Top Salesforce interview questions and answers

Top Salesforce interview questions and answers

1. What is Salesforce ?

Salesforce is Customer relationship management (CRM) software that is available to users as a software as a service (SaaS) application.

2. What is App in Salesforce?

In Sales force an App is a group of tabs that work as a unit to provide functionality. Users can switch between multiple apps using the app drop-down menu at the top-right corner of every page.
You can customize your existing apps to match the way you work, or build new apps by grouping standard and custom tabs.
You can create a new app by clicking Setup ->Build ->Create->App-> Click on new from navigation.

3. What is the benefit of Salesforce CRM ?

Below are top benefits of using Salesforce CRM
It Ensures faster and better sales opportunity
Reducing cost and improving customer satisfaction level
Deploying an analytical approach to customer acquisition
Automation of repetitive tasks.

4. Explain Opportunity in Salesforce ?

An opportunity is a potential revenue-generating event. May be associated with accounts and contacts.

5. How many workflow rules can you create per entity ?

You can generate 25 workflow rules per entity.

6. How many relationships are included in SFDC ?

There are two important relationships in Salesforce. They are
Lookup relationship
Master detail relationship

7.List the various types of Reports available in Salesforce ?

In Salesforce four types of reports are available they are as follows .
Tabular report : In this the grand total is displayed in a table format.
Matrix report : An in-depth report wherein the there is both row –based and column-based grouping.
Summary report : A report in which the grouping is on the column basis.
Joined report : A joining of two or more reports into one

8. How can you create Many to Many relationship in salesforce ?

We can create many to Many relationship in salesforce by using junction object. Junction object is a custom object with two master detail relationships.

9. List the various object relations are available Salesforce ?

There are three types of object realations are available in Salesforce , they are
One to many.
Many to many.
Master detail

10. Explain “Lookup Relationship” in Salesforce ?

Lookup relationship links two objects in Salesforce .
25 Lookup relationship are allowed for an object
Parent field is not required.
There is no impact on deletion.
Can be multiple layers deep.
Lookup field is not required.
No impact on a security and access.

11. Explain “Master-Detail Relationship” in Salesforce ?
Master-Detail Relationship is the Parent child relationship. In which Master represents Parent and detail represents Child.In this relationship,if parent is deleted then Child also gets deleted.
Rollup summary fields can only be created on Master records which will calculate the SUM, AVG, MIN of the Child records.
Up to 2 Master-Detail Relationships are allowed to an object.
Parent field on child is required.
Access to parent determines access to children.
Deleting parent automatically deletes child.
A child of one master detail relationship cannot be the parent of another.
Lookup field on page layout is required.

12. What is Case in Salesforce ?
In Salesforce Case is a detailed description of a customer’s problems, questions, and feedback. Usually associated with accounts and contacts.

13. Can a dependent field be a controlling field as well in Salesforce ?
Yes, a controlling field Can a dependent field in Salesforce.

14. What data types are supported by External ID’s in ?
Text, Email, Number .

15. How many days are are items saved in the recycle bin of Salesforce ?
Fifteen items are saved in the recycle bin of Salesforce.

16. What are Standard Fields in Salesforce ?
Standard Fields are predefined fields in Salesforce, cannot be deleted, can be removed from a page layout, and can have limited customizations: changing labels, adding help text, adding/editing values in picklists, adding/editing lookup filters, setting field history tracking, changing the format of auto-number fields.

17. What is Field-Level Security in Salesforce ?
Field-Level Security defines user ability to view and edit fields in Salesforce, helps enforce data security, helps ensure that users view only relevant data. This affects list views, search results, and reports.

18. Explain Campaign in Salesforce ?
Campaigns are marketing projects that you plan, manage, and track within Salesforce. May have related leads and contacts, shown as campaign members, and opportunities.

19. What are the different editions of Salesforce?
Enterprise, Group, Unlimited, Professional, and Developer editions

20. How many Custom Objects you can create in Enterprise Edition ?
You can create 200 custom objects in Enterprise Edition.

21. Types of Sand boxes available
1)Developer Sandbox
2)Developer pro sandbox
3)Partial data sandbox
4)Full copy sandbox

Ab Initio interview questions and answers

Ab Initio interview questions and answers

1. What does dependency analysis mean in Ab Initio?

Dependency analysis will answer the questions regarding datalinage.That is where does the data come from,what applications prodeuce and depend on this data etc.
We can retrieve the maximum (surrogate key) from the existing data,the by using scan or next_in_sequence/reformat we can generate further sequence for new records.

2. When using multiple DML statements to perform a single unit of work, is it preferable to use implicit or explicit transactions, and why?

Because implicit is using for internal processing and explicit is using for user open data required.

3. Explain what is the architecture of Abinitio?

Architecture of Abinitio includes
GDE (Graphical Development Environment)
Co-operating System
Enterprise meta-environment (EME)

4. What is MAX CORE of a component?
MAX CORE is the space consumed by a component that is used for calculations
Each component has different MAX COREs
Component performances will be influenced by the MAX CORE’s contribution
The process may slow down / fasten if a wrong MAX CORE is set

5. Explain what is de-partition in Abinitio?
De-partition is done in order to read data from multiple flow or operations and are used to re-join data records from different flows. There are several de-partition components available which includes Gather, Merge, Interleave, and Concatenation.

6. How do you add default rules in transformer?
The following is the process to add default rules in transformer
Double click on the transform parameter in the parameter tab page in component properties
Click on Edit menu in Transform editor
Select Add Default Rules from the dropdown list box.
It shows Match Names and Wildcard options. Select either of them.

7. Mention what is the role of Co-operating system in Abinitio?
The Abinitio co-operating system provide features like Manage and run Abinitio graph and control the ETL processes
Provide Abinitio extensions to the operating system
ETL processes monitoring and debugging
Meta-data management and interaction with the EME

8. Describe the Grant/Revoke DDL facility and how it is implemented?
Basically,This is a part of D.B.A responsibilities GRANT means permissions for example GRANT CREATE TABLE ,CREATE VIEW AND MANY MORE .
REVOKE means cancel the grant (permissions).So,Grant or Revoke both commands depend upon D.B.A.

9. State the first_defined function with an example.
This function is similar to the function NVL() in Oracle database
It performs the first values which are not null among other values available in the function and assigns to the variable
Example: A set of variables, say v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6 are assigned with NULL.
Another variable num is assigned with value 340 (num=340)
num = first_defined(NULL, v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,NUM)
The result of num is 340

10.Explain what is SANDBOX?

A SANDBOX is referred for the collection of graphs and related files that are saved in a single directory tree and behaves as a group for the purposes of navigation, version control, and migration.

11. How to run a graph infinitely?
To run a graph infinitely…The .ksh graph file should be called by the end script in the graph.
If the graph name is then the graph should call the abc.ksh file.

12. Explain what does dependency analysis mean in Abinitio?
In Abinitio, dependency analysis is a process through which the EME examines a project entirely and traces how data is transferred and transformed- from component-to-component, field-by-field, within and between graphs.

13. Explain PDL with an example?
To make a graph behave dynamically, PDL is used
Suppose there is a need to have a dynamic field that is to be added to a predefined DML while executing the graph
Then a graph level parameter can be defined
Utilize this parameter while embedding the DML in output port.
For Example : define a parameter named myfield with a value “string(“ | “”) name;”
Use ${mystring} at the time of embedding the dml in out port.
Use $substitution as an interpretation option

14. Describe the elements you would review to ensure multiple scheduled batch jobs do not collide with each other?
Because every job depend upon another job for example if you first job result is successfull then another job will execute otherwise your job doesn’t work.

15. What is a local lookup?
• Local lookup file has records which can be placed in main memory
• They use transform function for retrieving records much faster than retrieving from the disk.

16. Mention how can you connect EME to Abinitio Server?
To connect with Abinitio Server, there are several ways like
• Login to EME web interface- http://serverhost:[serverport]/abinitio
• Through GDE, you can connect to EME data-store
• Through air-command

17.Describe the Evaluation of Parameters order.
Following is the order of evaluation:
• Host setup script will be executed first
• All Common parameters, that is, included , are evaluated
• All Sandbox parameters are evaluated
• The project script – project-start.ksh is executed
• All form parameters are evaluated
• Graph parameters are evaluated
• The Start Script of graph is executed

18. Explain what is Sort Component in Abinitio?
The Sort Component in Abinitio re-orders the data. It comprises of two parameters “Key” and “Max-core”.
• Key: It is one of the parameters for sort component which determines the collation order
• Max-core: This parameter controls how often the sort component dumps data from memory to disk

19. Describe the process steps you would perform when defragmenting a data table. This table contains mission critical data?
There are several ways to do this:
1) We can move the table in the same or other tablespace and rebuild all the indexes on the table.
alter table move this activity reclaims the defragmented space in the table
analyze table table_name compute statistics to capture the updated statistics.
2)Reorg could be done by taking a dump of the table, truncate the table and import the dump back into the table.

20. What is a ramp limit?
• A limit is an integer parameter which represents a number of reject events
• Ramp parameter contain a real number representing a rate of reject events of certain processed records
• The formula is – No. of bad records allowed = limit + no. of records x ramp
• A ramp is a percentage value from 0 to 1.
• These two provides the threshold value of bad records.

21. Mention what information does a .dbc file extension provides to connect to the database?
The .dbc extension provides the GDE with the information to connect with the database are
• Name and version number of the data-base to which you want to connect
• Name of the computer on which the data-base instance or server to which you want to connect runs, or on which the database remote access software is installed
• Name of the server, database instance or provider to which you want to link

22. Explain the methods to improve performance of a graph?
The following are the ways to improve the performance of a graph :
• Make sure that a limited number of components are used in a particular phase
• Implement the usage of optimum value of max core values for the purpose of sorting and joining components.
• Utilize the minimum number of sort components
• Utilize the minimum number of sorted join components and replace them by in-memory join / hash join, if needed and possible
• Restrict only the needed fields in sort, reformat, join components
• Utilize phasing or flow buffers when merged or sorted joins
• Use sorted join, when two inputs are huge, otherwise use hash join

23. How can you force the optimizer to use a particular index?
Use hints /*+ */, these acts as directives to the optimizer

24. Have you used rollup component? Describe how?
If the user wants to group the records on particular field values then rollup is best way to do that. Rollup is a multi-stage transform function and it contains the following mandatory functions.
1. initialise
2. rollup
3. finalise
Also need to declare one temporary variable if you want to get counts of a particular group.
For each of the group, first it does call the initialise function once, followed by rollup function calls for each of the records in the group and finally calls the finalise function once at the end of last rollup call.

25. We know rollup component in Abinitio is used to summarize group of data record then why do we use aggregation?
• Aggregation and Rollup, both are used to summarize the data.
• Rollup is much better and convenient to use.
• Rollup can perform some additional functionality, like input filtering and output filtering of records.
• Aggregate does not display the intermediate results in main memory, where as Rollup can.
• Analyzing a particular summarization is much simpler compared to Aggregations.

26. Mention what is Abinitio?
“Abinitio” is a latin word meaning “from the beginning.” Abinitio is a tool used to extract, transform and load data. It is also used for data analysis, data manipulation, batch processing, and graphical user interface based parallel processing.

27. What are the operations that support avoiding duplicate record?
Duplicate records can be avoided by using the following:
• Using Dedup sort
• Performing aggregation
• Utilizing the Rollup component

28. Mention what is Rollup Component?
Roll-up component enables the users to group the records on certain field values. It is a multiple stage function and consists initialize 2 and Rollup 3.

29. What kind of layouts does Abinitio support?
• Abinitio supports serial and parallel layouts.
• A graph layout supports both serial and parallel layouts at a time.
• The parallel layout depends on the degree of the data parallelism
• A multi-file system is a 4-way parallel system
• A component in a graph system can run 4-way parallel system.

30. Have you used rollup component? Describe how?
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If the user wants to group the records on particular field values then rollup is best way to do that. Rollup is a multi-stage transform function and it contains the following mandatory functions.
1. initialise
2. rollup
3. finalise
Also need to declare one temporary variable if you want to get counts of a particular group.
For each of the group, first it does call the initialise function once, followed by rollup function calls for each of the records in the group and finally calls the finalise function once at the end of last rollup call.

31. What is $mpjret? Where it is used in ab-initio?
You can use $mpjret in endscript like
if 0 -eq($mpjret)
echo “success”
mailx -s “[graphname] failed” mailid

32. What is local and formal parameter?
Two are graph level parameters but in local you need to initialize the value at the time of declaration where as globle no need to initialize the data it will promt at the time of running the graph for that parameter.

33. What is m_dump?
m_dump command prints the data in a formatted way.

34. What is AB_LOCAL expression where do you use it in ab-initio?
ablocal_expr is a parameter of itable component of Ab Initio.ABLOCAL() is replaced by the contents of ablocal_expr.Which we can make use in parallel unloads.There are two forms of AB_LOCAL() construct, one with no arguments and one with single argument as a table name(driving table).
The use of AB_LOCAL() construct is in Some complex SQL statements contain grammar that is not recognized by the Ab Initio parser when unloading in parallel. You can use the ABLOCAL() construct in this case to prevent the Input Table component from parsing the SQL (it will get passed through to the database). It also specifies which table to use for the parallel clause.
35. What is the latest version that is available in Ab-initio?
The latest version of GDE ism1.15 AND Co>operating system is 2.14

36. What are differences between different versions of Co-op? 
1.10 is a non key version and rest are key versions.
There are lot of components added and revised at following versions.

37. What is the importance of EME in abinitio?
EME is a repository in Ab Inition and it used for checkin and checkout for graphs also maintains graph version.

38. How to get DML using Utilities in UNIX?
If your source is a cobol copybook, then we have a command in unix which generates the required in Ab Initio. here it is:

Tableau Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

Tableau Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

Ans: Our goal is to help people see and understand data. Our software products put the power of data into the hands of everyday people, allowing a broad population of business users to engage with their data, ask questions, solve problems and create value
2). What is Tableau Public?
Ans: Tableau Public is a free service that lets anyone publish interactive data to the web. Once on the web, anyone can interact with the data, download it, or create their own visualizations of it. No programming skills are required. Be sure to look at the gallery to see some of the things people have been doing with it.
3).What is data modeling?
Ans: Data modeling is the analysis of data objects that are used in a business or other context and the identification of the relationships among these data objects. Data modeling is a first step in doing object-oriented programming
4). What is your daily work process in tableau?
Ans: I think we all work on different projects using Tableau, so the work begins from understanding the requirement getting the required data, storyboarding then creating visualizations in the tableau and then presenting it to the client for review.
5).What is the parameter in Tableau? And how it works.?
Ans: Parameters are dynamic values that can replace constant values in calculations and can serve as filters
6). How does Tableau perform with huge datasets?
Ans: Tableau Performance is based on Data source performance. If data source takes more time to execute a query then Tableau must wait up to that time
7). How will you publish and schedule workbook in tableau server?
Ans: First create a schedule for particular time and then create the extract for the data source and publish the workbook for the server. Before you publish, there is an option called Scheduling and Authentication, click on that and select the schedule from the drop-downn which is created and publish. Also publish data source and assign the schedule. This schedule will automatically run for the assigned time and the workbook is refreshed.
8). How to rectify SQL Performance for developed Dashboards
Ans: After creation of Dashboards if we get problem from sql side that means Custom Sql ….How to Rectify the sql performance from custom sql
9). Define the names for parameters, filters etc
Ans: Parameters are dynamic values that can replace constant values in calculations and can serve as filters.Filters are used to restrict the data based on the condition u have mentioned in the filters shelf.
10). How to view sql which is generated by Tableau Desktop?
Ans: The Tableau Desktop Log files are located in C:\Users\\My Documents\My Tableau Repository. If you have a live connection to the data source, check the log.txt and tabprotosrv.txt files. If you are using an extract, check the tdeserver.txt file. The tabprotosrv.txt file often shows detailed information about queries.
11). What is page shelf?
Ans: page shelf is power full part of tableau That you can use to controle the display of output as well as printed results of output.
12). What are the major differences between tableau version 7.0 and tableau version 8.0?
Ans: • New visualizations are introduced like treemap, bubble chart and box and whisker plot
• We can copy worksheet directly from one workbook to another workbook
•Introduced R script
13). How to create filled maps?
Ans: Step 1: Build a Map View Double-click a geographic fields such as State, Area Code, Zip Code, etc.
Step 2: Select the Fille Map Mark Type The Automatic mark type will show this type of view as circles over a map. On the Marks card, select Filled Map to color the geographic areas.
Step 3: Drag a Field to the Color Shelf Define how the locations are colored by dragging another field to the Color shelf.
14). Is Parameter have it’s dropdown list?
Ans: Yes it may have its own drop down list, the entries which you make in the Parameter while creating it can be viewed as Dropdown list.
Data Pane Questions
15). What type of data sources tableau can connect?
16). Does tableau has capabilities of connecting Big Data sources like Hadoop ?
17). What type of joins can be created between excel sheets ?
18). Can I write custom SQL to create a single connection that union data from two excel sheets ?
19). Does tableau allow creating calculated field from data pane directly ?
20). what’s the use of meta data option in tableau data pane ?
21). How to change data type of a field from data pane ?
22). What the difference between live and extract ?
23). What’s the extract filter ?
24). what’s the need of creating a data extract ?
25). what’s the in memory data analysis ?
26). whats the difference between .tds and .tdsx file ?
27). Can you describe dimensions and measures create in tableau ?
28) . Whats the difference between extract filter and data sources filter ?
29). How does Assume referential integrity work?
30). What’s the use of edit aliases options ?
31). Tell a scenario how to use data source option “publish to server”?
32). Whats the use of saved to data source option ?
Dimensions and Measures Questions
33). Can we use dimension as measure and do data aggregation using aggregation functions ?
34). Whats the use of transform option (Split and Custom Split)?
35).How many type of default properties we can set for a dimension and how default properties are going to work?
36). Whats the use of replace reference option ?
37). Whats the use of descrive property of a dimension?
38). How to convert a measure into dimension ?
39). Describe groups with a suitable scenario and also tell whats the limitation a group is having?
40). Can you tell process of creating a set ? and a suitable scenario to use a set?
41). How to set default color for dimension values ? The purpose is wherever you use dimension it should show same color in all the charts.
42). Can you describe the geographical fields?
Build Views
43) Describe row and column shelf?
44) Describe filter and page by shelf?
45) Whats use of marks card ?
46) Whats the use of show me card?
47) Worksheet actions how to use it describe it by taking and example?
48). Whats the use of check box options shown on tooltip window “Include Command Buttons”?
49) How to use sheet caption?
50) Whats the use for show summary window shown for a worksheet?
51) How to use describe sheet option ?
52) what’s going to happen if I click a bar chart duplicate as crosstab?
53) Whats the difference between auto update filters and worksheet?
54) What do you understand by the word dashboard?
55) What is dashboard in tableau?
56) Describe the tabs Dashboard and Layout?
57) What is the use of Device Preview Tab?
58) What are all objects that we can use for designing a dashboard in tableau?
59) What are differences between floating and tiled?
60) What’s is a container ? Please describe horizontal and vertical containers?
61) name all three dashboard actions and tell the functioning of each?
62)Name the file extensions in Tableau.
Ans)There are a number of file types and extensions in Tableau :
Tableau Workbook (.twb).
Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx).
Tableau Datasource (.tds).
Tableau Packaged Datasource (.tdsx).
Tableau Data extract (.tde).
Tableau Bookmark (.tdm).
Tableau Map Source (.tms).
Tableau Preferences (.tps)

Top 50 Questions Frequently asked in Tableau Interviews For Freshers and Experienced
1.     What is Tableau Server?
2.     What is the difference between tableau server and tableau online?
3.     How to publish a workbook to a tableau server?
4.     Where do you publish a workbook to the tableau server? Or what is a project in tableau server?
5.     What are all the components available in tableau server? (For e.g. Site, groups, projects, users, workbooks, data sources, scheduling, permissions, performance tuning, monitoring) Try to understand each of these
6.     How do you give permissions to a workbook to a user?
7.     How many levels of securities in tableau server?
8.     What are all the different roles of permission in tableau server?
9.     How do you take back up from a tableau server?
10.  What are the different server processes in tableau?
11.  How the tableau permissions or security works from the time the user logged in? Or what is the order of execution of different securities in the backend?
12.  What if the server goes down or not working suddenly? What is the first step you will take?
13.  How can we manage the alerts when the server went down?
14.  Where the server will be installed? What is the basic requirement or configuration for installing a server?
15.  Have you ever done the installation process for a server? If yes, How?
16.  Let us consider I have given editor permission to a project for a user where they can be able to edit, publish, save and download. Now one workbook from that project has been shared with that user and the user is not able to view any data? How can you handle this situation?
17.  Have you ever done ad-hoc reporting in tableau? How it can be achieved?
18.  Is it possible to do development in tableau?
19.  What edit option for a workbook in tableau server does?
20.  What is the difference between doing development on the server and in desktop?
21.  Can we publish data sources to tableau?
22.  Let us consider I have one workbook saved on my local machine with a live connection to an excel (saved locally). And we are publishing the workbook to the server. Now consider we are changing the data in the excel sheet (in local machine) and saving it. The workbook has been refreshed and remember it is on the live connection with the excel sheet.
The question is once the published workbook is refreshed will the changes done in the excel be reflected in that workbook? If yes/no, How and why?
23.  Can performance monitoring possible on the server? How?
24.  Have you ever faced timeout error? How can you handle?
25.  How do you schedule an extract in tableau?
26.  How do you schedule a normal workbook on the live connection in tableau?
27.  How do you automate reports using tableau?
28.  What are the platforms Tableau server can run on?
29.  Is it possible to connect to different instances/Site from the same server as different data sources? For eg: one data source needs to be connected to site A of XYZ server and one more data source needs to be connected to site B of XYZ server in the same workbook. Is that possible?
30.  Is it possible to change user authentication within one single installation?
31.  How to handle giving permissions to the multiple users?
32.  What are the new features in Tableau Server 10? Have you used any of the updated features?
33.  What are the challenges you have faced in tableau server?
34.  Have you ever embed tableau URL with any other applications or process?
35.  Explain Tableau Server Architecture?
36.  Consider a published workbook URL is given to the user. Explain me the architecture and flow what will happen in the backend from the time the User start clicking on the given link
37.  Have you ever used TABADMIN? If yes, Make sure you know the basic commands at least and the syntax.
38.  Have you ever done any migration in tableau (for eg: Moving from DEV server to PRODUCTION server)? If yes, How?
39.  Will the user filters/permissions given at the desktop level affect the permissions at the site level?
40.  How to create empty extracts in tableau? What is the use of it?
41.  What is the difference between a full refresh and incremental refresh in tableau?
42.  Is the version control possible in tableau server?
43.  How do you achieve row level security?
44.  What is the primary and secondary node in tableau server? Have you ever worked on it?
45.  How to create a backup in tableau server?
46.  What are subscriptions in tableau? What it does?
47.  Have you ever used the Tableau mobile app? How do you interact with the content of published workbook in tableau mobile?
48.  Have you ever used any API’s in tableau? What is meant by API?
49.  How to upgrade the tableau server?
50.  Where to find the tableau server log files? Have you ever analyzed it?

Top 50 interview questions for Tableau Experienced interview Questions
1.    What do you think about Tableau compared to other tools?
2.    What is Data Visualization?
3.    Is tableau a reporting tool or data visualization tool?
4.    What are all the different products of tableau?
5.    What are the versions of Tableau you have worked so far? (whenever you have worked in multiple version you should be very sure about the major updates of the versions)
6.    What are all the different file versions of Tableau?
7.    Have you ever worked in Tableau public? If yes, what is the purpose of it and what have you built in Tableau Public?
8.    What is Tableau Online and Tableau Server and the difference?
9.    What is the major update in Tableau 9x over 8x or Tableau 10x over 9x?
10. Among the update brought in the recent version what you found interesting and what have used so far?
11. What is Tableau bookmark and how it differs from the Tableau workbook (.twb or .twbx)
12. Consider opening a bookmark file and a Tableau workbook. Are they one and the same? If yes, then what is the use of bookmarks?
13. Are you aware of Gartner magic quadrant for BI platform? If yes, who are all the leaders in 2016?
14. What is the major challenge in the project you have found so far?
15. what is the major challenge in tableau you have found so far?
16. What are the most complex reports you have built? (when you are answering this question get hands-on on that report. They might ask you to do)
17. What are all the difficulties you faced with larger data sets?
Let's get into more technical :)
18. What is the difference between sets and groups? (often asked in interview)
19. when do you use sets and when do you use groups? (explain a scenario)
20. what are combined fields in the tableau and when it will be useful?
21. Can you use sets/groups in a filter? if yes, why and how? If no, why?
22. Can you use sets/groups/parameters in calculated fields? if yes, why and how? If no, why?
23. What is the difference between parameters and filters?
24. When do you use parameters? (Probably you should be able to explain a scenario)
25. What are the limitations of parameters?
26. Can we do multi-select in parameters?
27. Can same parameters be used across multiple data sources?
28. Can we include data from the fields in parameters instead of hard coding? How?
29. How to create Top N and Bottom N values in tableau? If you are explaining using sets they might ask is there any other way to do it?
30. How to pass database parameters?
31. How to use nested parameters and their pros and cons?
32. What is a calculated field?
33. How to achieve YOY values (For e.g. YOY sales or profit) in tableau? If your answer is using quick table calculation then they might expect for another way to do it (using calculated field)
34. Get an idea as how to calculate YTD, MTD, YOY, MOM, Previous year sales at a given period (especially using calculated field as there are lot of ways provided Tableau experts)
35. what is the Rank function in Tableau? (go through all the 5 rank functions in tableau-like Rank, Rank_dense, Rank_combined etc.,)
36. What is the index function in tableau and the difference between rank and index functions?
37. There are some scenarios like they may ask what is the result of all 5 rank functions given a number say (1,3,4,3)
38. what is Lookup function and have you used it so far? how and when?
39. How do you manage to use filters when you are using lookups? (questions might be in different forms)
40. What is a dimension and a measure in tableau?
41. How tableau automatically identifies a dimension and a measure? what is the criteria?
42. Have you ever noticed that some dimension appearing as a measure in tableau? why?
43. What are the blue and green pills highlighted across dimensions and measures?
44. What is discrete and continuous in tableau?
45. How to change a field from discrete to continuous and what is the significance?
46. Is date (Full date) a discrete or continuous value?
47. How many columns by default tableau will accept in a report? If we want more is there any way to change it? (this question might be asked in different forms)
48. How to create a bin? what is the purpose?
49. what is aggregation and de-aggregation and the significance?
50.  What is the maximum number of tables we can join in tableau?

Interview questions on java : Java interview questions

Java interview questions: Interview questions on java

Basic Java Interview questions
1)Briefly Explain JVM ,JRE,and JDK?
2)What are the important Features of Java 8 and recent release?
3)What exactly you mean by Java is platform independent?
4)Explain main difference between JDK and JVM?
5)Briefly tell the difference between JVM and JRE?
6)Which class is the superclass of all classes?
7)Reason Why Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance?
8)Explain Why Java is not pure Object Oriented language?
9)Why we have difference between path and classpath variables?
10)Explain the Importance of main method in Java?
11)Explain the concepts of overloading and overriding in java point of view?
12)Do we overload main method?
13)Is it possible to have multiple public classes in a java source file?
14)Java Package means to you and which package is imported by default when you try?
15)In java what are access modifiers?
16)Explain what is final keyword and static keyword?
17)Difference between finally and finalize in java?
18)Can we declare a class as static?
19)What do you mean by static import?
20)What is try-with-resources in java?
21)What is multi-catch block in java?
22)What is static block?
23)What is an interface?
24)What is an abstract class?
25)What is the difference between abstract class and interface?
26)Can an interface implement or extend another interface?
27)What is Marker interface?
28)What are Wrapper classes?
29)What is Enum in Java?
30)What is Java Annotations?
31)What is Java Reflection API? Why it’s so important to have?
32)What is composition in java?
33)What is the benefit of Composition over Inheritance?
34)How to sort a collection of custom Objects in Java?
35)What is inner class in java?
36)What is anonymous inner class?
37)What is Classloader in Java?
38)What are different types of classloaders?
39)What is ternary operator in java?
40)What does super keyword do?
42)What is break and continue statement?
43)What is this keyword?
44)What is default constructor?
45)Can we have try without catch block?
46)What is Garbage Collection?
47)What is Serialization and Deserialization?
48)How to run a JAR file through command prompt?
49)What is the use of System class?
50)What is instanceof keyword?
51)Can we use String with switch case?
52)Java is Pass by Value or Pass by Reference?
53)Can we Override static methods in java?
54) What happens if you remove static modifier from the main method?
55)What is object cloning?
56)Super keyword in java?
57)Difference between hashtable and hash map in java?
58)What are all the features missing in Java?
59)Write a program to reverse string with out using string buffer?
60)How do you check if two given String are anagrams?