Mainframes Interview questions-JCL interview question and answers

Mainframes Interview questions-JCL interview question and answers
What is GDG?
What does the statements: typrun=scan and
Why do you use a control card?
What is a procedure?
What is the meaning of the EXEC statement keyword,
What is the use of DSNDB07?
What is a Dummy Utility and what it does?
What does a disposition of (NEW, CATLG, KEEP) mean?
How do you restart a step in JCL?
What is SE37?
The maximum number of in-stream procedure you
Describe the EXEC statement, its meaning, syntax
What is meant by S0C7 system abend code?
What does TIME=1440 mean?
What is the difference between static call &
What you mean by skeleton JCL?
How is the keyword DUMMY used in JCL?
How much space OS allocates when you create
What is the max block size for a Tape file?
How do you skip a particular step in a proc/JOB?
How do you submit JCL via a COBOL program?
What is COND=ONLY?
How to get cursor position from system in CICS
What is MOD and when would you use it?
Which table PLAN is registered in?
What does the TIME parameter signify?
What happens if both JOBLIB and STEPLIB
What is a COND parameter in JCL?
How are datasets concatenated?
How do you create a temporary dataset? Where
What is a PROC?
How can you trap abends in the JCL?
What is 'S0C7' abend?
What is DATACOM db?
How to change default PROCLIB?
What is the DD statement for a output file?
Explain concatenating datasets?
What does S0C4 error mean?
What is SD37?
What is the error code SOC01 indicate?
What is model dataset label (Model DSCB)?
What do you do if you do not want to keep all
What are the keywords associated with DCB?
For how long a job can be executed continuously
Which is the most widely used batch performance
Can you code in stream data in a PROC?
How is a new GDG coded?
Describe the JOB statement, its meaning, syntax
How many positional parameters are there in job
What is NOTCAT?
What are the differences between JES2 & JES3?
What is the difference between specifying DISP=OLD
How do you submit JCL via a COBOL program?
What does a disposition of (NEW, CATLG, DELETE) mean?
What is the difference between an in stream and
What is the difference between BLKSIZE and LRECL?
How much is memory space involved, when we
What is order of searching of the libraries in a JCL?
How do you submit a JCL under CICS environment?
How is a GDG base created?
What is the difference between primary and
What are the kinds of job control statements?
What is the improvement to COND= in the latest
How do you submit a JCL under CICS environment?
What is primary allocation for a dataset?
What is the meaning of keyword in JCL?
How do you designate a comment in JCL?
What are three parameters you can specify on
How do you override a specific DDNAME/SYSIN
What is the difference between catalogue
What does SYSIN * indicate?
What does IEBGENER do?
What is a GDG?
How is a dataset passed from one step to another?
How do you restart a PROC from a particular step?
What is RESTART? How is it invoked?
What is QSAM error usually when it is occurs?
What is COND=EVEN?
How many parameters are there to a DISP
How do you send the output of a COBOL
When should DISP=MOD is used?
When should DISP=MOD is used?
What is the difference between specifying DISP=OLD
What is the purpose of include statement in a JCL?
What is SB37?
What are the maximum and minimum sizes of
What are three major types of JCL statements?
How are GDG s concatenated?
What are the basic JCL Statements for a Job?
How many types of libraries are there in JCL?
What is the difference between the JOBLIB
What is a GDG? How is it referenced? How
How do you pass parameters to the program
What is S322 abend?
Write a jcl to execute a job by 7 a.m on
What is a Generation Data Group (GDG)?
What is the difference between a symbolic and
How to pass the temp dataset form one JOB
What are the valid DSORG values?
What is STEPLIB, JOBLIB? What is it used for?
How many extents are possible for a sequential
What is the OS precedence for obtaining that
What do you mean by spooling? Expand SPOOL?
What do you feel makes a good program?
How do you check the syntax of a JCL without
How do you access a file that had a disposition of KEEP?
Describe the DD statement, its meaning, syntax
What is the purpose of the PARM keyword in
What is DSNDB06?
Can we browse or edit the GDG dataset if it is
How to execute a set of JCL statements from

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