Algorithm Definition

Algorithm Definition:
An algorithm is an effective method for solving a problem using a finite sequence of instructions. Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and many other fields.
An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem
Each algorithm is a list of well-defined instructions for completing a task. Starting from an initial state, the instructions describe a computation that proceeds through a well-defined series of successive states, eventually terminating in a final ending state.
A formula or set of steps for solving a particular problem.Algorithms can be expressed in any language, from natural languages like English or French to programming languages like FORTRAN.
Algorithms are only as good as the instructions given, however, and the result will be incorrect if the algorithm is not properly defined
An Algorithm is  a step by step method for solving a problem.
It’s purpose is to break a larger task down so that each step can be carried out without creativity

Characteristics of an algorithm:

Characteristics of an algorithm:
1. Input-It May accept zero or more inputs
2. Output –it should produce at least one output.
3. Definiteness –Each instruction must be clear ,well defined .there should not be any ambiguity.
4. Finiteness-it should be sequence of finite instruction .That is ,it should end after a fixed time.
5. Effectiveness: This  means that operation must be simple and carried out in a finite time.

what is Algorithm Example

What is Algorithm Example 
Example:  Algorithm for counting the digits in a positive integer N.
Step 1.  Set the Count to 0.
Step 2.   Divide N by 10 (dropping any remainder).
Step 3.  Add 1 to the Count.
Step 4.  If N is greater than 0, repeat steps 2-4.
Step 5.Print N.
Step 6:Stop.

Computer definition what is ?

What is a Computer definition ?
Computer word come from compute .A computer is electronic device that take data and instruction as an input from user and perform operation or process on data ,give the result . result is know as out put.
1-A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions
2-A computer is defined as ‘an automatic electronic apparatus for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible is numerical or logical terms.
3-A machine for performing calculations automatically.
4-”computer” is a collection of devices that function as a unit. The most basic collection includes a Computer CPU, a Monitor, a Keyboard, and a Mouse.
5-A computer is a machine for manipulating data according to a list of instructions know as a program.
Data: Data means raw facts
Example;-mark sheets of student
Information : information is processed data that contains meaningful message.
Data Process Information
Process can be of mathematical example addition ,subtraction or logical example sorting ,searching .
1-Data is raw facts such as phone numbers or addresses, and information is the organization of these raw facts into a meaningful manner.
2-The relationship between data and information is very much interconnected and without data there could be no information.

c interview question bank

C interview question bank
1-what is modular programming? Give advantage with the of diagram and example?
2-what is call by reference? Explain using example.
3-explain between switch statement .what is the difference between if and switch statement ?
4-write a c program to calculate the sum of digit  of a number given by the user using recursion ?
5-How to a pointer initialized ?explain it ?
6-how does function definition differ from function declaration?
7- What is storage class in c? Explain type of storage class.
8-write a function to find the sum of digits of a given number?
9-differentiate between p and *p?
10-write a program to find the gcd(greatest common dividing ) of two number . using recursion?
11-Differentiate between the standard functions and user defined function?
12-what is call by value? Explain using example.
13-what is recursion?
14-explain nested loop with example?
15-write a program to check whether a number is a krisnamurty number or not. A Krishnamurty number is one whose sum of factorial of digits equals the number.
16-write a program of Fibonacci series using recursion.
17-what is pointer? Why are they important? Explain the features of pointer.
18-explain the relation between an array and a pointer.
19-deffine type of pointer? and also give example .
20-write a program to check whether a number is prime number or not?
21-what is purpose of if statement? Describe the different forms of if statement.
22-whatis the purpose of while and do while loops?
23-diffrence between call by value and call by reference? give example
24-write a program to print the second largest number among a list ?
25-differentitate between a for loop and a while loop ?
26-write a program to  find the mean of two integer number. Using call by value .
27-which arithmetic operation are possible with pointer ?
28-explain function and type of function?
29- what is the result of adding an integer to a pointer ? and give example ?
30-write a program using pointer to read in an array of integer and print its elements in reverse order.
31- what is an operating system? Explain its components.
32- write short notes on: (1) UNIX    (2) WINDOWS
33- explain the structure of a C program in brief.
34- what do you understand by stepwise refinement? Explain SDLC in brief.
35- write a program to reverse a given integer number and check whether it is a palindrome . output the given number with suitable messages.
36- what is storage classes? Explain automatic and register storage class in brief.
37- write a program to find sum of odd and even numbers from 1 to N. Output the computed sums on two different lines with suitable heading.
38- write syntaxes of if-else ladder, for, while and do-while loop with their flow charts.
39- explain the scope rule. Also explain the advantages of modular programming.
40- Write a C program that shows the concept of call by value and cll by reference.
41- WAP in C to read two strings and concatenate them (without using library function) .
42-Perform the following conversions: (i) (6820)10=()2 (ii) (CDFE)16 = ()2 (iii) (2489)10 = ()8 (iv) (1010.001)16 =()10
43- WAP in C to read a string and write it in reverse order.
44- WAP in C to find the roots of quadratic equation using function and switch statement.
45- Explain stack operation in detail. Support your answer by code segments.
46- what do you mean by linked list? Explain any one operation on linked list with a program.
47-what do you mean by dynamic memory allocation? Explain its function.
48- What is the use of macros? Explain conditional compilation in brief.
49- Explain difference between array and structure with the help of a program.
50- explain searching and sorting in brief supported by code segment for each.