Why Should I Hire you tips Hr Interview Question

Why Should I Hire you tips Hr Interview Question
In today's job market, where many seasoned workers have found themselves out of a job and plenty of young but inexperienced graduates are entering the work force, do you have the right answer to beat out the competition?

Here are three common scenarios job seekers find themselves in and how they might handle each one:

The employer thinks ... you don't have relevant experience.
So you ... explain how all experience is relevant.

Simpson's tips for workers whose experience is seemingly irrelevant are similar to her advice for seeming unqualified workers: Make your past an asset, not a drawback.
"Give specific examples of how your experience is relevant to the job," Simpson explains. "Customer service experience gained while waiting tables is often negated. Waiters deal with all kinds of people and situations while multitasking, working under pressure of short-term deadlines while keeping customers happy."
Don't expect employers to connect the dots -- they're busy and have a wealth of candidates from which to choose. Do the work for them. In this economy, plenty of laid-off workers are looking for jobs in new industries, which means you're not the only one experiencing this dilemma. Get an edge over otherjob seekers by turning your varied experience into proof that you're the right candidate.

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