Python interview Questions

 Python interview Questions

1)What are the benefits of using Python?
2)What is PEP8 and explain its importance?
3)Explain Memory management in Python?
4)What are decorators in Python?
5)What are lists and Tuple in Python? Give few differences between them?
6)What are common builtin data types in Python?
7)What is lambda in Python? explain its use?
8)Why is Pass used in Python?
9)Difference between xrange and range in Python?
10)Explain break,continue and pass in Python?
11)What is Pickling and Unpickling in Python?
12)What are generators in Python?
13)Explain Python Functions?
14)What is zip() function in Python?
15)How to overload methods in Python?
16)What are Pandas?
17)What are Dataframes in Python?
18)How to access the first five and last five entries of a dataframe?
19)How to add comments in Python?
20)What is dictionary in Python?
21)What is Classifier in Python?
22)How to get list of all keys in a dictionary?
23)How to convert a string to frozen set in Python?
24)How to pick random item from a list or tuple?
25)How to reverse a list in Python?
26)What are the tools to perform static analysis or find bugs in Python?
27)What is negative index in Python?
28)Explain the rules for Local and Global Variables in Python?
29)How can you share global variables across modules?
30)Explain how to delete a file in Python?

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