Microsemi C++ Interview Questions

Microsemi Hyderabad C++ QT Interview Questions
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At Micro semi the interview was scheduled for half day
1) Their was a Telephonic round the interview was mainely about the resume the projects worked and a bit of basic technical Stuff it happend before interview was scheduled.
C++ interview questions
1)Write a program to compare strings Microsemi with following strings.if it correctly matches return "True" else "false"
2)Which feature in C++ you like most and why?
3)Explain inheritance? Why do you think its useful?
4)What happens if constructor is private in class? difference between constructor private and public?
5)Explain Virtual functions? why we use it?how vtable ...etc?
6)Why namespace is useful in c++

Please friends to contribute questions of company interviews you attended mail us cinterviews.blogspot.com@gmail.com it will be useful for our job search community.www.cinterviews.com appreciates your contribution

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