What is LILO in Linux

What is LILO in linux?

Question :What is LILO in linux?
Answer :LILO stands for Linux boot loader. It will load the MBR, master boot record, into the memory, and tell the system which partition and hard drive to boot from.

Boot process:
When LILO loads itself, it displays the name LIO where each word specifies some actions
If it displays nothing then it does not load any part of LILO.
L: This is the first stage of the bootloader that has been loaded. If the process stops here it denotes that there were problems in the second stage. This may occur due to some incorrect disk parameter specified in the configuration file of lilo or some media problems also.
LI: It indicates that the second stage boot loader has been loaded and could not be executed. It can occur due to problems similar to L.
LIL: At this stage, the second stage boot loader has been completed in its execution. If it fails, this stage indicates that there were media problems or map file specified in the configuration file has some problems.
LIL?: This means that the second stage boot loader loaded at an incorrect address.
LIL-: This indicates that the descriptor table is corrupted.
LILO: All parts are successfully loaded.

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