions need a hidden argument: The this-pointer to an instance of the class. Always keep in mind: These two types of function pointers are incompatible with each other.
Definition: A function pointer is nothing else than a variable, it must be defined as usual.
Example defines two function pointers named pt2Function, pt2Member and pt2ConstMember which to point to functions, which take one float and two char and return an int.
In the C++ example it is assumed, that the functions, our pointers point to, are (non-static) member functions of TMyClass.
// Define a function pointer and initialize to NULL
int (*pt2Function)(float, char, char) = NULL; // C
int (TMyClass::*pt2Member)(float, char, char) = NULL; // C++
int (TMyClass::*pt2ConstMember)(float, char, char) const = NULL; // C++
Calling Convention: Normally you don’t have to think about a function’s calling convention: The compiler assumes cdecl as default if you don’t specify another convention.
The calling convention tells the compiler how to pass the arguments or how to generate the name of a function. The calling convention belongs to a functions signature: Thus functions and function pointers with different calling convention are incompatible with each other.
// define the calling convention
void __cdecl DoIt(float a, char b, char c); // Borland and Microsoft
void DoIt(float a, char b, char c) __attribute__((cdecl)); // GNU GCC
Assign an Address to a Function Pointer: By the name of a suitable and known function or member function, including class-name and scope-operator (::).
Also you have got to ensure, that you are allowed to access the function right in scope where your assignment stands.
// assign an address to the function pointer
// Note: Although you may ommit the address operator on most compilers
// you should always use the correct way in order to write portable code.
// C
int DoIt (float a, char b, char c){ printf(“DoIt\n”); return a+b+c; }
int DoMore(float a, char b, char c)const{ printf(“DoMore\n”); return a-b+c; }
pt2Function = DoIt; // short form
pt2Function = &DoMore; // correct assignment using address operator
// C++
class TMyClass
int DoIt(float a, char b, char c){ cout << “TMyClass::DoIt”<< endl; return a+b+c;};
int DoMore(float a, char b, char c) const
{ cout << “TMyClass::DoMore” << endl; return a-b+c; };
/* more of TMyClass */
pt2ConstMember = &TMyClass::DoMore; // correct assignment using address operator
pt2Member = &TMyClass::DoIt; // note:may also legally point to &DoMore
Comparing Function Pointers : You can use the comparison-operators (==, !=) the same way as usual. In the following example it is checked, whether pt2Function and pt2Member actually contain the address of the functions DoIt and TMyClass::DoMore.
Example using equality.
// comparing function pointers
// C
if(pt2Function >0){ // check if initialized
if(pt2Function == &DoIt)
printf(“Pointer points to DoIt\n”); }
printf(“Pointer not initialized!!\n”);
// C++
if(pt2ConstMember == &TMyClass::DoMore)
cout << “Pointer points to TMyClass::DoMore” << endl
Calling a Function using a Function Pointer: In C you call a function using a function pointer by explicitly dereferencing it using the * operator. Alternatively you may also just use the function pointer’s instead of the funtion’s name. In C++ the two operators .* resp. ->* are used together with an instance of a class in order to call one of their (non-static) member functions. If the call takes place within another member function you may use the this-pointer.
// Example Calling a function using a function pointer
int result1 = pt2Function (12, ’a’, ’b’); // C short way
int result2 = (*pt2Function) (12, ’a’, ’b’); // C
TMyClass instance1;
int result3 = (instance1.*pt2Member)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // C++
int result4 = (*this.*pt2Member)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // C++ if this-pointer can be used
TMyClass* instance2 = new TMyClass;
int result4 = (instance2->*pt2Member)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // C++, instance2 is a pointer
delete instance2;
How to Pass a Function Pointer as an Argument: You can pass a function pointer as a function’s calling argument. In the example shows how to pass a pointer to a callback function which returns an int and takes a float and two char:
// How to Pass a Function Pointer
//is a pointer to a function which returns an int and takes a float and two char
void PassPtr(int (*pt2Func)(float, char, char))
int result = (*pt2Func)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // call using function pointer
cout << result << endl;
// execute example code – ’DoIt’ is a suitable function like defined above in 2.1-4
void Pass_A_Function_Pointer()
cout << endl << “Executing ’Pass_A_Function_Pointer’” << endl;
Return a Function Pointer: A function pointer can be a function’s return value.
Example of how to return a pointer to a function which is taking two float arguments and returns a float. If you want to return a pointer to a member function you have just got to change the definitions/declarations
of all function pointers.
// How to Return a Function Pointer
// ’Plus’ and ’Minus’ are defined above. They return a float and take two float
// Direct solution: Function takes a char and returns a pointer to a
// function which is taking two floats and returns a float.
// specifies which function to return
float (*GetPtr1(const char opCode))(float, float){
if(opCode == ’+’)
return &Plus;
return &Minus;} // default if invalid operator was passed
Introduction to Function Pointers: Function Pointers provide some extremely interesting, efficient and elegant programming techniques. You can use them to replace switch/if-statements, to implement callbacks.
If you call a virtual function, your program has got to determine which one has got to be called. It does this using a V-Table containing all the possible functions. This costs some time each call and maybe you can save some time using function pointers instead of virtual functions.
Function Pointer: Function Pointers are pointers, i.e. variables, which point to the address of a function. You must keep in mind, that a running program gets a certain space in the main-memory. Both, the executable compiled program code and the used variables, are put inside this memory. Thus a function in the program code is, like e.g. a character field, nothing else than an address. It is only important how you, or better your compiler/processor, interpret the memory a pointer points to.
Example: Using Switch-Statement
When you want to call a function DoIt() at a certain point called label in your program, you just put the call of the function DoIt() at the point label in your source code. Then you compile your code and every time your program comes up to the point label, your function is called.
A switch-statement, where you call the functions just like you want it, in the different branches, another wayis to Use a function pointer.
The task is first solved using a switch-statement. Then it is shown, how the same can be done using a function pointer.
Example: Using Switch statement
// Task: Perform one of the four basic arithmetic operations specified
//the characters ’+’, ’-’, ’*’ or ’/’.
// The four arithmetic operations … one of these functions is selected
// at runtime with a swicth or a function pointer
float Plus (float a, float b) { return a+b; }
float Minus (float a, float b) { return a-b; }
float Multiply(float a, float b) { return a*b; }
float Divide (float a, float b) { return a/b; }
// Solution with a switch-statement –
void Switch(float a, float b, char opCode)
float result;
// execute operation
case ’+’ : result = Plus (a, b); break;
case ’-’ : result = Minus (a, b); break;
case ’*’ : result = Multiply (a, b); break;
case ’/’ : result = Divide (a, b); break; }
cout << “Switch: 2+5=” << result << endl; // display result
// Solution with a function pointer –
// a function which takes two floats and returns a float. The function pointer
// “specifies” which operation shall be executed.
void Switch_With_Function_Pointer(float a, float b, float (*pt2Func)(float, float))
float result = pt2Func(a, b); // call using function pointer
cout << “Switch replaced by function pointer: 2-5=”; // display result
cout << result << endl;
// Execute example code
void Replace_A_Switch()
cout << endl << “Executing function ’Replace_A_Switch’” << endl;
Switch(2, 5, /* ’+’ specifies function ’Plus’ to be executed */ ’+’);
Switch_With_Function_Pointer(2, 5, /* pointer to function ’Minus’ */ &Minus);
A function pointer always points to a function with a specific parameters and return-type. Thus all functions, you want to use with the same function pointer, must have the same parameters and return-type.
Syntax Of Function Pointers: Regarding their syntax, there are two different types of function pointers: On the one hand there are pointers to ordinary C functions or to static C++ member functions. On the other hand there are pointers to non-static C++ member functions. The basic difference is that all pointers to non-static member functions need a hidden argument: The this-pointer to an instance of the class. Always keep in mind: These two types of function pointers are incompatible with each other.
Definition: A function pointer is nothing else than a variable, it must be defined as usual.
Example defines two function pointers named pt2Function, pt2Member and pt2ConstMember which to point to functions, which take one float and two char and return an int.
In the C++ example it is assumed, that the functions, our pointers point to, are (non-static) member functions of TMyClass.
// Define a function pointer and initialize to NULL
int (*pt2Function)(float, char, char) = NULL; // C
int (TMyClass::*pt2Member)(float, char, char) = NULL; // C++
int (TMyClass::*pt2ConstMember)(float, char, char) const = NULL; // C++
Calling Convention: Normally you don’t have to think about a function’s calling convention: The compiler assumes cdecl as default if you don’t specify another convention.
The calling convention tells the compiler how to pass the arguments or how to generate the name of a function. The calling convention belongs to a functions signature: Thus functions and function pointers with different calling convention are incompatible with each other.
// define the calling convention
void __cdecl DoIt(float a, char b, char c); // Borland and Microsoft
void DoIt(float a, char b, char c) __attribute__((cdecl)); // GNU GCC
Assign an Address to a Function Pointer: By the name of a suitable and known function or member function, including class-name and scope-operator (::).
Also you have got to ensure, that you are allowed to access the function right in scope where your assignment stands.
// assign an address to the function pointer
// Note: Although you may ommit the address operator on most compilers
// you should always use the correct way in order to write portable code.
// C
int DoIt (float a, char b, char c){ printf(“DoIt\n”); return a+b+c; }
int DoMore(float a, char b, char c)const{ printf(“DoMore\n”); return a-b+c; }
pt2Function = DoIt; // short form
pt2Function = &DoMore; // correct assignment using address operator
// C++
class TMyClass
int DoIt(float a, char b, char c){ cout << “TMyClass::DoIt”<< endl; return a+b+c;};
int DoMore(float a, char b, char c) const
{ cout << “TMyClass::DoMore” << endl; return a-b+c; };
/* more of TMyClass */
pt2ConstMember = &TMyClass::DoMore; // correct assignment using address operator
pt2Member = &TMyClass::DoIt; // note:
Comparing Function Pointers : You can use the comparison-operators (==, !=) the same way as usual. In the following example it is checked, whether pt2Function and pt2Member actually contain the address of the functions DoIt and TMyClass::DoMore.
Example using equality.
// comparing function pointers
// C
if(pt2Function >0){ // check if initialized
if(pt2Function == &DoIt)
printf(“Pointer points to DoIt\n”); }
printf(“Pointer not initialized!!\n”);
// C++
if(pt2ConstMember == &TMyClass::DoMore)
cout << “Pointer points to TMyClass::DoMore” << endl
Calling a Function using a Function Pointer: In C you call a function using a function pointer by explicitly dereferencing it using the * operator. Alternatively you may also just use the function pointer’s instead of the funtion’s name. In C++ the two operators .* resp. ->* are used together with an instance of a class in order to call one of their (non-static) member functions. If the call takes place within another member function you may use the this-pointer.
// Example Calling a function using a function pointer
int result1 = pt2Function (12, ’a’, ’b’); // C short way
int result2 = (*pt2Function) (12, ’a’, ’b’); // C
TMyClass instance1;
int result3 = (instance1.*pt2Member)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // C++
int result4 = (*this.*pt2Member)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // C++ if this-pointer can be used
TMyClass* instance2 = new TMyClass;
int result4 = (instance2->*pt2Member)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // C++, instance2 is a pointer
delete instance2;
How to Pass a Function Pointer as an Argument: You can pass a function pointer as a function’s calling argument. In the example shows how to pass a pointer to a callback function which returns an int and takes a float and two char:
// How to Pass a Function Pointer
void PassPtr(int (*pt2Func)(float, char, char))
int result = (*pt2Func)(12, ’a’, ’b’); // call using function pointer
cout << result << endl;
// execute example code – ’DoIt’ is a suitable function like defined above in 2.1-4
void Pass_A_Function_Pointer()
cout << endl << “Executing ’Pass_A_Function_Pointer’” << endl;
Return a Function Pointer: A function pointer can be a function’s return value.
Example of how to return a pointer to a function which is taking two float arguments and returns a float. If you want to return a pointer to a member function you have just got to change the definitions/declarations
of all function pointers.
// How to Return a Function Pointer
// ’Plus’ and ’Minus’ are defined above. They return a float and take two float
// Direct solution: Function takes a char and returns a pointer to a
// function which is taking two floats and returns a float.
// specifies which function to return
float (*GetPtr1(const char opCode))(float, float){
if(opCode == ’+’)
return &Plus;
return &Minus;} // default if invalid operator was passed
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