J2ME interview questions,faqs

J2ME interview questions,faqs
Question :What is WTP ?
Answer :Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP) is WAP's Transaction protocol that works between the session protocol WSP and security protocol WTLS. WTP chops data packets into lower level datagrams and concatenates received datagrams into useful data. WTP also keeps track of received and sent packets and does re-transmissions and acknowledgment sending when needed.
Question :What is WTLS ?
Answer :Wireless Transport Layer Security protocal (WTLS) does all cryptography oriented features of WAP. WTLS handles encryption/decryption, user authentication and data integrity. WTLS is based on the fixed network Transport Layer Security protocal (TLS), formerly known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
Question :What is WSP ?
Answer :Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) implements session services of WAP. Sessions can be connection-oriented and connectionless and they may be suspended and resumed at will.
Question :What is WMLScript ?
Answer :WMLScript is a subset of the JavaScript scripting language designed as part of the WAP standard to provide a convenient mechanism to access mobile phone's peripheral functions.
Question :What is WML ?
Answer :The Wireless Markup Language (WML) is a simple language used to create applications for small wireless devices like mobile phones. WML is analogous to HTML in the World Wide Web.
Question :What is WMA ?
Answer :The Wireless Messaging API (WMA) is a set of classes for sending and receiving Short Message Service messages. See also SMS.
Question :What is WDP ?
Answer :Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP) works as the transport layer of WAP. WDP processes datagrams from upper layers to formats required by different physical datapaths, bearers, that may be for example GSM SMS or CDMA Packet Data. WDP is adapted to the bearers available in the device so upper layers don't need to care about the physical level.

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