HCL Interview questions
1) First asked me to write a Sudo code/Design to a Multi threaded gateway program
2)Another program/Design for a game from login to player may opt for Multiplayer/ single play game type sudo code?
3)Explain Dynamic binding Wire simple example code?
4)Write Virtual destructor code ?explain why its useful?
5)Which are the design paterns you know explain? also asked why Facade,observer pattern useful apart from other?
By Navaneet ,Hyderabad
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Kony labs c++ interview questions
Hi All i am Rama krishna i attended Kony labs interview in hyderabad I felt Interview like a english class hahaha and the interviewr is like ,I know every thing you dont know any thing like , i am not blaming any one sorry its fact...below are the questions asked apart from my resume correction,when writing code correcting my spelling mistakes...
1) If you want to use c code in c++ how you will use it?
extern is the key word as per my knowledge,he says in expilcit decide which is correct
2) Gave a binary tree asked question to count single incomplete binary nodes?
Wrote the code no arguments
3) Copy constructor ?
Compiler provides a default copy constructor i told this he(interviewer) says no its completely wrong ? which is correct you decide as per my knowledge compiler provides a default copy constructor ? he says he know it dosent provide we need to write? i tried to explain deep and shallow copy but he did hear my words visitor you please decide ...hahah
4)Assignment operater ?
Same argument in case of default assignment operator
5) What are signals and slots in QT?
6) What are events in QT? difference between signals and slots vs Events?
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Key point Technologies Interview Questions
1)Tell me about your self.
2) Some questions on my projects
3)How to find linkedlist is circualar or not?
4)Find the Merge point in 2 linkedlists?
5)How to find the string in an array of strings which are arranged in sorted order in the array?
6)Some questions on singleton design pattern?
7)Single ton class also? How to create the singleton and how to delete the singleton object?
8)Asked Outputs of some methods
void myfunc(int *a)
a = new int;
int main()
int *p;
std::cout<<"p value is "<<*p<
9)About searching techniques? some question?
10)Which search is best?
11)How do you do dynamic memory allocation in C,C++? what is the difference?
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Cipher cloud interview questions
Cipher cloud interview questions
1)Do you have any experience related to cloud computing?
2)What are the basic features of C++ or object oriented programming?
3) Explain different types of inheritance and why we use that feature?
4)Explain virtual functions?why we use it?
5)Do you have any experience on security related issue?Explain?
6)Command for finding a file in a directory? many files find single file?
7)What are the tools you used?
8)Explain difference between copy constructor vs assignment operater overloaded?
Kony labs c++ QT interview questions
Kony labs C++ QT interview questions
1) In exception handling how many ways can we throw exception.
2) Reverse string Program
3) Difference between copy constructor and assignment operator.
4) implement a simple copy constructor. why to we implement our own
5) Why we use QT framework?
6)What is RTTI?
7)Some questions on STL?
8)Which design patterns you used and why explain?
9)What are all the Os QT supports ? do i need to compile again for every Operating system?
10)What is Qpointer?
11)What is dpointer?
12)Which version of Qt you used?
13)Some more questions on Qt not able to remember now.
Cts Cognizant Iphone Interview questions
Hi This is sourabh attended Iphone developer interview on saturday 22/09/2012 ,so want to share my experience through cinterviews.com
1)What are the tools you used for iphone development?
2)Some questions on my project?
3)Please can you explain MVC ?
4)What are the design patterns available in objective-c?
5)What are delegates?
6)What is Property?
7)What is synthesis?
8)Can we compile c++ code in x-code?
9)What are the types of apps available in iphone?
10)Difference between native vs webapp?
11)What are the Thirdparty tools you used?
12)Can i extend memory in iphone adding microsd?
13)New feature in Iphone 6?
14)How garbage collection in objective c?
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Prokarma C++ Interview Questions
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Prokarma Hyderabad C++ Interview Questions
I attended Prokarma C++ ,Pro *c interview recently i really didnt like the way interviewer interviewd as he is like why the hell this guy has come for interview and very rectlesly looking he want to show his knowledge than hearing the answers from us :) Questions were going like this
1) Did you write any shell script? Can you implement grep for me?
2) Did you write make files? can you write a make file for the list of files like this?
a) 2 library files
b)2 .h files
3)9 .c files
3) Why are you intrested in working with Prokarma?
4) Do you know Singleton class? Can you Explain?
5) What is the use of Private constructor? what is the use of Public constructor?
6) Write a Program in any c or *c or C++?
a) I have a table department which has empid,empname,skills etc dynamic coloumns i want to pick a third row (its dynamically growing coloums )
7) Asked a bout my project explaination? some questions on it?
8) Which editor you used for developing c++ ? why?
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Microsemi C++ Interview Questions
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At Micro semi the interview was scheduled for half day
1) Their was a Telephonic round the interview was mainely about the resume the projects worked and a bit of basic technical Stuff it happend before interview was scheduled.
C++ interview questions
1)Write a program to compare strings Microsemi with following strings.if it correctly matches return "True" else "false"
2)Which feature in C++ you like most and why?
3)Explain inheritance? Why do you think its useful?
4)What happens if constructor is private in class? difference between constructor private and public?
5)Explain Virtual functions? why we use it?how vtable ...etc?
6)Why namespace is useful in c++
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Database concets Interview Questions
Please friends to contribute questions of company interviews you attended mail us cinterviews.blogspot.com@gmail.com it will be useful for our job search community.www.cinterviews.com appreciates your contribution1.What is RDBMS?
2.What is referential integrity?
3.What are ACID properties?
4.What is a transaction?
5.Relate atomicity in transaction definition?
6.What is a primary key?
7.What is a foreign key?
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Time complexcity of Algorithams Big O
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a) if statement - O(n) [Omega times n]
b) for loop - O(n) [Omega times n]
c) for loop with a for loop - O(n*n) [Omega times n squared]
d) for loop within a if loop, this if loop is within a for loop - O(n + n*n) [n plus n squared omega]
e) while loop - O(n) [Omega times n]
f) MergeSort - O(nlogn) [Omega n time logarithmic n]
g) HeapSort - O(nlogn) [Omega n time logarithmic n]
h) KMP algorithm - O(m+n) [m plus n omega]
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Mahindra Satyam Datastructure Interview Questions
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1)Which data structures you used? Why did you use it?
2)Do you know Binary Tree? Explain?
3)Write a code for changing a tree into mirror image of itself? Trace it for given input?
4)Given a sequence of number arrange in binary tree?
5)What is hashing?Explain?
6)Which is best search algo?
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C++ Teradata Interview Questions
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1) Tell me the difference between Structure,Union,Array Datastructures?
2)Advantage of do-while loop?
3)How many Storage Types we have Explain?
4)Example of recursion and why do we really need it?
5)What is Virtual Memory/ Paging?
6)What is fragmentation?
7)Which debugger you used?
8)Wrire a simple make file?Explain it?
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VLSI Interview Questions and answers
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1) Explain ASIC Design Flow?
2) Explain DRC and LVS?
3) Techniques to overcome Setup/hold time violations?
4) Precautions to be observed for Analog/Mixed Signal Layout?
5) Explain Op amp or operational amplifier?
6) Explain Threshold Voltage?
7) Explain Flip-Flop vs Latch?
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Inmage Systems hyderabad C++ interview Questions
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1)Did you use boost frame work? can you explain which you used?
2)Why Virtual destructor?
3)Why dont we have Virtual constructor?
4)Deep copy vs shallow copy?
5)Do we need to implement copy constructor defenitely?why?
6)Draw backs of virtual fuctions?
7)What is the use of Virtual functions?
8)What are the different design paterns you used?Why?
9)Difference between vector and Map?
10)Why we use Map(associate containers)?
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Motivity labs interview questions C++
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1)What is auto_ptr? why we use it?
2)what is constructor?how many constructors a class can have?
3)What is RTTI?
4)Using auto_ptr which header file we use?
5)Difference between shallow copy and deep copy?
6)what is copy constructor?
7)why do we pass const in copy constructor argument?
8)Explain different acess specifiers in c++?
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Paper Presentation Topics for Students
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1)Speech recognition systems.
2)Facebook Magic how it worked.
3)What is Social network and how is Facebook different.
4)Robotics and Automation
5)Emerging Trends In Robotics Using Neural Networks
6)Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems Explain.
9)India growth in IT Good or Bad
10)Facebbok VS Orkut VS other social networking sites.
11)Fiber optics in telecom
12)Google fiber
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Program to reverse a Number C Program
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In order to reverse a number you should first input the number and then extract the digits of number one by one. In order to extract digit you can use % operator which results in remainder of division operation. 13%10 is 3. Thus by doing mod 10 you can get rightmost digit of number. After extracting digit you can remove the same from number by storing result of /10 in integer variable. Eg 13/10 is 1.3 but on storing it in integer variable only 1 is stored.
In order to reverse a number using while loop in c language you must run the loop till the number is not 0 that is all the digits haven't been extracted. Assuming that you want reverse of number in variable called y (initial value of y should be zero), you should write y=y*10+extracted digit in while loop.
Consider test input of a=123,y=0
iteration 1
y=0*10+3=3, a=12
iteration 2
y=3*10+2=32, a=1
iteration 3
y=32*10+1=321 a=0
thus we get reverse of number in y.
Below is the code of the Program
int main()
int a;
printf("Enter a number :");
int y=0;
printf("\nreverse= %d",y);
return 0;
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Linux Inter process Communication interview Questions
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1. Which is true regarding pipes?
a) half duplex
b) full duplex
c) message boundaries are preserved
d) Unordered data
Ans : a
2. The persistancy of a FIFO is
a) process
b) kernel
c) file system
d) none
Ans : c
3. Advantage of FIFO over pipe is
a) related processes can communicate
b) unrelated processes can communicate
c) none
Ans : b
4. What mkfifo() creats?
a) pipe
b) unnamed pipe
c) named pipe
d) msg queue
Ans : c
5. System V IPC common attributes are
a) key
b) id
c) owner
d) all the above
Ans : d
6. Which one of the following is not system V IPC ?
a) Shared Memory
b) Semaphores
d) Message Queues
Ans : c
7. Which system call is used to create Sys V message Queue.
a) msgget
b) shemget
c) semget
d) msgctl
Ans : a
8. Which is not the correct option for removing a message queue
a) ipcrm -Q
b) ipcrm -q
c) ipcrm -m
d) None
Ans : c
9. Message queues are created in
a) userspace
b) kernelspace
c) both
d) none
Ans : b
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Linux Memory Management Interview Questions
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1. On x86-32 Linux, at which address the code segment of the program starts?
a) 0x00000000
b) 0x08048000
c) 0x80000000
d) 0xbfff0000
2. On x86-32 Linux, at which address the user stack resides normally?
a) 0x00000000
b) 0x3fff0000
c) 0x7fff0000
d) 0xbfff0000
3. A system has 512MB of physical memory. Which among the following is not a suitable virtual memory size for this system architecture?
a) 512MB
b) 260K
c) 4GB
d) None of the above
4. LRU stands for
a) Last received Unit
b) Least recently Used
c) Least recently usable
d) Lost Recoverd unit
5. Mm_struct maintains?
a) memory files
b) open files
c) pipe
d) active memory regions
6. Which sytem call can be used by a user process to lock a memory so that it cannot be swapped out?
7. Is page table per process entity?
a) Yes
b) No
8. Among these files which has an ELF format
a) shared objects
b) core
c) executables
d) all of the above
9. What is the use of strace command?
10. If one of the thread in multithreaded process is blocked on an I/O, which of the following is true?
a) The entire process with block if their is no kernel supported threads
b) Other threads of the process will continue to execute even if there is no kernel supported threads
c) It depends on specific implemenatation
d) All of the above
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Linux internals interview questions
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1. Pid of init process
a) 0
b) 1
c) 32767
d) none of the above.
Ans : b
2. The process which terminates before the parent process exits becomes
a) Zombie
b) Orphan
c) Child
d) None of the above
Ans : a
3. Return value of fork() system call can be:
a) -1,<0,0 b) -1,>0,0
4. Fork returns _____ to parent process on success
a) 0
b) child process id
c) parent process id
d) none
5. Which niceness value among the following indicate most favorable scheduling?
a) 0
b) 20
c) 5
d) -19
6. Nice Command can be used by an ordinary process to
a) increase the priority of a process
b) decrease the priority of a process
c) increase or decrease the priority of a process
7. Which one of below can be a real time schedule policy?
8. If the fork() system call returns -1, then it means?
a) No new child process is created
b) The child process is an orphan
c) The child process is in Zombie
9.What is the Parent process id of a deamon process?
10.How do you get parent process identification number?
a) waitpid
b) getpid()
c) getppid()
d) parentid()
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cognizant Dotnet interview Questions
Cognizant Dotnet interview Questions
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Question. What is Deep copy and shallow copy?
Answer. Deep copy, copy the whole object and make a different object, it means it do not refer to the original object while in case of shallow copy the target object always refer to the original object and changes in target object also make changes in original object.
Question. how to Create custom collection?
Answer. using System.Collections namespace we can create the our custom collection classes.
Question. how to Bind grid with business obj?
Answer. return the dataset or datatable from business object and assign to datasource of grid.
Question. What is Singleton and how to implement locking in singleton pattern?
Answer. Singleton pattern usage a class which can contain only one object through out the application.
class my_Singleton
private static my_Singleton obj;
protected my_Singleton
public static my_Singleton Instance()
if (obj == null)
obj= new my_Singleton();
return obj;
Question. What is Typed dataset?
Answer. typed dataset is a normal dataset having property to data type check for Colum values and can access the columns by column names.
Question. What is Using keyword?
Answer. using keyword can be used in two format
1. include the namespace in file
2. handle the idisposable objects inside using block.
iFace obj = new myclass()
Myclass obj1 = new myclass()
is the above code is valid?
Question. What is difference between lock vs static locks?
Answer. static lock is applicable to static methods and variables.
Question. What is suppressfinalize?
Answer. We use this method to not to call the finalize method while disposing the objects.
Question. Can we inherit a class from multiple interfaces?
Answer. yes
Question. suppose two interfaces have same method, so how will you implement these methods in derive class?
Answer. by using interface name
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c# dotnet interview Questions
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Question. What collection type you used?
Answer. ArrayList
Question. What is difference between arraylist and array?
Answer. Array can store single data type and inserting will cost more, while in array list you can store multiple datatypes and inserting and removing element is easy.
Question. What are delegates?
Answer. it is function to pointer.
Question. What are events?
Answer. events are used with delegate to fire a method on any event occurrence?
Question. What is use of delegate?
Answer. Used of delegate to call a function.
Question. any other use of delegate?
Answer. Find out.
Question. What is difference between list and arraylist.
Answer. list is interface while arraylist is implementation.
Question. What is dataset?
Answer. can contains tables and their relations.
Question. What is datareader?
Answer. Read one row at a time , forward only.
Question. How will you fill dropdown values using datareader?
bind every value to dropdown
or construct a dataset from datareader inside loop and assign to dropdown
Question. What is abstraction?
Answer. Representing complex word in simplified manner.
Question. what is OOPs ?
Answer. programming language fully supported by objects
Question. What is Objects?
Answer. by using Objects we can represent real word easily.
Question. what are the features of objects oriented programming?
data hiding
Question. Have you worked on multithreaded application?
Answer. yes
Question. Describe the multithreaded application ?
Answer. Describe a demo multithread application and why using multithreading.
Question. What is Strongly typed dataset?
Answer. Strongly typed dataset is simple dataset containing the property to have datatype associated with columns and can access column values by using the column names.
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Royal bank scotland telephonic Interview dotnet
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Question. Tell me something about yourself?
Answer. Give a small introduction about professional background.
Question. Tell me about current project and technology used?
Answer. As per your current project.
Question. Rate your self for .NET, C#, Oracle?
.NET - 7
C# - 8
Oracle - 7
Question. Lets start with .NET, What is .NET framework?
Answer. Its a platform to run .NET application, where .net applications can use .net resources.
Question. What is DLL?
Answer. Dynamic link libraries, kind of exe file.
Question. What is manifest?
Answer. Contains Details about assembly. like reference, versions, resources and type.
Question. What types of assemblies are there and what is difference?
Answer. Private and public
private is private to application and kept in local application folder
public assemblies are shared among the applications and kept in GAC.
Question. Suppose there is two versions of a assembly, how your application will decide which version to use?
Answer. In web.config under binding give old version and new version
Q. Any other way to do versioning in GAC?
Answer. Find it out.
Q. What is strong type and loose type ?
Answer. its a language property. The language who provide variable data type declaration called loose type like vb and JavaScript provide var type variable declaration while C# not. so C# is strong type language.
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RBS C# dotnet interview questions
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Question 1. What technologies you worked for?
Answer. C#, VB, Oracle , SQL Server , ASP.NET, JavaScript
Question 2. Lets start with C#, What is modularization?
Answer. Modularization is dividing functionality into different small modules, so that we can reuse the functionality and make it simple to use.
Question 3. Any other use of modularization and Layered application?
Answer. We can add layer to keep different group of functionalities different. and changing one layer does not effect others.
Question 4. Where does the object and its internal variable int i and string s store, in heap or in stack.
Answer. i think int goes to stack
Question 5. What is garbage collector?
Answer. it used to release the memory. and run in non deterministic manner.
Question 6 Can we run Garbage collector manually and its recommended?
Answer. Yes we can by gc.collect(), it is not recommended.
Question 7. What is overloading and overriding?
Answer. overriding is having same method in base and drive class and deciding at runtime which one to call.
Question 8. What is difference between the runtime polymorphism and overriding.
Answer. both are same.
Question 9. Difference between string builder and string?
Answer. string builder is mutable and string immutable.
Question 10. can we pass object with ref parameter like fun(ref Obj)?
Question 11. what is difference between fun(obj) and fun(ref obj)?
Answer. by passing obj we are directly passing object while using ref it passes the address of object.
Question 12. if we have two function abc(int a, int b) and abc(int a, int b, int c) in base class and we derive it in drive class and implement it. in drive class it is overloading or overriding?
Answer. both overloading and overriding.
Question 13. can we have multiple try blocks, can we have multiple catch blocks, can we have multiple finally blocks?
Answer. multiple try yes separate blocks, multiple catch -yes, multiple finally - no
Question 14. What is cluster index and noncluster index ?
Answer. cluster index is physical sorting on table while non cluster index is logical sorting on table.
Question 15. we have a query,
select a, b from table1
where a=a1 and b=b1 and c= c1
on what column will you define the index?
Answer. a, b
Question 16. we have a table empl
emp_id, salary, division
get the employee list whose salary is greater than the average salary of their division?
Question 17. there is two tables
emp_id, salary, division_id - emp table
division_id , div_name - div table
get the maximum salary if every division?
Question 18. What patterns you used in C# code?
Answer. Singleton, facade
Question 19. Write a code to implement a singleton pattern?
Question 20. write a code to check balance brackets in a string? ((()))
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Business layer Testing what is
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This is the type of layer which helps in understanding and determining the errors which are basically associated with the applications of the internet and the business logic of the internet connections. This layer is actually similar to one of the applications which are the stand alone applications.

In this testing it is also required and important as well that a project manager and all the associated members to the team of the particular project has to plan and schedule and create the procedures for the process to be carried out in a proper manner, so that, it can achieve the desired goals in order to achieve the success of the project and the organization. And in order to achieve this whole target it is very important for the project manager and the associated team members to be to make plans in order to identify the errors and the mistakes which may take place or which are taking place during the entire process.
This helps in not only identifying the errors and mistakes but also the application’s performance requirements,
Data acquisition and transaction processing. Because the project manager Marjory access the program logic he has to employ the white-box approaches for components developed in-house because it proves to be a great help for it.
But still, the primary testing approach for this layer specially is actually the Black Box Testing. It starts by the development of the test drivers to test the units (unit test) the individual component. Then the time for performing the next step comes and it is the system test which has been performed in order to determine that whether all the components work together correctly. If it not so then the corrective actions are taken place as they are very important too in order to achieve the desired tasks and the goals which has been set by the organization.
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SEO What is Search Engines ?
Ans. Search Engine are Key of Finding Specific Information on the vast expanse of the World Wide Web
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Explain QTP Testing process?
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The QuickTest testing process consists of 7 main phases:
Create your test plan
Prior to automating there should be a detailed description of the test including the exact steps to follow, data to be input, and all items to be verified by the test. The verification information should include both data validations and existence or state verifications of objects in the application.
Recording a session on your application
As you navigate through your application, QuickTest graphically displays each step you perform in the form of a collapsible icon-based test tree. A step is any user action that causes or makes a change in your site, such as clicking a link or image, or entering data in a form.
Enhancing your test
Inserting checkpoints into your test lets you search for a specific value of a page, object or text string, which helps you identify whether or not your application is functioning correctly.
NOTE: Checkpoints can be added to a test as you record it or after the fact via the Active Screen. It is much easier and faster to add the checkpoints during the recording process.
Broadening the scope of your test by replacing fixed values with parameters lets you check how your application performs the same operations with multiple sets of data.
Adding logic and conditional statements to your test enables you to add sophisticated checks to your test.
Debugging your test
If changes were made to the script, you need to debug it to check that it operates smoothly and without interruption.
Running your test on a new version of your application
You run a test to check the behavior of your application. While running, QuickTest connects to your application and performs each step in your test.
Analyzing the test results
You examine the test results to pinpoint defects in your application.
Reporting defects
As you encounter failures in the application when analyzing test results, you will create defect reports in Defect Reporting Tool.
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New Features in QTP 8.2?
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Keyword View: Lets you easily build and maintain tests without writing VBScripts.
Auto-Documentation: Provides improved test clarity and the ability to view test steps in plain English.
Step Generator: Allows you to quickly insert custom-built functions into your tests.
Mercury Business Process Testing: Enhanced integration with BPT -- Business Components, Scripted Components, and Application Areas.
Enhanced Expert View: Provides greater efficiency when generalizing test components.
Action Parameters: Allows you to generalize testing actions for greater reusability.
Data Parameters: You can now specify test or action parameters to pass values into and from your test, and between actions in your test.
Open XML Report Format for Test Results: Test results are now stored in an open XML format, enabling you to easily customize the reports according to your own requirements, and to integrate the test result information with other applications.
Unicode Support: Lets you test global deployments of your enterprise applications.
Function Definition Generator: You can use the new Function Definition Generator to generate definitions for user-defined functions, add header information to them, and register functions to a test object.
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What is Quick Test Professional QTP?
Mercury QuickTest Professional™ provides the industry’s best solution for functional test and regression test automation - addressing every major software application and environment. This next-generation automated testing solution deploys the concept of Keyword-driven testing to radically simplify test creation and maintenance. Unique to QuickTest Professional’s Keyword-driven approach, test automation experts have full access to the underlying test and object properties, via an integrated scripting and debugging environment that is round-trip synchronized with the Keyword View.QuickTest Professional satisfies the needs of both technical and non-technical users. It enables you to deploy higher-quality applications faster, cheaper, and with less risk. It works hand-in-hand with Mercury Business Process Testing™ to bring non-technical subject matter experts into the quality process in a meaningful way. Plus, it empowers the entire testing team to create sophisticated test suites with minimal training.The deployment of Mercury QuickTest Professional is optimized through the use of Mercury best practices. Mercury best practices cover all aspects of deployment, including product installation and operation, organizational design, process implementation, continual process improvement and measurement of return on investment (ROI). Throughout your implementation Mercury applies these best practices to your specific situation, creating world-class procedures for you that drive long-term success.source.
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What about standard APIs for TLI/XTI?
Answer: No, not yet. Vendors chose to do Windows Sockets because of the
sockets application and knowledge base, however anyone out there is free to
try a Windows TLI/XTI Specification.
Program for Deletion of linked list
void DeleteList(struct node** headRef) {
struct node* current = *headRef; // deref headRef to get the real
headstruct node* next;
while (current != NULL) {
next = current->next; // note the next pointer
free(current); // delete the node
current = next; // advance to the next node
*headRef = NULL; // Again, deref headRef to affect the real head back// in the caller.
Program for Binary search method
int binarySearch(int value) {
low = 0; high = N; while (low < mid =" (low" low =" mid" high =" mid-1:">= value, //so high can't be < mid if A[mid] == value high = mid; } // high == low, using high or low depends on taste if (low < N) and (A[low] == value) return low // found else return -1 // not found
find Nth Node linked list
int GetNth(struct node* head, int index) {
struct node* current = head; int count = 0; // the index of the node we're currently looking at while (current != NULL) { if (count == index) return(current->data); count++; current = current->next; } assert(0); // if we get to this line, the caller was asking // for a non-existent element so we assert fail.}
Generate a Mirror Image of a tree. Change a tree so that the roles of the left and right pointers are swapped at every node
void mirror(struct node* node) {
if (node==NULL) {
else {
struct node* temp; // do the subtrees
mirror(node->left); mirror(node->right); // swap the pointers in this node
temp = node->left;
node->left = node->right;
node->right = temp;
Given a binary search tree and a "target" value, search the tree to see if it contains the target.
static int lookup(struct node* node, int target)
{ // 1. Base case == empty tree // in that case, the target is not found so return false if (node == NULL) { return(false); }
else { // 2. see if found here if (target == node->data) return(true); else { // 3. otherwise recur down the correct subtree if (target <>data) return(lookup(node->left, target)); else return(lookup(node->right, target)); } }}
What is spanning Tree?
A spanning tree is a tree associated with a network. All the nodes of the graph appear on the tree once. A minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree organized so that the total edge weight between nodes is minimized.
queues needed to implement priority queue
Minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue?
Datastructures used for recursion
Stack datastructure is used for recursion. Because of its LIFO (Last In First Out) property it remembers its ‘caller’ so knows whom to return when the function has to return. Recursion makes use of system stack for storing the return addresses of the function calls. Every recursive function has its equivalent iterative (non-recursive) function. Even when such equivalent iterative procedures are written, explicit stack is to be used.
Innobuzz Android App Development Training
Hey friends, Preparing for interview is our every day Topic but with changing trends in technology we should upgrade our technical skills which are new and important and for fresh graduates to step in to a job learning hot and new technology will push him a step forward , So I did some research on this and found “Android App Development” will be the rite one as we see android app every where every website. So where to learn it ,So I collected some data from various institutes analysed the topics they teach and took some feed back from the students who already got trained ,And found as Android is open source it can be self learnt with good guidance and less cost So found Innobuzz is the best.
For all i suggest innobuzz.in is best institute for learning “Android App Development”,They are only one which provide Distance learning with a very good Quality training ,The best part of them I liked is their Training Methodology and Training Features.
innobuzz Training Methodology Our Distance Learning Training Module is designed in such a way that reinforces the student to focus on self learning as well. Our Training Module is structured such that students have to take out time to Research over the Tools and Concepts that they have learned in the Demonstration Component of the Distance Learning Program, in order to complete the Assignments.
innobuzz Training Features .: Content Featuring Sessions with full Audio, Video and Demonstration. .: This Training Program covers Presentations, Real life Case Studies, Extensive Live Practical Demonstrations. .: At the end of each training session, students will get Assignments for Research to guide them towards a path for Research and Development on each domain. .: The Training Fee includes the cost of the Course ware. Course ware includes the Training DVD Toolkit. This Toolkit will include all the Tools and Scripts which will be required during the Training and in order to finish the assignments which will be given to the students.
Reason why innobuzz is the best
1) Ther main goal is on practical knowledge which is best of them,As theory can be learnt from many places.
2) Their approach towards Distance learning is very good as the Kit they provide contains Presentations, Real life Case Studies, Extensive Live Practical Demonstrations, Tools and Scripts all integrated together in a Training Environment which will be very useful for self starter.
3) It has 150 Practicals covered with Live Demonstration.
Below are the contact links of innobuzz.in
Website : www.innobuzz.in
Contact link : click here
Download Android Application Development Distance Learning Program Brochure
And who so ever is going to join it, do leave a comment here. We would also appreciate if you mention that you read about the institute from the site www.cinterviews.com or www.androidinterviewquestions.info if you join the institute any day.
Find the best interview questions for android developer from below links
Android Interview Questions with answers
Q1: Describe Android Application Components
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Q2: Describe the format of Apk
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Q3: What is Intent?
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Q4: What are the dialog boxes that are supported in android?
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Q5: What's the difference between file, class and activity in android?
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Q6: What is a Sticky Intent?
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Q7: Why cannot you run standard Java bytecode on Android?
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Q8: Can you deploy executable JARs on Android? Which packaging is supported by Android?
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Q9: How will you launch an Activity within you application?
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Q10: How will you pass data to sub-activities?
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Q11: Explain about the exceptions of Android?
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Q12: Explain Structure of Manifest Files.
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Q13: Describe the Android Application Architecture?
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Q14: when to use service
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Q15: What are cursors & Content Values?
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Q16: what is the difference between relative layout and absolute layout?
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XML Interview Questions
XML Interview Questions
- What is XML?
- What is SGML?
- What is the difference between XML and HTML?
- Why not just carry on extending HTML?
- Why is XML such an important development?
- Describe the role that XSL can play when dynamically generating HTML pages from a relational database.
- Who is responsible for XML?
- Give a few examples of types of applications that can benefit from using XML.
- What is SOAP and how does it relate to XML?
- What is DOM and how does it relate to XML?
- Can you walk us through the steps necessary to parse XML documents?
- Using XSLT, how would you extract a specific attribute from an element in an XML document?
- How would you build a search engine for large volumes of XML data?
- What is the difference between XML and C or C++ or Java?
- What does an XML document actually look like (inside)?
- How does XML handle white-space in my documents?
- How can I make my existing HTML files work in XML?
- Is there an XML version of HTML?
- Which parts of an XML document are case-sensitive?
- Can XML use non-Latin characters?
- What's a Document Type Definition (DTD) and where do I get one?
- Does XML let me make up my own tags?
- How to create my own document type?
- How to write my own DTD?
- Can a root element type be explicitly declared in the DTD?
- How do I get XML into or out of a database?
- Can I encode mathematics using XML?
- How will XML affect my document links?
- Can I use JavaScript, ActiveX, etc in XML files?
- Can I use Java to create or manage XML files?
- How does XML handle metadata?
- How to control formatting and appearance?
- How to use graphics in XML?
- How to include one XML file in another?
- What is parsing and how do I do it in XML?
- What are the special characters in XML?
- Do I have to change any of my server software to work with XML?
- I am trying to understand the XML Spec: why does it have such difficult terminology?
- Can I still use server-side inclusions?
- How to include a conditional statement in my XML?
- I have to do an overview of XML for my manager/client/investor/advisor. What should I mention?
- What is the purpose of XML namespaces?
- What is an XML namespace?
- How do I declare an XML namespace in an XML document?
- Where can I declare an XML namespace?
- Can I use an attribute default in a DTD to declare an XML namespace?
- Do the default values of xmlns attributes declared in the DTD apply to the DTD?
- How to override an XML namespace declaration that uses a prefix?
- How to override a default XML namespace declaration?
- How do I undeclare the default XML namespace?
- How do different XML technologies treat XML namespace declarations?
- How do I use the default XML namespace to refer to element type names in an XML namespace?
- When should I use the default XML namespace instead of prefixes?
- What is the scope of an XML namespace declaration?
- What happens when an XML namespace declaration goes out of scope?
- Can multiple XML namespace declarations be in scope at the same time?
- How can I declare XML namespaces so that all elements and attributes are in their scope?
- Can I use XML namespaces in DTDs?
- Do XML namespace declarations apply to DTDs?
- Can I use qualified names in DTDs?
- How to construct an XML document that is valid and conforms to the XML namespaces recommendation?
- How to allow the prefixes in my document to be different from the prefixes in my DTD?
- How to create documents that use XML namespaces?
- Can I use the same document with both namespace-aware and namespace-unaware applications?
- How do applications process documents that use XML namespaces?
- How to use XML namespaces with SAX 1.0 and SAX 2.0?
- What is a qualified name?
- Can qualified names be used in attribute values?
- How are qualified names mapped to names in XML namespaces?
- How are universal names represented? Are universal names universally unique?
- What happens if there is no prefix on an element type name?
- What does the URI used as an XML namespace name point to?
- What is XPointer?
- How do I install the XPointer processor?
- What is server-side XPointer?
- What about non-XML resources?
- How do integrate XPointer into my application?
- How to configure an XPointer processor?
- How to implement an application-specific XPointer scheme?
- What is XLink?
- What are the valid values for xlink:actuate and xlink:show?
- What three essential components of security does the XML Signatures provide?
- What is XLink Markup Design?
- Tell me about SOAP in XML?
- What is XQuery?
XHTML Interview Questions
XHTML Interview Questions
- What is XHTML?
- What are the differences between XML and HTML?
- What XHTML does it stand for?
- How is XHTML better than HTML? What do you prefer?
- How to build a "Good Morning" page. With XHTML?
- Why XHTML Modularization?
- Why do we need modular DTDs?
- Is there any other important new developments?
- Why is this XSLT important?
- What is XHTML Validation?
- What is about an assumption with XHTML?
- How to writing XHTML demands a clean HTML syntax?
- How to create XHTML pages?
- Is XHTML should be the master storage format for my resources?
- What are the advantages of XHTML?
- What is XHTML DTD?
- What the benefits of XHTML?
- How to convert most HTML pages to XHTML?
- Who developed XHTML?
- Is XHTML case sensitive?
- How To Get Ready For XHTML?
- What is an XHTML element attribute?
- What is about an assumption in XHTML?
- What is the latest XHTML specification?
- How to enter element content?
- How to close an XHTML element?
- What is the relation between XHTML and SGML?
- What is the relation between XHTML and HTTP?
- How to write the opening tag of an XHTML element?
HTML Interview Questions
- What is HTML?
- What are the uses of html document?
- What is a html tag?
- What is the file extension of html?
- Is there any tools required for basic html page?
- How can you check the errors in html?
- What is the opening tag and closing tag?
- Write the simplest code of a webpage?
- What is a hypertext link?
- Can you write html page with handaccurately?
- Tell me some empty elements are closing in the start tag?
- What will be the output if you did not use the end tag?
- Which case tags is preferable according to w3cstandards?
- What is the use of attributes?
- Is it possible to nest tables within tables and how?
- Why headings are important for any live website?
- What is the use of comments in html?
- Can you gaurantee the output of the html?
- What are the main reasons of output variation?
- How to align a table in different directions?
- How do i use forms?
- How to write javascript in html page?
- Can i have two or more actions in one form?
- How can I use forms for pull-down navigation menus?
- What is html text formating?
- Tell me citations, quotations and definition tags?
- How can I avoid using the whole URL?
- Why table width does not use the full browser width?
- What is html code for list items?
- How do i get special charachters in my html?
- Can I prevent a form from being submitted again?
- What is the use of html styles?
- How to specify colors?
- How can i allow file uploads to my web site?
- How to link an image to different url?
- How to link to a location in the middle of an HTML document?
- How to create a button which acts like a link?
- How to let people download a file from my page?
- How to remove the border around frames?
- What are the several tags and attributes are deprecated?
- What is the use of alt attribute in live site?
- Which should I use, &entityname; or &#number; ?
- Can i use the body tags with the frameset?
- What do you understand by websafe color?
- What is so great about HTML 4.0?
- How to use background image?
- How to make a thumbnail for my image?
- What is the difference between the HTML form methods GET and POST?
- How to include a HTML document in another document?
- How to prevent looks in different browser?
- What are the non supported image formats?
- How to validate HTML files?
- What is HTML DOCTYPE element?
- What is html meta element?
- Where do we use keywords in html for search enginee rankings?
cascading style sheets Interview questions
- What is CSS and its uses?
- What are Cascading Style Sheets?
- Which browsers suppourt css?
- How to center block-elements with CSS1?
- What is class?
- What is grouping?
- How to link external style sheet?
- Is css styles are case sensitive?
- What are style sheets?
- What is selector?
- How can i specify background images?
- What is embedded style? How to link?
- What is contextual selector?
- What is ID selector?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various style methods?
- What is inline style? How to link?
- What is imported Style Sheet? and How to link?
- How to style forms?
- Can css be used other than html documents?
- How to place text over an image?
- How to combine multiple style sheets into one?
- What is parent-child selector?
- What is attribute selector?
- What are inline, block, parent, children, replaced and floating elements?
- Is html attributes or css properties which one is prefered?
- How to eliminate the blue border around linked images?
- Can i attach more declaration to one selector?
- How do I have a fixed (non-scrolling) background image?
- How to use CSS to separate content and design?
- Write some examples of good and bad coding with reason?
- What are pseudo-classes?
- As a reader, how can I make my browser recognize my own style sheet?
- How to get rid of the gap under my image?
- What does the "Cascading" in "Cascading Style Sheets" mean?
- What is CSS rule 'at-rule'?
- What is CLASS selector?
- What is CSS declaration?
- What is 'important' declaration?
- How do I have a non-tiling or non-repeating background image?
- What are the reasons for external stylesheet not working?
- What can be done with style sheets that can not be accomplished with regular HTML?
- What is property?
- How to make my div 100% height?
- How to style table cells?
- What is CSS rule 'ruleset'?
- How to center the web page?
- What is the difference between ID and CLASS?
- Which characters can CSS-names contain?
- What is cascading order?
- Why shouldn't I use fixed sized fonts?
- How do you make a whole div into a link?
- How do I have links of different colors on the same page?
- How to use CSS building a standards based HTML template?
- What is shorthand property?
- How do I get my footer at the bottom of webpage?
- How do you target a certain browser?
- How does inheritance work?
- What is wrong with font-family: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"?
- Do any WYSIWYG editors support the creation of Style Sheets?
- Which style specification method should be used? Why?
- Do URL's have quotes or not?
- What is the difference between 'class' and 'id'?
- How to place two paragraphs next to each other?
- Can you use someone else's Style Sheet without permission?
- When is auto different from 0 in margin properties?
- How to move the list bullet to the left and right?
- Why is it my ':hover' declaration for links does not work?
- What is Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)?
- Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL)?
- How to place multiple blocks next to each other?
Datastructures Interview Questions
Question - 1) What Is Data Structure ?
Question - 2) What Is The Need For Data Structures In Programming ?
Question - 3) What Are The Different Data Types Which A Data Structure May Comprise Of ?
Question - 4) How Can Data Structures Be Classified ?
Question - 5) What Are Linear Data Structures ?
Question - 6) What Are Non Linear Data Structures ?
Question - 7) Differentiate Between Data Types & Data Structures ?
Question - 8) List Four Major Operations On Linear Data Structures ?
Question - 9) What Do You Mean By A Static Data Structure ?
Question - 10) What Is Dynamic Memory Allocation ?
Question - 11) What Is A Stack ?
Question - 12) What Is A Queue ?
Question - 13) What Are Linked Lists ?
Question - 14) What Are Trees ?
Question - 15) What Are Arrays ?
Question - 16) What Is A Circular Queue ?
Question - 17) What Do You Mean By The Terms ‘Overflow’ & ‘Underflow’ In Data Structures ?
Question - 18) What Is Meant By Dequeue ?
Question - 19) What Do You Mean By Garbage Collection In Data Structures ? What Role Does The AVAIL List Play In A Linked List ?
Question - 20) Differentiate Between A LIFO & FIFO List ?
Question - 21) What advantages and disadvantages, do you think does a circular singly linked list have over a non-circular singly linked list?
Question - 22) Give the similarities between queues and stacks ?
Question - 23) Differentiate between queues and stacks ?
Question - 24) To perform recursion, which data structure is generally used?
Question - 25) What do you mean by merging of data structures?
Question - 26) What are the different types of arrays ?
Question - 27) What do you mean by the base address of an array ?
Question - 28) Give the formula to calculate the address of any element in an array, when the length of the array along with its base address and size of the element are given ?
Question - 29) How is computer memory allotted for a two-dimensional array ?
Question - 30) What is the difference between an array and a stack housed in an array ?
Question - 31) List the basic operations which can be performed on data structures ?
Question - 32) How can you calculate the size of an array, given the upper and lower bounds of the array ?
Question - 33) Which are the two very common search techniques and what are their mechanisms ?
Question - 34) Describe how linear search is carried out ?
Question - 35) How does the binary search work ?
Question - 36) What are the differences between linear search and binary search ?
Question - 37) State the condition(s) under which binary search is applicable ?
Question - 38) What are the advantages of linked lists over arrays ?
Question - 39) What is sorting of an array ? Name a few types of sorting techniques ?
Question - 40) What is the mechanism of selection sort ?
Question - 41) What do you mean by bubble sort ?
Question - 42) What is insertion sort ?
Question - 43) Differentiate between the different types of linked lists ?
Question - 44) What do you mean by ‘pushing’ and ‘popping’ with regard to stacks ?
Question - 45) What are input restricted dequeues and output restricted dequeues ?
Question - 46) What do you mean by Polish string ?
Question - 47) What do you mean by an infix, postfix and prefix expression ?
Question - 48) What is the evaluation order according to which an infix expression is converted to postfix expression ?
Question - 49) Give the advantages of using post fix notations over infix notations ?
Question - 50) How can prefix notations be converted to infix form ?
Relocation of job interview
So you have made it through the first few rounds of the interview process and you are now at the final stage of the interview. You are meeting the Hiring Manager and you know that everything is going great except you know that he/she is concerned about your willingness to relocate out-of-state for the position. How can you set his/her mind at ease concerning this alarming issue? Here, are our tips:
1. Write out a list of all your ties to the area. Before the interview, make a list of all the ties you have to the area or state. This list should include times you have visited or lived in the state. It should also include any family or friends that you have in the state.
2. Write out a list of all time you were away from home. Also, make a list of all the times you have been away from home. These can be to any location. Essentially, you are trying to make a record of times where you have been away from home for extended periods of time and were not homesick.
a. Examples could include going to a college out of state or going to Europe over the summer.
3. Research the city for more “useful” information. Research the city in which the job will be located. Make a list of the things that appeal to you about the city and how they would be a natural extension of you.
a. For example, if you do artwork on the side, talk in the interview about how great it would be to see “such and such” museum.
b. If you belong to any clubs or groups (avoid discussing any controversial groups) that have chapters in that area, state howyou look forward to joining those groups chapters.
c. Also, you can use the uniqueness of the city to your advantage as well. If you have never lived near the beach or the mountains, state how you are looking forward to a change from your own environment. If housing costs are cheaper, state this as well. Essentially, you are trying to show that a moving would be in your best interest.
4. Determine how your marital and family status will be benefit in the move. It is usually a no-no for the interviewer to ask you about these things. However, you can bring them up if you believe they will help your case. For instance, if you are single and have no children, you bring this point up to show that you can make this decision without consulting family. If you do have a family, you can state how your family supports your decision and would love to move there for such and such reasons.
5. Sell your commitment to the position. If this position would be an excellent learning opportunity or is with a very prestigious firm, state you would be more than willing to trade any small degree of homesickness because the benefits significantly outweigh this one minor issue.
6. Create a presentation for this interview question or concern. After you have compiled your research, you want to create a basic presentation that you will use when asked about this issue. By way of your preparation and your answer, you will be able to show you have thought about this issue and will give you a chance to state reasons why this will not be an issue and possibly even a benefit.
7. Take your cues from the interviewer. Try to gauge what specifically they are concerned about in your possible move and tailor your answer to that particular aspect. Often times, you can determine this by seeing how they respond to different parts of your answer to their question or what follow-up questions they ask you.
Implementing these steps will not guarantee the interviewer will be satisfied. However, it should go a long way towards planting seeds of thought that relocating will not be a significant issue. Your goal here is really to minimize any lingering doubts. If you are able to do effectively this, you just might be able to beat out a local candidate for the position.