Sample interview Puzzles-2

If a bear eats 65 pounds in fish every day EXCEPT every 6th day which it only eats 45 pounds of fish. If the bear continues this, how many pounds of fish will it eat in 200 days?
The bear will eat 12,340 pounds of fish in 200 days.
It is given that on every 6th day beareats 45 pounds of fish i.e. on day number 6, 12, 18, 24, .... 192, 198 the bear eats 45 pounds of fish.
Total number of 6th days = 200/6 = 33 (the bear eats 45 pounds)
Hence, the normal days are = 200 - 33 = 167 (the bear eats 65 pounds)
Thus, in 200 days, the bear will eat
= (167) * (65) + (33) * (45)
= 10855 + 1485
= 12,340 pounds

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