Mahindra Satyam Interview Questions --ASP dotnet
1.Types of threading models in
2. Types of compatability in VB and their usage
3. Difference between CDATA and PCDATA in XML
4. What is Assync in XML api which version of XML parser u worked with
5. Types of ASP objects
6. Difference between application and session
7. What is web application virtual directory
8. Can two web application share a session and application variable
9. If i have a page where i create an instance of a dll and without invoking any method can I send values to next page
10.Diffeernce between Active Exe and /Dll
11.Can the dictionary object be created in client’s ccope?
12.About MTS and it’s purpose
13.About writting a query and SP which is better
14.I have a component with 3 parameter and deployed to client side now i changed my dll method which takes 4 parameter.How can i deploy this without affecting the clent’s code
15.How do you do multithreading application in VB
16.About Global .asax
17.Connection pooling in MTS
18.If cookies is disabled in clinet browser will session work
19.About XLST
20.How do you attach an XSL to an XML in presenting output
21.What is XML
22.How do you make your site SSL enabled
23.Did you work on IIS adminisdtration
• HR questions
24. About educational background
25. About work experience
26. About area of work
27. Current salary, why are looking for a change and about notice period
28. About company strength, verticals, clients, domains etc.
29. Rate yourself in different areas of .NET and SQL
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