Database testing interview questions faqs

Database testing interview questions faqs
• What is SQL and where does it come from?
• What are the difference between DDL, DML and DCL commands?
• How does one escape characters when building SQL queries?
• How does one eliminate duplicate rows from a table?
• How does one generate primary key values for a table?
• How does one get the time difference between two date columns?
• How does one add a day/hour/minute/second to a date value?
• How does one count different data values in a column?
• How does one count/sum RANGES of data values in a column?
• Can one retrieve only the Nth row from a table?
• Can one retrieve only rows X to Y from a table?
• How does one select EVERY Nth row from a table?
• How does one select the TOP N rows from a table?
• How does one code a tree-structured query?
• How does one code a matrix report in SQL?
• How does one implement IF-THEN-ELSE in a select statement?
• How can one dump/ examine the exact content of a database column?
• Can one drop a column from a table?
• Can one rename a column in a table?
• How can I change my Oracle password?
• How does one find the next value of a sequence?
• Workaround for snapshots on tables with LONG columns
• Where can one get more info about SQL?

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