Silverlight interview questions and answers

Silverlight interview questions and answers
1)What kind of audio video formats are supported in Silverlight?
Silverlight supports Windows Media Audio and Video (WMA, WMV7-9) and VC-1, as well as MP3 audio.

2)How many ways you can display text using Silverlight?

Silverlight supports displaying static pre formatted text that is comprised out of glyph elements and also dynamic text that uses TextBlock. With glyphs, one needs to position the characters individually while TextBlock supports simple layout.
3)How does XAP work in silverlight?
Once you have created the .xap file (explained below), the Silverlight 2 or 3 plug-in downloads the file and runs it in a separate work space.
4)How do I use a .xap file in silverlight?
A .xap file is used to contain and transfer the assemblies and resources of a managed code application. This managed code application must be run within the Silverlight 2 browser plug-in.
5)What are the files contained in the .xap file in Silverlight?
A basic xap file in silverlight will have an assembly related to specific code for the application, an application manifest file and any additional assemblies need to run the application. At a minimum, two files are needed, the application manifest file and the application assembly.
For example:
What is contained in the AppManifest.xaml file in silverlight?
The AppManifest.xaml file contains the deployment details needed to run the silverlight application.
Basic example:
What is the XAP mime type in silverlight?
The .xap mime type is: application/x-silverlight
Which platforms and browsers will Silverlight 2 supports?
Silverlight will support all major browsers on both Mac OS X and on Windows. Particular care is being taken to account for differences in platform and browser capabilities to ensure a consistent experience including experiences on Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. Microsoft will extend the support for Silverlight on Linux through a partnership with Novell.
What is the difference between Silverlight 1 and Silverlight 2
Nothing, Silverlight 2 is a full superset of Silverlight 1.0 - it is 100% compatible with Silverlight 1.0 applications and provides significantly more powerful features and functionality. Silverlight 1.0 applications even benefit from improvements in media playback and performance characteristics of Silverlight 2 with no additional work.
What is Storyboard in Silverlight?
Storyboard is a Silverlight class with controls animations with a timeline, and provides object and property targeting information for its child animations

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